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View Full Version : PvP Tournament Annoncement (Organized Please Check Out)

Pvp King
08-12-2010, 11:11 AM
PvP Tournament

Hey guys I recenlty tried to host a pvp competion back at the beging of July. Well it was an epic fail. (I will admit) What happend was I ran out of platnum before i bought AO2 so I could not get to level 45. I was planning on someone in my family to buy me a itunes card to buy some platnum so I could get to level 45. But they didn't so I could not get to level 45 witch means I could not get into the round to see the winner. So I had to cancel it or let Nouda take over witch he didn't do as good as i expected on givieng them some time. So now i am already level 45 and back and into pvp more now then ever.

Here's How It's Going Down

First off the rules
* No Running for Long periods or you will be DQED.
* No Leaving and Rejoining or you will be DQED
* No More then one Character per person or you will be DQED

When and Where

This event will take place on August 17 2010. Witch is on a tuesday Sorry if it is unconvient I may be able to change it if there is enough people that waln't be able to make it. I will have it start at 1 o clock EST. Witch means you match will be in the evening if your are higher then +5 GMT. I will not be like nouda and DQ if you don't show but i would prefer you to be within 10 minutes of your time witch is called courtesy (http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=1Cb&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&&sa=X&ei=Wx9kTKiZGsP88AbLmZz8CQ&ved=0CBYQvwUoAQ&q=courtesy&spell=1). If not i will pair you with someone else if you don't show and the other person dose.

It will be 1vs1 held on Campaign Arenas so all can join. First off I will invite into a regular game and you will pay the 1,000 Gold fee to enter and then i will leave and invite you into a 3vs3 map on Campaign Arena.
Spectator can watch each Round for 1,000 Gold or all rounds for 5,000 Gold. All spectators must stay atleast half a screen away from them so they do not kill you and mess up the score. To win you Must be the first one to get to 10 kills or have the most kills within 10 Minutes.Winner advances onto the next round. And so on till we get to the final round the winner will recive a grand prize and will fight me to see if you are the real pvp king.

The Best Part

Each match will be recorded and added to youtube and on here if I can add the video on the forms. The channel will be called PocketLegendsPVP (http://www.youtube.com/user/PocketLegendsPVP) They should be great quality and will be narrerated to a degree and then will be uploaded within 10 minutes after the fight.

Registered Fighters
Fluffnstuff GMT -4
MrsBanana GMT+2

08-12-2010, 11:31 AM
im in this time :P add pvpmaster into it hes a pally...

08-12-2010, 11:36 AM
I am in if you can pair me with someone who can be on between 7pm - Midnight EDT, which is Midnight - 5 am London and 9am - 2pm Sydney. I can be on at ANY time during those hours if a time is agreed upon ahead of time. If this does not work, I am OK with that.

Pvp King
08-12-2010, 11:41 AM
ok guys ill add you and make sure the time will work

08-12-2010, 12:16 PM
ok guys ill add you and make sure the time will work
ill check it out and see ill get back to u if it doesnt

Pvp King
08-12-2010, 03:19 PM
bump bump to the top

08-13-2010, 02:04 AM
I think MrsBanana will be in but i dont know yet. Put me with a "?". My time is GMT+2

08-14-2010, 09:44 PM
:P i can make it unless something random happens and i cant but tht wont happen :) how many peps do u need in it??

08-14-2010, 10:08 PM
When you say "running" you mean "kiting" right? If the person is stupid enough to follow/chase thats their own fault. I think it works great. Please dont call it running because thats not what its called. Call it kiting. Nuh said. thanks.

btw- im gonna start calling yall chasers haha. I dont know which is worse :P


Pvp King
08-15-2010, 10:15 AM
Ok pvp master you are added to list and i will change it to kiting. I'll edit post when on the computer

Pvp King
08-16-2010, 08:10 PM
The tournament is post poned till we get a few more people