View Full Version : Graphics Bug

08-12-2010, 08:30 AM
After the recent patch there was the ability to shoot and run at the same time and use abilities etc (which for a day I could shoot and run smoothly, it was great), well the abilities work fine however when I try to shoot and run a day later it stops shoots and moves repeatedly which creates jerkiness. It is really annoying, especially for classes that are meant to kite. This happens on auto-attack and manual attack.

Also after a certain distance I would say 2 big room lengths any mob I'm attacking leashes back to its home point and insta heals to full health. Since archers and mages are meant to kite this is an issue. If it's intended at least don't let them gain all their hp back.

Any insight would be appreciated to whether this is intentional on both accounts or not.

Thank you for a great game.

Neptimus - Archer
Neptimust - Tank
Sadari - Mage

08-12-2010, 08:46 AM
Both these are intentional. The stop and shoot is new and controversial. Fluff started a thread about it called bring back the run and gun. The leashing is how it's always worked (though some bosses have very long leashes and others much shorter), but it is necesarry to prevent kiting which is not really "supposed" to be done by any class ;)

08-12-2010, 08:51 AM
Hey thanks for the quick reply Royce do you have a link to the thread you mentioned or can you tell me where it is, I would really like to chime in as it is so frustrating to the point where I'm thinking I don't want to play any more until its fixed. Jerk jerk jerk mob stun jerk mob stun potion x2 you killed one mob. It's not how I want to play and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

08-12-2010, 09:05 AM
Nvm I found the link Here (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?5256-Bring-back-the-Run-and-Gun&highlight=fluff)

08-12-2010, 09:46 AM
Sorry should have posted the link, but I was on my iPod and being lazy ;)