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View Full Version : Reset character option

04-20-2012, 04:36 PM
So there are a few issues in the game currently that seem to be on everyone's minds: the fact that vanity cannot be stashed and the fact that characters cannot be level locked. Currently players are getting around the stashing inadequacies by giving items to a trusted friend (or just creating a separate account) and swapping it that way, but this option isn't available for vanities. Level locking is a useful tactic to be able to farm items to use in pvp. So how about adding a way to cope with these things.

Before anyone says "all you have to do is delete and recreate," sure I could do that but you're forgetting about the option to upgrade to premium. I'm fairly certain (but not willing to test it out) that if I reset my toon right now I'll lose that 30 plat investment along with the legendary weapon and gems I received but cannot stash. So resetting seems like a fair idea. It doesn't even have to be a total wipe, just the level would be sufficient imo. Keep the kills and the death, achievements, everything in inventory, just make my vampire a L1 ready to complete the tutorial again please... or don't if players rant about how someone can manipulate the leaderboards with an option in place like that. All I really want is a way to farm some legendary items at certain levels that won't cost me my unstashables in the process.

...or just allow vanity items, premium items, blood and gold to be stashed and add a way to lock at certain levels. Are there even reasons as to why these options aren't in game as is? One valid argument against stashing vanity items is the fact that they can be shared across toons in order to get the achievements (are they character based or account based), for everything else it just seems a bit like STS would like us to purchase duplicates for every vamp we plan to create.

Make a reset button so I can keep my platinum gear but farm items at certain levels.
Does anyone know if achievements are locked to the character or the account?

04-20-2012, 05:12 PM
Would love to see a way to reset a premium character and keep all the plat purchases and/or getting that plat credited.

It would probably be easiest just to reset all the character's stats and inventory other than the Store purchased items. All the store-bought items seem to have level identifiers that make them easy to distinguish between them and dropped items. It would be a great way to replay characters, to buy more stuff for the "new" character, but not to lose what has already been bought.

I for one would love to see some version of this implemented.

04-20-2012, 05:23 PM
So, for example, kind of like prestiging in CoD but you don't lose the "guns?"

I like it.