View Full Version : Auction house "Vanity"??

04-20-2012, 03:13 PM
I usually don't go wandering through the Auctioneer but in this case I was trying a few builds and noticed it had "Vanity" Does this mean later on down the point we can trade/sell out vanity we no longer want instead of buying it for 150,000 and then scrapping it for 0 getting no profit back o.0

Anyone know about this at all, Because that would be awesome as I usually buy the Vanity for the achievement's and I have some I don't use but I don't want to sell it for 0 Gold, Lol. :D

04-20-2012, 03:17 PM
Its for hooch hats, and ears i thought..

04-20-2012, 03:18 PM
I am am pretty certain they will add droppable vanities like in SL. I have no proof, but yeah I wouldn't doubt it. If this happens it will only make the droppable vans tradable, store bought are store bought.