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View Full Version : Feeding is existing lets make it even better!

04-23-2012, 04:21 AM
So this is just a thought.
Killing enemies its very fun in the arena and in DL we not only have killing but feeding wich imo is even more exciting then just killing your enemy.

So my idea was to count our feedings like we count kills and also have titles and achivmemts for how many feedings we accomplish.

10k feedings- Title, Bottom Feeder
50k feedings- Title, Ruthless Feeder
100k feedings- Title, Voracious Feeder

Would love some feedback on this idea. Thank you Berry :)

04-25-2012, 06:08 AM
So this is just a thought.
Killing enemies its very fun in the arena and in DL we not only have killing but feeding wich imo is even more exciting then just killing your enemy.

So my idea was to count our feedings like we count kills and also have titles and achivmemts for how many feedings we accomplish.

10k feedings- Title, Bottom Feeder
50k feedings- Title, Ruthless Feeder
100k feedings- Title, Voracious Feeder

Would love some feedback on this idea. Thank you Berry :)

This would be nice. I can't count how many times I've literally died in arena because someone who just spawned went around and poached all the health pack-pick-ups and even if you could just feed off the zeds inside and not players it would make it a lot better to PvP as you could be killing someone and have feed up with a zed behind you zip-back, eat. Kill them that's just my theory. And honestly I have no clue why we can't feed in PvP period if the zeds are there to begin with. Not only are they already useless from when they start spawning but also annoying

I.E. You have the flag(box) you are going 50% slower carrying it a zed pops up and spits on you, You're now going 85% slower than you should be literally going.

It's pointless for them to be there if you cannot feed on them as not only does the flag(box) take you health(literally NO idea why it would unless it's been impaled into your back and you're bleeding to death! wtf lol..) but also the zeds spitting on you decreases your health and it's not just a small amount it's a massive 5% drop what's as bad as using a level 3 skill.

+1 Berry, Hope this get's noticed >_<

04-28-2012, 03:35 PM
I agree completely! I was actually going to post a thread suggesting an achievement tree based on how many times you feed, +1!

I also think it would be good to be able to feed in the arena, at least on the npc monsters. (Feeding on the other players I have doubts about.) +1 for that too.