View Full Version : Free Tips by Irony

04-17-2012, 06:42 PM
1. Charged Shadow Dance followed by Charged Unholy Force will cause all targets to bleed.

2. Attack gives chance to hit, hitpoins and damage. Defense gives chance to evade, hitpoints, health regen and damage reduction

3. You have a chance to get a blood-pack from a monster if you have less than 25 blood-packs

4. Stack Blood Frenzy with Unholy Blessing and start with Charged Shadow Dance then Charged Unholy Force to instantly kill any boss or player.

5. Breaking objects that don't appear on map may sometimes spawn a ghost which will always drop an item with a chance of legendary.

6. Only do missions that drop expensive legendaries, you can check the loot table of the mission and look up the item on the Auction House.

7. Pink weapons and gems with Attack seem to be the most expensive, and pink items with Health seem to be the cheapest.

8. Recheck rewards after each level up.

9. Always carry 2 sets of gems: one for full attack and one for full defense, if you're playing with a friend you can decide who will tank and who will dps, also works for PvP

10. If you plan on getting 0 deaths, think again, the game rewards you with money and achievement points if you die a lot.

12. Don't buy anything until you get 500.000 gold for all gold achievements, trade it to all your characters, and only then start spending it.

13. Make more accounts, don't buy extra slots.

14. If you ran out of Bloodpacks, you can create a new character on a different account and level him to level 5 in 10 minutes, then just trade the accumulated 2K gold and 25 bloodpacks to your main. delete the character and repeat until you are satisfied with your blood-packs.

15. In CTF avoid zombies in the center, replenish health with hearts after each battle, stick together, take flags if you want flag achievements, avoid taking flags if you want kills achievements.

16. Support STS and buy Platinum. Platinum spending priority goes like this: Respeccing > Starting Set > Clothing > Other Stuff

17. In Google Chrome you can use CTRL+MOUSEWHEEL to reduce the game window or press F11 to enable full screen.

18. If you are about to gain a level, click on some Timer Missions to dump excess energy, only then level up.

19. You can enter and exit a PvP match to quickly restore health before going to the mission.

More tips to come...

04-17-2012, 06:49 PM
Some great tips here i'm sure a lot of people won't have thought of. Question, where do you get your data from for 2?

04-17-2012, 07:26 PM
I don't have data, it's based on observation. It might be false, but works for me.

I also assume that misses in this game appear as hits, even draw blood, but deal no damage.

04-17-2012, 09:09 PM
That shadow Dance, Unholy Force thing is real nice. I didn't know that, I may of done it by accident before. In pvp its really nice..

04-17-2012, 09:48 PM
For #4, is this the case even if all those skills are level 1, regardless of which campaign? And what is Blood Frenzy?

04-18-2012, 05:22 AM
For #4, is this the case even if all those skills are level 1, regardless of which campaign? And what is Blood Frenzy?

what's blood frenzy. I also didn't see it in skill menu.

04-18-2012, 11:19 AM
10. If you plan on getting 0 deaths, think again, the game rewards you with money and achievement points if you die a lot.

More tips to come...

If this is the stupidest thing ever, it's certainly in the running.

04-18-2012, 02:52 PM
Blood Frenzy is the buff you get after you suck some blood.

04-18-2012, 02:55 PM
If this is the stupidest thing ever, it's certainly in the running.

Yeah it's funny that they have leaderboards for deaths in PvE and PvP and some people actually farm own deaths to stay on the top.

06-24-2012, 05:59 PM
Thanks for these excellent tips, says DL newbie....

But what's the reasoning behind no 12?

06-25-2012, 06:56 AM
Thanks for these excellent tips, says DL newbie....

But what's the reasoning behind no 12?

There is an achievement for having 500,000 gold on hand.

06-25-2012, 05:08 PM
Thanks....and I guess then you can share it with all your characters...quickest way...

If there's any more reasons please someone post again...(what I mean is I'm just starting out, that particular achievement seems quite a way off that it makes most sense to me from ever spending any gold at all. Played PL to about lvl 30 and got bored. So far DL is offering enough difference though)
