View Full Version : History Repeats Over Time As Our Memories Fade and Forget!

04-22-2012, 05:59 PM
Greetings Community,

History repeats itself quite often, doesn’t it? Well, I think we’re getting to that point in Pocket Legends. Some of the old players may come to realize what I’m talking about - The Combat and Gear Rebalance.

What is the Combat Rebalance?
Well, the combat rebalance occurred during the Alien Oasis III Campaign or otherwise known as the level 50 cap. The purpose of it was because gear and stats such as buffs were becoming too overpowered. Bears were reaching close to 94 dodge and birds were in the high 80s, if I’m not mistaken. Armor was what it is today, in the 180-200 range. Critical was outrageous, almost reaching 90+ for birds and bears.

Something needed to be done, so the devs nerfed the buffs to roughly about half, something they are at presently now. It was a pretty innovative solution, but not one that would be permanent.

Where are we now? Why is the Combat Rebalance flawed?
We are at the 66 cap. Campaigns have been planned till L100. Developers had an awesome solution, but they did not take into account the gear. Gear has been steadily rising per cap. Right now, good bears are almost invincible with their 70+ dodge, decent critical. Birds have their critical restored, but dodge is lacking. Mages are back to the same height they were before, with a good percentage saying they are more powerful than before.

This means each cap increase, with the near gear additions is FURTHER fragmenting and destroying the Combat Rebalance set into place. Something needs to be done, as Mages benefit largely from this, Bears second, and Birds have been getting the short end of the stick SINCE the 50 cap.

I think, in order to restore balance, we need another nerf, with birds getting the lesser end of the nerf. I mean, previously in other caps, despite the heavy armor and dodge bears had, they had low hit percent. Now? We are close back to near perfect hit percent and with that awesome dodge, we can avoid many hit percent debuffs.

Just something that I believe should be taken into consideration with the upcoming Humania Cap.

Also, additional information on the Combat Rebalance can be found here:


Something to think about,


04-22-2012, 06:04 PM
I think we should even out some gear. And have gear like before, in sewers, crafted was way different from uncrafted, both were good for places, and the crafted didn't just add to the stats, it had different stats.

04-22-2012, 06:05 PM
I think we should even out some gear. And have gear like before, in sewers, crafted was way different from uncrafted, both were good for places, and the crafted didn't just add to the stats, it had different stats.

Not exactly what I mean, but I appreciate the input, Swim! :)

04-22-2012, 06:06 PM
I agree, First the nerfed the bears Ao2 shocklance bears any1?), then they nerfed the lvls (old ao3) then they nerfed the gear, and now what? we have to nerf the gear again. but what about skills? they will need to be nerfed before 100 too. So maybe we should have a different solution. any idea?

04-22-2012, 06:09 PM
Also, nerfing Vanity sets so they still give a bonus, but not as big as the one that they currently have would definitely help balance the system.

I mean, C'mon, since when did Mages start dodging!?

04-22-2012, 06:12 PM
Not exactly what I mean, but I appreciate the input, Swim! :)
And maybe we'll have some rebalancing along with humania.
Though I don't see a huge problem yet, but there are complaints, a problem. But it will eventually even out, maybe even in Humania. The advantages for each class seems to change a lot at different levels, bears at 10 until mages and birds start getting their buffs, voodoo mages and copper bears have a good advantage at 35, at 45-50 birds are good, I'm pretty sure, at 55 I think it was pretty even, at 60 I have no idea since I barely got to 60 before the update, and at 65, it's mages, bears are pretty good too, and birds are good but it just takes a little more skill, kind of like what you said.

04-22-2012, 06:13 PM
Also, nerfing Vanity sets so they still give a bonus, but not as big as the one that they currently have would definitely help balance the system.

I mean, C'mon, since when did Mages start dodging!?
When they started pally.

04-22-2012, 06:14 PM
When they started pally.

Vanity Int mages dodge pretty often. -.-

04-22-2012, 06:16 PM
And maybe we'll have some rebalancing along with humania.
Though I don't see a huge problem yet, but there are complaints, a problem. But it will eventually even out, maybe even in Humania. The advantages for each class seems to change a lot at different levels, bears at 10 until mages and birds start getting their buffs, voodoo mages and copper bears have a good advantage at 35, at 45-50 birds are good, I'm pretty sure, at 55 I think it was pretty even, at 60 I have no idea since I barely got to 60 before the update, and at 65, it's mages, bears are pretty good too, and birds are good but it just takes a little more skill, kind of like what you said.

Which is exactly why I said that with each new cap, the balance drifts further and further apart.

