View Full Version : HellsBlade the Ultimate Weapon

04-22-2012, 12:30 AM
I have been looking around and seen that almost all level are holding the same weapons. The weapons looks cool and all but its kinda of dull if everyone is holding it. Now, i suggest STS should release a new kind of weapon. Must be super rare and very hard to get that only high levels can hunt for it. When u say Hard it meant no one person can do it and its like only available once a week from a super buffed boss on the last map. It will only drop 1/1000 kills. The weapon must be a bad *** looking sword covered with black flame from hell (HELLSBLADE).

To add more spices, STS could add the gems to make a whole set. And whoever completed the set can get a special AURA on his/her toon, maybe? Anyway if I'm spending plats on energy at least you guys on STS can make it more interesting rather than a boring leveling crap. Everyone wants to be the best both on PVE and PVP(ctf), so please gave us the gears so we can stand out from the rest.

All players are welcome to comment

04-22-2012, 12:44 AM
I wish they had things other than dual wielding weapons as well.

Although, your idea sounds great, and they'll probably add something like that, but they all provide weapons way more epic that you can buy with plat.

04-22-2012, 03:44 AM
It's not much different from PL where all the 65's and 66's of the same class use the exact same gear, of course except when we're hanging out in town/CS wearing our PJ's and rabbit ears :)

04-22-2012, 04:51 AM
I agree with frosty lvl 20,21 should have somthing that stands out from the rest of the lvl players a vanity a weapon whatever. It does seem very plane jane when all lvls can have same gear/weapins.

I also think we need to add a very rare weapon drop with stats higher then plat bought items. Atm its seeming more and more like a plat based game. I know people say no! Its for the working class! Ok yes that part about DL I love but plat items greatly over power the droped items. Wich leads me too feel you want the best weapons and gear youve got to spend that money or tough s***.

Thats just my opinion.

04-22-2012, 04:52 AM
Of course when there's one set of gear that's the clear best is always going to attract the grinders and end up everywhere.

I think the better option (that seems to be where STS is going) would be to make sure there is a larger collection of items to choose from, that way personal preference will ensure diversity.