View Full Version : about them rep...

04-21-2012, 08:48 AM
I'm not the type of person (or an individual for rep points, I have a passion for the game not the fame). The only thing I have to say is...STOP SUCKING UP TO STS. (and sts i love you, otherwise I wouldn't have bought the platinum I did.)

But (almost like a bot, he knows exactly who he is.) Has not a negative thing to say about you guys.

Well if it were always a positive (very Randy dandy) thing about you guys, that people, (your customers, and players) said then you would never be where you are at.
Stop saying (I mean you captain obvious) that everything is ok, and just fine even when things are not (where is the be level cap? Mainly!)
STS LOVES positive criticism just as much as the NEGATIVE.

I love sts but it does not mean I will try and buy them out (I have yet to find the money ;) ]with or without) them stupid (reputation points [for the unfortunate] or by keeping my mouth shut.)

Make yourself known for positive and worthy guides (something I have not yet done. I'm sorry lmao) . Not by stating the obvious (THANK YOU CAPTAIN OBVIOUS! [This pertains to a certain individual...]sorry it happens lol.)

And to that certain troll...it's ok to live and love under your bridge, but a good troll is one who can always elaborate on worthy subjects, and bring a certain commotion. Something which you as a "man" have not done just yet. (I'll feed a dozen of cookie if that's what it is...)

And to that I leave you with my kidney halfway out my body dying, but with a whole lot of enthusiasm.

UNlike you mister (you troll) I know exactly what I'm supposed to do.

I don't always...
Blah blah blah just quench my thirst.

Stay worthy my friends.

04-21-2012, 10:36 AM
I think he's talkin to you, hank. ;)

04-21-2012, 01:46 PM
I am talking speaking writing in no other than to those to whoom it pertains ;)

04-21-2012, 02:01 PM
Pm them :D *awaits the pm since I is a troll*

People become brown nosers Bc they want to be thanked by the devs. Possibly get some sort of title, GoA/SG, but it's unlikely to happen for them.

Most of have done some sort of sucking up (myself included), but most of us have also seen what we were doing and stopped.

Let the brown nosers suck up, sucking up isn't really going to help them lol.

My apologies, but I want my cookie!

04-21-2012, 02:12 PM
Pm them :D *awaits the pm since I is a troll*

People become brown nosers Bc they want to be thanked by the devs. Possibly get some sort of title, GoA/SG, but it's unlikely to happen for them.

Most of have done some sort of sucking up (myself included), but most of us have also seen what we were doing and stopped.

Let the brown nosers suck up, sucking up isn't really going to help them lol.

My apologies, but I want my cookie!
Here you go! <(^_^)>©

04-21-2012, 02:13 PM
Pm them :D *awaits the pm since I is a troll*

People become brown nosers Bc they want to be thanked by the devs. Possibly get some sort of title, GoA/SG, but it's unlikely to happen for them.

Most of have done some sort of sucking up (myself included), but most of us have also seen what we were doing and stopped.

Let the brown nosers suck up, sucking up isn't really going to help them lol.

My apologies, but I want my cookie!

And a cookie you shall get :)

04-21-2012, 02:13 PM
@_@ what did I just do?

Cookie ©

04-21-2012, 02:17 PM

I want laxative cookies! I don't like chocolate chip :/

Saool mine pming me who your talking about? I want to see if the people I think lol.

04-21-2012, 02:18 PM
I better get my freakin cookie. Make sure you save one for laquint!

04-21-2012, 02:50 PM
I better get my freakin cookie. Make sure you save one for laquint!

Goes through...just like an AoA haha jkjk

04-21-2012, 04:26 PM
I want my &%$@#* cookie!

04-21-2012, 07:27 PM
It's probably me.

*poops on cookie platter and goes back under bridge*

04-22-2012, 07:02 AM
It's probably me.

*poops on cookie platter and goes back under bridge*


I'll put a trap next to the cookies nao...try sitting on that lol

04-22-2012, 07:34 AM

I want a gawd dang cookie cuz my sugar is low this morning!!! I'll have some from someone else cuz Acu is being a meanie head & pooping on cookies. (#>__>)

*nom noms on bigcookiez wherever he is*

Even though "possitive criticism" is like an oxymoron of itself, I agree. XD

04-22-2012, 07:55 AM

I want a gawd dang cookie cuz my sugar is low this morning!!! I'll have some from someone else cuz Acu is being a meanie head & pooping on cookies. (#>__>)

*nom noms on bigcookiez wherever he is*

Even though "possitive criticism" is like an oxymoron of itself, I agree. XD

Haha touche, and sure cookies for all lol

04-22-2012, 08:20 AM
>> Saool << -->> Main Boss << getting a bit old Saool... :( wait it never gets old!!!

04-22-2012, 12:49 PM
I have no idea what's wrong with captain Obvious. For me he seems like a true american hero.