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View Full Version : Suggestion: UI Re-Size/Manageability Android/Chrome

04-22-2012, 03:58 AM
Just out of a curious spike, I was wondering if it's possible if we will end up getting a UI Re-size bar or manageability of the UI itself. I find the chat area when it's clicked/pressed on twice laps over the Feed/PvP team section what makes it hard to feed or see who's on the other team.

Usually when I play I like to have the chat open so I can see all three/two lines of someone sentence but with that said it stops me from being able to feed or able to see who exactly I'm up against in PvP.
So I was just wondering would we be able to gain access to re-sizing or managing the UI screen so we can change things around as I'd love to have my Energy, Coin, Plat, EXP all under one another instead of expanded across the top where the chat system is. Also with the ability to be able to "re size" things separately. I.E. Skills, Bars, Chat it gives the user more control over personalization to the ingame UI screen as I know on most phones some appear larger or smaller than they actually should be not only that but most of us aren't still teenagers and have large hands or 'porky' thumbs. :) No offence to anyone but this would make my ingame experience a lot better as I'm not a fan of a cluttered screen and like to see the environment as it should be and not cut out by things.

Let me know what you guys/girls think!
Also STS Let me know if it's possible VIA here of personal message. n_n

04-22-2012, 04:06 AM
Yes! I am all for this!