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View Full Version : Friends' Page

04-20-2012, 09:20 AM
The friends' page needs to be listed alphabetically. I don't know if it's been mentioned, but I thought I'd say something, just in case! XD

Also, would it be possible to put a symbol on each friend's name box on the list? A star or heart or something. I'd like for you to be able to press it and then have theonline starred people be in alphabetical order at the top of your list. Then online regular friends, then offline starred friends, then offline regular friends. :)

Can we also make it so that PMs can be turned off im the options screen? Thanks. XD

04-20-2012, 11:33 AM
This needs to happen. I have some days I want to not be whispered and other days I wouldn't mind it but the constant whispers need to have a off button. lol. as for the friends page it has to be alphabetised >_< I have so many people on mine that I have to scroll down to find someone and it turns out they have an A for the first letter and there at the bottom? what o_o that's nonsense :D

05-02-2012, 12:27 AM
Yes! I hate the random friendlist order :(