View Full Version : PewPew! (pew pew pew pew, boom, explosion)

04-17-2012, 06:34 AM
Hello guys! I'm here to introduce <Pewpew>.
Its a new guild, just made last night.

We (me and one friend) are currently recruiting all levels.
We plan to make this a small guild, tight knit like a family.
15+ becomes instant recruited, and 35+ have a chance at being voted in for officer. Though, were going to allow a few lowbies like me and my friend a chance at officer, just to help kickstart the guild.

We do NOT have t3 guild. Yet. It is planned, and will probably be about a month before we do achieve the tier three guild hall. Of course, if you would like to purchase tier three for us, WE WILL LOVE YOU, and give free officer; you'll get a major say in all our decisions, too.

If you would like to join, post below, or message me ig. My ign is Mrkrone.

Note- I am aware this is one sexy post. Please ignore its sexyness, I only use the mobile app.

Edit- guild Name is subject to change at any time.

04-17-2012, 10:57 AM
Good luck to you Bro! :-)

04-17-2012, 01:38 PM
Thanks! We certainly wont become huge, but I am certain that are enough like-minded people as me, wanting a small family.

04-20-2012, 07:01 PM