View Full Version : [ NEW GUILD ] - The Fallen Order

Devin Finger
04-18-2012, 12:46 AM
"A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled one is truly vanquished."
- Friedrich Schiller (http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/f/friedrichs181772.html)

[ Message From Guild Master ]

The Fallen Order as I do hope will be soon a long standing guild. Having played on Star Legend's
as long as I have. And the guild I once had and allowed a certian person to hold unto when I can
get a better battery for the phone. Decided to hand it to somebody who is hardly one. NOT going
to name names. I'm just going to let it go. We pride ourselves upon our experience and our ethics
of fair play and individual acheivments. Such as, helping other's level and achieve a higher level for
all character's in the guild. Allowing them to participate as a member of the guild, and treat them as
such. Offering those who need weapon's and armor IF we have such level's for both. On this forum
you will find a collection of information about our guild. Stuff that is needed for ALL member's to know.
We hope you enjoy our infomation and if you are a regular player on Star Legend's, we hope that you
will join us soon.

[ The Fallen Order Guild Rule's ]
The following rule's must be read by all member's. And post below a message in a new post from that
member saying he/she has read our rule's. This is a MUST by all member's and Officer's of the guild. IF
none comply with this request, you will then be removed from the guild. But, you are more than welcome
to come back AFTER you have read and left a message.

1.) Do NOT disrespect any member of the guild.
2.) There is to be no begging of any sort.
3.) Help fellow members of the guild when they ask.
5.) Most of all .. HAVE FUN & ENJOY YOURSELF!!!
7.) GM will NOW only allow two toon's per person in the guild.

As for Rule #7, I am aiming for an active guild. A guild that alway's have member's on. Those who havent been
on for a week, will be removed. But again, can come back to the guild. Once a member of this guild, alway's as
a member of this guild.

[ About Recruiter & Officer's: ]

Recruiter's are given to those who have reached level 10 & higher. To be
an officer will be more difficult to gain. I will not make anybody officer from
those who beg, plead or bribe me to. I will NOT tolerate any bribes unto my
officer's either. The step's in order to become an officer must be followed.

Step #1: Anybody who wishes to be an officer. Must first help other
member's. And continue to do so. Even AFTER being approved as being an
officer of the guild.

Step #2: Your name must be mentioned when the GM and officers do
a vote for new officers. If your name wasn't mentioned, it will NOT be in the
list of possible recruit's. Notify all officer's. Then wait and see if you become
an officer or not.

Step #3: This is the final step. And this step MUST be known and also
understood. ALL officer's are to read and obey our guild rule's. As an officer,
you must maintain the rule's unto other member's. NO officer is to boot anyone
unless the GM has final say. And that you, as an officer, has a good reason on
why you wish to boot a member.

[ The Guild Master ]

[ Second In Command ]

[ Third In Command ]

[ Officer's ]

[ Recruiter's ]

[ Member's ]

[ Our Alliance's: ]

League Of Assassinz
Xmen Evolution

04-18-2012, 02:17 AM
So is this your New New guild?
Well good luck again! :-)

04-18-2012, 02:18 AM
So is this your New New guild?
Well good luck again! :-)

Devin Finger
04-18-2012, 02:52 AM
Mitchturbo - U double posted. LOL Yeah, sis somebody decided to hand my other guild to somebody who is hardly
on. I know I wont see that one again. So.. *Point's upward* This one is born.. New.. Yes.. Member's is going to be
hard to get. But, worth trying for. Hopefully.. Guild House Tier #3.

Devin Finger
04-18-2012, 03:06 AM
We also have a community I created:


All are welcomed there too.

04-18-2012, 03:15 AM
Sweet! All the Best :-)
Sorry for double post, connection is lousy at the Hospital :-D

04-18-2012, 05:02 AM
Now the gm was telling to go to sts I didn't understand now I did but what dtd the newest guild

04-18-2012, 05:03 AM
Umm what

04-18-2012, 05:42 AM
Sweet! All the Best :-)
Sorry for double post, connection is lousy at the Hospital :-D

Mitch don't die! I still owe u 4k!

04-18-2012, 05:43 AM
Add me as a friend I'm lvl 12 the names Keygon

04-18-2012, 05:51 AM
Mitch don't die! I still owe u 4k!

Lol Don't Worry, My wife has just given birth to my second daughter XD ill start a new thread so we can get back on Topic on this new Guild :-)

Devin Finger
04-18-2012, 07:52 PM
Mitchturbo - Congrats on ur baby girl.

TO EVERYBODY - Even at this moment we DON'T have a guild Hall #3. I manage to STILL gain member's. Its a good start.
So far, everybody likes the guild I created.