04-22-2012, 06:51 PM
Vanity Int mages dodge pretty often. -.-
Too true. They always dodge my blast and repulse...

04-22-2012, 07:23 PM
Nice post as always Parth, I'll say right now I'm a mage and we're way too overpowered. This update if a level 66 mage had full craftd lilith, we could nuke, tank, heal, etc. We need to focus in on just the key effects for each build. Good thread once again Parth, lets up devs take this into account.

04-22-2012, 09:36 PM
Hmm what's wrong with 160+ Critical? Hehe =)

04-22-2012, 10:52 PM
Vanity Int mages dodge pretty often. -.-

Can't bears and birds get the same vanities?

But you're right, things are shifting in and out of balance.

04-23-2012, 02:38 AM
Can't bears and birds get the same vanities?

But you're right, things are shifting in and out of balance.

But bears and birds don't have support skills like massive buffs, shields, and healing :/

04-23-2012, 12:37 PM
As long as pvp is semi-balanced I don't think we'll see any nerfs. The focus of the game was different back then. With elixirs the name of the game is to plow through mobs as fast as possible and reach level cap as fast as possible. It doesn't matter what ur stats are when running on a thrasher.

But assuming your in a party that is elixir free- I agree that we have become too powerful but I think it's because of the equips more than our skills. I'd like to see the gear nerfed, our buffs stay the same and our debuffs INCREASED. For example, shattering scream reduces dmg and armor by 16. That may be a lot at low levels but at higher levels the only thing it's good for is setting up a birds self combo. Break armor reduces armor by 26 and I believe it stacks so it may be ok to be left alone. Same thing with thorn root (I think -30 dodge is enough). Weakness decreases hit chance by 30 and I think that could be increased. I'm not sure what the bosses hit% in fang are but I'm sure they're well over 100. Even with mages casting weakness I rarely see "miss" over my head. Either I dodge the attack or take damage. Nightmare reduces armor by 30 and I think that may be adequate but it only brings dodge down by 12 and I think that should be increased. I'd like to see BoM give a bigger party buff and a lower crit for mages. BoV I think is ok. I think rage is ok where it's at since a bear can really only contribute damage when rage is on. Crushing blow I think is ok also. Hellscream I think is ok on the dmg debuff but I think it falls into the same category as weakness on the hit% debuff- it depends on the bosses hit %. Once again, I rarely see "miss" above my head even when bears are screaming and mages are casting weakness. I realize changing any of this would greatly impact pvp so I'm not sure how it would go over there.

04-23-2012, 04:21 PM
But bears and birds don't have support skills like massive buffs, shields, and healing :/

Hmm bears and birds have massive dodge buffs and even though they get less critical, bears get some armor, dps, and birds get hit.

04-23-2012, 05:40 PM
Nerfs are the easy way out, change up, or add skills to fix things.

04-23-2012, 05:49 PM
Greetings Community,

History repeats itself quite often, doesn’t it? Well, I think we’re getting to that point in Pocket Legends. Some of the old players may come to realize what I’m talking about - The Combat and Gear Rebalance.

What is the Combat Rebalance?
Well, the combat rebalance occurred during the Alien Oasis III Campaign or otherwise known as the level 50 cap. The purpose of it was because gear and stats such as buffs were becoming too overpowered. Bears were reaching close to 94 dodge and birds were in the high 80s, if I’m not mistaken. Armor was what it is today, in the 180-200 range. Critical was outrageous, almost reaching 90+ for birds and bears.

Something needed to be done, so the devs nerfed the buffs to roughly about half, something they are at presently now. It was a pretty innovative solution, but not one that would be permanent.

Where are we now? Why is the Combat Rebalance flawed?
We are at the 66 cap. Campaigns have been planned till L100. Developers had an awesome solution, but they did not take into account the gear. Gear has been steadily rising per cap. Right now, good bears are almost invincible with their 70+ dodge, decent critical. Birds have their critical restored, but dodge is lacking. Mages are back to the same height they were before, with a good percentage saying they are more powerful than before.

This means each cap increase, with the near gear additions is FURTHER fragmenting and destroying the Combat Rebalance set into place. Something needs to be done, as Mages benefit largely from this, Bears second, and Birds have been getting the short end of the stick SINCE the 50 cap.

I think, in order to restore balance, we need another nerf, with birds getting the lesser end of the nerf. I mean, previously in other caps, despite the heavy armor and dodge bears had, they had low hit percent. Now? We are close back to near perfect hit percent and with that awesome dodge, we can avoid many hit percent debuffs.

Just something that I believe should be taken into consideration with the upcoming Humania Cap.

