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View Full Version : Suggestion: a bundle of ideas for future updates

04-21-2012, 01:02 PM
Hello, so as the game is still in late development form and new feutures are intorduced almost every day I wanted to share some ideas of myself hoping that some of them will be useful.

So to start with...
1. Regarding PvP battlegrounds:

More modes for PvP activities - like map with spots to be controled by RED or BLUE for getting score points first team to get 1400 points win. as more spots one team controls faster score points are gathered. Also simple Deathmatches or TeamDM would be nice to see, it naturally would result players joining PvP teams under their title of choice and fighting with other teams to pace #1 in leaderboard.
Special points for PvP kills in Deathmatches and TeamDMs to buy special equipment from store (special vanities of some badass design, weapons of same design and more to make ppls stronger and chalenge them to participate.
More maps for PvP CTF (as for now it is the only one here) -it would result in adding more areas to vampire district, as for now there are only gates to the asylum, so in other side of the district or in some place would be other maps entrance (I'm not taking about adding portals to maps in one place as it would be boring and so not original). so I suggest on adding maps like some sort of Hospital (like in Silent hill series - dark, bloody, and with smell of death), some sort of Police station (even would be idea for PvP mode like two vampire teams participate in theft of some sort of important document in police station, have to fight each other to maintain possesion of stolen doc and also repel CDP units in killing them for fixed period of time like 20 mins or less like 5 mins), and also other dark and smelly palces like schools, hangars, shipwright docks, factories and other public facilities.

This would enlarge game world atract more players to join and stay and afterwards to invest into game.

2. Regarding overall gaming:

While not in combat weapon should be drawn away and drawn out after clicking strike button
More animations for striking to make fights more dynamic. Like during draining vampire flips backward so would be nice to see some spins and twists while striking (the vast database is East Cultures regarding we have even a katana in our arsenal).
More stances for choosing when creating new characters to make every player's toon unique in look and feel (because now it looks funny how all toons stand the same and run the same).
More faces, hair styles, skin colors (cuz there is the oldschool afro hairstyle (no offence for kind of ppl I love the style) it would be nice to see darker skin color) and other customization stuff (would make game more dynamic in atmosphere and not so monotonic in terms of design).
Two-handed(one weapon holded by two hands) and one-handed weapons (Duals as there are now, just to compare the difference).
Bank for storage this would make world more realistic in terms of society, would let to add NPC to guard the bank, work in bank, etc. it results in more live world as it is now empty and silent... (that safe in the club looks...... strange).
as most of us wants that - larger mission maps with more possibilities to do the mission or large maps with a lot of missions in there like those districts but in real (3D, textures and other modeling stuff) in one singel form like you take mission in vamp district and then the boss apear in the defined distcrict to be killed and to complete the mission, cuz now missions are just borring :P (athough it is too late for this idea to come true).

Hope to get some sort of replies on the topic with cons and pros, and the oppinion of devs.

Thank you.