View Full Version : Unluckiest player alive or ridiculous drop rate for Flamebrand?

04-22-2012, 01:19 PM
Hey Devs,

i'm not one who complains much or care to spend plats but between yesterday and today, i bought 23 Firey Mystery Item Pack and couldn't even get one Flamebrand. I love the game and think the STS team is doing a fantastic job so far but this is really upsetting..... I just blew all my plats doing this and i'm now feeling that I should stop myself from buying anymore plats in order to keep myself from losing it all for junk again..... I really hope there is something that can be done. Thank you for listening.

ign: Lamkid, Lamie

04-22-2012, 01:28 PM
It's a rare chance bro, it's not a garunteed drop at all, you could spend 10k plat and still never get one, just depends how lucky you are

04-22-2012, 01:33 PM
That "get a chance to get so and so item" is lame. They should just sell the "rare" item in their packs seperatly for alittle morr=\

Ripper McGee
04-22-2012, 01:41 PM
Hey Devs,

i'm not one who complains much or care to spend plats but between yesterday and today, i bought 23 Firey Mystery Item Pack and couldn't even get one Flamebrand. I love the game and think the STS team is doing a fantastic job so far but this is really upsetting..... I just blew all my plats doing this and i'm now feeling that I should stop myself from buying anymore plats in order to keep myself from losing it all for junk again..... I really hope there is something that can be done. Thank you for listening.

ign: Lamkid, Lamie

You're just unlucky, my friend. I got it on the first try. Think of the packs like old fashioned bubble-gum trading card packs - sometimes you get that rare baseball card you want, but most of the time you don't. If you're willing to spend the money to try then you have to be willing to accept you might not get it. You can't really complain about something like this, since you have free will in the matter.

04-22-2012, 01:42 PM
What do you expect them to do? Give you one or all your plat back? Not happening. It clearly states that its a chance at a rare drop. If you wasted all of your plat on buying them that's on you and your lack of self-control, not STS.

Sent from my HTC Evo 3D

04-22-2012, 01:54 PM
I am not looking for any refund so please do not assume Deathpunch. I know of what your saying already and probably nothing will be done. Can't I say something after losing 575 plats on junks? There is no need to be mean. Thanks Deathpunch, you just made me feel more angry about it.

04-22-2012, 02:02 PM
I am not looking for any refund so please do not assume Deathpunch. I know of what your saying already and probably nothing will be done. Can't I say something after losing 575 plats on junks? There is no need to be mean. Thanks Deathpunch, you just made me feel more angry about it.

It's ok, we all waste $50+ on stuff from time to time. Take me, for example. One time I went to a bar. Now, the bar was a special bar and I loved it so much! There were plenty of social interactions and a truckload of brass poles everywhere. The upshot is I came out of this special place about $100 poorer than when I went in. Luckily, I was a single guy at the time or their would have been all sorts problems. :D

Sent from my HTC Evo 3D

04-22-2012, 02:06 PM
Hey Devs,

i'm not one who complains much or care to spend plats but between yesterday and today, i bought 23 Firey Mystery Item Pack and couldn't even get one Flamebrand. I love the game and think the STS team is doing a fantastic job so far but this is really upsetting..... I just blew all my plats doing this and i'm now feeling that I should stop myself from buying anymore plats in order to keep myself from losing it all for junk again..... I really hope there is something that can be done. Thank you for listening.

ign: Lamkid, Lamie
Ha! I got mine on my 23rd try

04-22-2012, 02:16 PM
Pardon me for posting something negative. I just had to get it off my chest. Emailing support would be more appropriate and I shall do that. Thanks

04-22-2012, 02:17 PM
I think the chance is somewhere around 10%, it's high enough for some ppl to get it on their first try, and low enough for ppl to not get it 23 times in a row. I am really against that sort of thing, I'm really hoping you are getting a free Firebrand from STS, cause seriosly, those that buy 23 bundles should get a frigin statue of them standing in Carvina.

04-22-2012, 02:23 PM
Woah. Wait, perhaps it would only be fair if the number of tries increased your chances. 23 tries is a lot of money!

04-22-2012, 02:23 PM
I think the chance is somewhere around 10%, it's high enough for some ppl to get it on their first try, and low enough for ppl to not get it 23 times in a row. I am really against that sort of thing, I'm really hoping you are getting a free Firebrand from STS, cause seriosly, those that buy 23 bundles should get a frigin statue of them standing in Carvina.

No body forces them to buy them. I haven't bought a single one of the fiery packs and I'm getting along just fine in the game. If you really feel that you need to drop that much money on some in game item that will be quickly outstripped by commons come cap time then so be it. STS offered nothing more than a chance. You roll the dice, sometimes you win, most of the time you don't.

Sent from my HTC Evo 3D

04-22-2012, 02:24 PM
Woah. Wait, perhaps it would only be fair if the number of tries increased your chances. 23 tries is a lot of money!
Yeh thats a good idea

04-22-2012, 02:28 PM
Woah. Wait, perhaps it would only be fair if the number of tries increased your chances. 23 tries is a lot of money!

Everyone ignored my thread on using a PRNG instead of a RNG before D:

Say, you have a 20% chance of getting something.

1st try: 5%
2nd try: 17%
3rd try: 34%
4th try: 59%
5th try: 88%
6th try: 90%
7th try: 90%(caps at 90)

example of a PRNG for another game I play. Having it for crits and dodgeswould also be nice, so its not like somene with 30 dodge dodges 15 attacks.

04-22-2012, 02:45 PM
Hey Devs,

i'm not one who complains much or care to spend plats but between yesterday and today, i bought 23 Firey Mystery Item Pack and couldn't even get one Flamebrand. I love the game and think the STS team is doing a fantastic job so far but this is really upsetting..... I just blew all my plats doing this and i'm now feeling that I should stop myself from buying anymore plats in order to keep myself from losing it all for junk again..... I really hope there is something that can be done. Thank you for listening.

ign: Lamkid, Lamie

It is designed so obsessive compulsives like you and I spend lots of plat to try and get it.

04-22-2012, 03:13 PM
Thanks for the feedback and sorry to hear about your run of bad luck :(

Please drop our support team a line at support@spacetimestudios.com with the details.

Thread closed.