Also, additional information on the Combat Rebalance can be found here:


Something to think about,


Awesome read. I STILL think bears are OP ;) I kid I kid. I would agree it would make since to bring our power down a bit. That would mean the campaigns would have to be easier correct?

04-23-2012, 06:02 PM
Awesome read. I STILL think bears are OP ;) I kid I kid. I would agree it would make since to bring our power down a bit. That would mean the campaigns would have to be easier correct?

Yeah, since mages do a lot of the support.

04-24-2012, 01:38 AM
I think we should even out some gear. And have gear like before, in sewers, crafted was way different from uncrafted, both were good for places, and the crafted didn't just add to the stats, it had different stats.

i think thats a great idea, then the crafted gear wont be so elite and unaffordable for players who arent pro merchants i also think the uncrafted stuff should have a set bonus like in sewers

04-24-2012, 02:10 AM
The word, and reason I did stop endgame pvp to 56.

04-24-2012, 11:55 AM
Hmm. Well I'd say my opinion is very biased since I usually only play a Mage, but.... I feel it's pretty balanced at this point. Mages may have a small upper hand, but not much and considering mages could hardly ever go full int. in pvp until level 61., I felt it was long overdue. A Mage couldn't pvp before this unless as a pally (exclude 35). Look at the 56 cap.... Total bird domination lol. A Mage had no chance. Endgame pvp to me is as balanced as it gets. I have bears, birds, pallys... All that could equally beat me as full int. Mage. So idk, like I said I am biased lol and must be taken with several grains of salt.

04-24-2012, 12:02 PM
Hmm. Well I'd say my opinion is very biased since I usually only play a Mage, but.... I feel it's pretty balanced at this point. Mages may have a small upper hand, but not much and considering mages could hardly ever go full int. in pvp until level 61., I felt it was long overdue. A Mage couldn't pvp before this unless as a pally (exclude 35). Look at the 56 cap.... Total bird domination lol. A Mage had no chance. Endgame pvp to me is as balanced as it gets. I have bears, birds, pallys... All that could equally beat me as full int. Mage. So idk, like I said I am biased lol and must be taken with several grains of salt.

From what I have experienced, mages have an upper hand at cap (61-66) and at 55/56. And apparently also at 23-26 and 30-35.
Not much left for the other classes :p

04-24-2012, 01:07 PM
Hmm. Well I'd say my opinion is very biased since I usually only play a Mage, but.... I feel it's pretty balanced at this point. Mages may have a small upper hand, but not much and considering mages could hardly ever go full int. in pvp until level 61., I felt it was long overdue. A Mage couldn't pvp before this unless as a pally (exclude 35). Look at the 56 cap.... Total bird domination lol. A Mage had no chance. Endgame pvp to me is as balanced as it gets. I have bears, birds, pallys... All that could equally beat me as full int. Mage. So idk, like I said I am biased lol and must be taken with several grains of salt.

Your back-story only supports the fairness that now it's the elves turn to be overpowered, not that they aren't overpowered.

Either way, once this Fang-era has passed, I hope to see the Humania cap as one where class is no longer a factor - but skill.

04-24-2012, 02:21 PM
Lol I said I was biased....

04-24-2012, 04:26 PM
Mages aren't op, they just have high crit and every skill atleast takes half of you health pfft, not op at all, with a frostbite able to do 200-300, that's like a crit blast, yeah, nothing, nope, it's all good, oh and the infinite range +400 firestorm or the +450 drain. Definitely not op :o

04-24-2012, 04:38 PM
Mages aren't op, they just have high crit and every skill atleast takes half of you health pfft, not op at all, with a frostbite able to do 200-300, that's like a crit blast, yeah, nothing, nope, it's all good, oh and the infinite range +400 firestorm or the +450 drain. Definitely not op :o

Bears can take them down pretty easily. :)

I dare say bears are actually the kings of 1v1 ATM, but that's just me.

04-24-2012, 05:48 PM
Bears can take them down pretty easily. :)

I dare say bears are actually the kings of 1v1 ATM, but that's just me.

Bears can take them down pretty easily. :)

I dare say bears are actually the kings of 1v1 ATM, but that's just me.

Once I level my bear like 12 more levels, I'll see.

04-24-2012, 06:59 PM
It's a very interesting topic, Parth.
I had a brief moment believing Physologic had come back from the dead.
So yeah, the argument and details are so interesting I've decided to take this public bus ride home to respond to this.

