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View Full Version : PVP Suggestion: Juggernaut

04-22-2012, 01:48 AM
Ok so i was just standing around then i started thinking about my favorite game called Raze 2 and how it has a mode called juggernaut so heres what it is.

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MODE: Juggernaut

DESCRIPTION/OBJECTIVE: Ok so if u are the juggernaut u are placed in a team all by yourself and the others are placed on a different team, and they will have to try to kill you. if you are killed that player who killed you is made the new juggernaut and everybody will go after him/her. juggernauts have a armor upgrade so they wont die that easy. There will be upgrades like damage upgrades scattered all over the map. juggernauts have to kill as many ppl as they can before they die, so say that the number of ppl u have to kill is 20 u need to kill as many ppl as u can while ur the juggernaut and if u get 10 kills while ur juggernaut then Gratz ur in the lead, basically who ever has the most kills is in the lead.

EXAMPLE: So my guild (<3˩˪˩˪҉//VΞΠḠΞΛΠϾΞ//҉˩˪˩˪<3) wants to play juggernaut ill make the game, i am the juggernaut i have to kill my guild members to win im on a kill streak until BAM! take a shotgun(NOVA BLASTER) to the face, there goes my kill streak but i am still in the lead i loose the lead until someone gets more kills than me, the guildie who killed me is now the new juggernaut, i join my other guildies and try to kill new juggernaut, if the new juggernaut takes damage while trying to kill me and successfully kills me they recover health and mana and get armor upgrade.

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So thats what juggernaut is, feel free to add some ideas, ask questions, or anything else :)

04-22-2012, 02:09 PM
no offence but what a weird suggestion. and i really dont get how it should work in general

04-22-2012, 02:19 PM
I like the idea of juggernuget xD

04-22-2012, 07:55 PM
Sounds fun! Lol. Confusing, but people will get the idea... eventually...
