View Full Version : Lockable inventory and mass sell button

04-20-2012, 09:45 AM
Many people farm maps and most of the time, you want to mass sell everything but a few select items in your inventory. It would be very convenient to be able to "lock" certain items in your inventory and have a mass sell button that you can click that would sell everything but the locked items. You can already recover accidentally sold items, but if you wanted another failsafe, you could put in an automatic popup dialog box that warns you if you try to sell anything epic or above (including vanity).

04-20-2012, 09:48 AM
good idea

04-20-2012, 10:14 AM
Good idea man. Your The first to have lock option idea. Its really usefull, now we can all farm like crazy nonstop and donent use up to much time.

04-20-2012, 10:33 AM
Others have suggested various ways to do mass liquidation, including locking items.

But, chances are, locking items is a no go due to the database space that it would take up to store a true/false attribute for all the items in inventory. That adds up when you have a ton of people with max inventory and multiple toons.

I tried to suggest an idea that concentrated on recently looted items awhile back:

But it never got any dev feedback.

04-20-2012, 11:04 AM
Hmm, although I obviously don't know their implementation, I would hazard to guess that it might not take any extra database space at all. There's already a distinction between an "equipted" item and a non-equipted item. This could be another state of that field, {equipted, locked}. I also don't think one more field is really that bad for space. Consider the following worst case (which may be simplified).

Assuming they use an entire 32-bit word for the new field:
1,000,000 customers. Say each has 3 characters and each has 200 inventory slots
That is 1,000,000*3*200 slots ~= 2.25GB of data. That really isn't that bad for a nice functionality (in my simplified view of the world), and that field could be re-used later (possibly).