View Full Version : Blood Pack Farming Locations

04-19-2012, 03:16 PM
I haven't done much searching yet, but I will. However, if anyone has found any, or can confirm the existence of such... please share. :p I'm a thirsty guy.

04-19-2012, 04:01 PM
None, its npc or plat only, buy off players its cheaper

04-19-2012, 04:05 PM
You can get them anywhere naturally, they take a while to drop though.

04-19-2012, 07:10 PM
You have to have less than 25 before they will drop. Even then, they aren't particularly common.

Sent from my HTC Evo 3D

Xaphan Fox
04-20-2012, 01:18 AM
Think the drop rate of them should be increased a small smidgen. a full 10 hour gaming session of 3 energy maps that have hella lots of enemies... and I got 2 blood packs. Chamon'nau

04-20-2012, 03:34 AM
It helps if you solo since they are random in a group. They do seem to drop more along the lines of SL stim drops though.

04-20-2012, 05:42 PM
EDIT: Apparently they made it so that Blood-Packs cannot be traded at all, so making a new character and trading all blood packs to your main doesn't work anymore.