First of all, the combat rebalance for around level 50s or so was mainly biased over buffs and partly gear.
People also have more experience from PvP nowadays.
Let's review the PvP ages since the rebalance.
Back during Sewer Ages, I'd say Bear got the low end of the PvP bargain and mostly birds and mages got the higher end.
Nuri's was too short for me to even try out PvP, but I'm sure Bears got some power during this.
Hopping to the current Mount Fang age.
Mages are about as OP as you can get ATM, because of their very high CRIT. Birds are second in line but as useless as a bear during the Sewer Age if lacking the skill required.
I only main a mage in high level PvP so I could seem a bit biased.

PvP seeming to need a rebalance is very biased.
I believe that it's more about the gear now.
My mage with a Mount Fang Wand Set, not a crafted set, nor even a Lilith Uncrafted Set, JUST a normal set, can beat most ungeared bears and birds.
Because the gear is what makes it matter.
Bears without full Crafted Orlok are still weak.
Birds with or without Crafted Sanguine are still weak.
Mages with or without a good set are still OP WITH A WAND SET.
The builds also matter.
Let's talk top geared builds.
STR Sword and Shield Bear basically is invincible.
INT WAND Mage is basically invincible, unless against a STR Sword and Shield Bear.
Seemingly STR Bird with Orlok seems very decent.
However, DEX Bird is also nice.

Anyhow, it's more of the gears than the buffs.
The buffs are still the same as they were in the sewer age.
The difference that makes Mages and Bears this patch shine so greatly is the GEAR.
Wand Mage-> 44 Critical Unbuffed, 200 Armor, 30+ Regen for both Health and Mana.
This is like the Fortified Bear of Sewer Age already, combined with a Wand INT Mage's Mana Pool and Regen.

Bear, over 80+ Dodge and a huge amount of Critical.
Fortified/Royal Sewer had around 40-50ish dodge, I believe.
This is nearly double that, in two updates.

What is the solution?
Don't get a rebalance. Just:
A. Nerf Gear's Stats
B. Nerf Damage/DPS/Skill Damage
C. Add more HP to a character for longer fights.

Excuse me if I sounded like I didn't know what I was trying to say. The little "-------" separates my brainstorming from my point.

04-24-2012, 07:14 PM
It's a very interesting topic, Parth.
I had a brief moment believing Physologic had come back from the dead.
So yeah, the argument and details are so interesting I've decided to take this public bus ride home to respond to this.

First of all, the combat rebalance for around level 50s or so was mainly biased over buffs and partly gear.
People also have more experience from PvP nowadays.
Let's review the PvP ages since the rebalance.
Back during Sewer Ages, I'd say Bear got the low end of the PvP bargain and mostly birds and mages got the higher end.
Nuri's was too short for me to even try out PvP, but I'm sure Bears got some power during this.
Hopping to the current Mount Fang age.
Mages are about as OP as you can get ATM, because of their very high CRIT. Birds are second in line but as useless as a bear during the Sewer Age if lacking the skill required.
I only main a mage in high level PvP so I could seem a bit biased.

PvP seeming to need a rebalance is very biased.
I believe that it's more about the gear now.
My mage with a Mount Fang Wand Set, not a crafted set, nor even a Lilith Uncrafted Set, JUST a normal set, can beat most ungeared bears and birds.
Because the gear is what makes it matter.
Bears without full Crafted Orlok are still weak.
Birds with or without Crafted Sanguine are still weak.
Mages with or without a good set are still OP WITH A WAND SET.
The builds also matter.
Let's talk top geared builds.
STR Sword and Shield Bear basically is invincible.
INT WAND Mage is basically invincible, unless against a STR Sword and Shield Bear.
Seemingly STR Bird with Orlok seems very decent.
However, DEX Bird is also nice.

Anyhow, it's more of the gears than the buffs.
The buffs are still the same as they were in the sewer age.
The difference that makes Mages and Bears this patch shine so greatly is the GEAR.
Wand Mage-> 44 Critical Unbuffed, 200 Armor, 30+ Regen for both Health and Mana.
This is like the Fortified Bear of Sewer Age already, combined with a Wand INT Mage's Mana Pool and Regen.

Bear, over 80+ Dodge and a huge amount of Critical.
Fortified/Royal Sewer had around 40-50ish dodge, I believe.
This is nearly double that, in two updates.

What is the solution?
Don't get a rebalance. Just:
A. Nerf Gear's Stats
B. Nerf Damage/DPS/Skill Damage
C. Add more HP to a character for longer fights.

Excuse me if I sounded like I didn't know what I was trying to say. The little "-------" separates my brainstorming from my point.
Amazing idea

04-24-2012, 10:08 PM
And Parf, I have yet to deck out my mage and nuke dat bear of yours.