View Full Version : And with a dusk, there is a new dawn.

04-16-2012, 09:44 PM
Hello all,

It has come to my attention that these forums are lacking what they once were. With moderation came more in-game fun, and less forums fun. Forumers that once helped start my venture upon this community, have become trolls (Note* Just because some may know the internet, doesn't give them the right to harness its knowledge ). A lot of things have caused me to make my decision. The leave of many friends, the trolls that were once good friends, and even blindness caused by cockiness and stubbornness. So how could we prevent this? Time. Simply time. And time is what I need. As the new community sprouts, the old falls. Those over-looking the true meaning of what is said or how it is said. Where is... the fun? All this constant bickering has led us no where. Absolutely no where. I have stretched my standing in this community and have been ignored. Ignored like many others who should have been rewarded long ago. I have suggested 2 individuals for a reward for months, with no reply. I have suggested ideas, that go unheard. I have lost that dream where I would apply for a job at STS after high school and college. I realized, if I had to work and do the same thing I say is wrong, that would be just too hypocritical for me. So, I'll cut it short, and say that I will be taking a break. Especially from forums and the game. There is no reason to quit, because I have AoA and AoB to watch after. I'll come back when: the community shapes up, my one simple idea is implemented, my two dear friends are given the reward the oh so deserve, and the level cap raises. So with out further or do, I bid you all, a fair day.

PM me if you need contact information or whatever.



04-16-2012, 09:51 PM
Ill miss you, but have a good break nevertheless! I agree with what you've said about the "new" STS and forums. Its saddening to see the changes taking place here.
You better keep in touch!!!! :)

04-16-2012, 09:52 PM
Well,seya when you come back wound. Maybe we can grind to level cap together :p

04-16-2012, 09:53 PM
Wound, I agree with you for the most part. I remember when I first joined the community everyone came with a big warm welcome, and I had learn most of my gameplay here. It's not like it was now. Everytime I log on I see a complaint thread on something. I dont know what makes so much negativity in some people but, Im tired of it. I feel like leaving as well. Things change people fade away, and your very right with what you said about "time" , it only takes time and right now I think I need time to. I hope to see you back Wound your an awesome person, friend, and player. Good Luck with all the decisions you make.

04-16-2012, 10:38 PM
Well woundy, I usually don't react on your 'I'm taking a break threads', since you're always back a week or less later :p (joke)

But in all seriousness, I agree with most of what you said. Especially about the change in the forum community and the bickering that some people deem necessary to make a point.

For me, that's the main reason I stopped posting on these forum. It's not because of decisions made by STS though, but more about the IMO childish reactions on serious topics or the complete lack of any serious topics for that matter. I used to come here to help new people out and to get a better understanding of game mechanics in the many useful and in depth posts on these forums. Now, when I check these forums it's more often than not complaining about rushing, energy mechanics, x-said-y-to-me, or simply trolling on perfectly harmless threads.

So yeah, a (forum) break might not be such a bad idea.

Im not sure if I agree with the fact you take it personal that your ideas or your suggestions about 2 specific people aren't taken into account quick enough, but I don't know the details, so I can't really express an opinion about it.

Personally, I'm swamped with work, as usual, though I'm still checking these forum occasionally. You could say that I'm doing kind of the same thing you're doing now. Namely, taking a temporarily step back from the forums until the bickering/complaining/trolling calms down or when there's actually something useful to discuss.

See you around wound :)

04-16-2012, 11:10 PM
:( Y'all come back now, ya hear?

I hope you'll still be in game- I need someone to send random messages to! Plus, once the level cap raises, you can bet I'll be expecting you to avenge me, yet again. You seem to be the only one with the courage; the power, to avenge me. No one else can, for some inexplicable reason (Must be a glitch.)

Take care buddy. :) oh, and reread the top line about fifty times pls. ;)

04-16-2012, 11:57 PM
Adios Wound.

EDIT: try minecraft, great way to get away from it all.

04-17-2012, 12:20 AM
Try the DotA community. This is like the El Dorado society compared to it.

04-17-2012, 12:22 AM
Nice knowing you wound, you served the community really well, helped so many people, and it has come to this.

Be safe out there wound and I will always be here if you want to chat or play :)

04-17-2012, 12:42 AM
I am one the few so called "founders" left and I agree with you Wound. You were my master (Guildmaster ;)) for sometime and had a great time togheter with you.
I remember well those golden days of old and, I agree, they are long lost. The initial flame that was fueling us is lost to more shallow posts and childish demands.
In this forum I have spent more time in the suggestion board than everywhere else here, trying to give some ideas to better the game for the good of all, just to remain unheard of.
The more the community grows the more foul weeds come in unfortunately.
Unfortunately after the break of Alliance, and my long break from the game and the forum, we didn't get in touch at all and that saddens me, since we had some good talk and laugh togheter back then.
With time I have become more and more disillusioned with STS and the community altogheter. Only other time will tell if I will need to leave or stay here with what have become the only game I play, apart from some seldom old games I take from the drawer of broken dreams.

Cya Wound in the next Metal Age of PL.

04-18-2012, 04:09 AM
* * *
“Though my soul may set in darkness, It will rise in perfect light, I have loved the stars too fondly To be fearful of the night”
- Sarah Williams

My most favored poem
It explains why I haven't left yet.


04-19-2012, 07:23 PM
I hate to see another valued player go. :( It was a pleasure getting to know you.

04-22-2012, 09:58 AM
Morgaan, I hate seeing you go like this. I hope the break you take will help resettle things in general. You know you're always welcome back. Just because there have been lots of friends that have come and go, that doesn't mean everyone has gone. There are lots of people still out there that are there for you. I hope I've been a good friend to you; I remember I came on to forums one day seeing how everyone admired you. I've looked up to through this whole PL experience. Kind of sad to see you go, but I really hope everything goes well and that you'll return sometime.

PM me if you need absolutely anything.

#Swag Bro

