View Full Version : Mission Experience Data - A Guide
04-24-2012, 07:29 PM
This guide is obsolete.
Check out this guide instead:
Basically, I wanted to know how much experience I could expect per point of energy. I've made a spreadsheet with the results of every mission, but you can see the top performers in this list:
12.5 - Red Light District - Investigate Werewolf Situation (*43.75 gold per energy)
11.67- Marshwood - Locate the Source (*50 gold per energy)
10.83- Marshwood - Read Ancient Diary (*50 gold per energy)
9.67 - Marshwood - Feed on the Victims (*50 gold per energy, 116.0/174.0 exp/hour)
9.00 - Red Light District - Scout Ghoul Hangout
8.75 - Gallows Alley Slum - Find Shelter From The Sun (*43.75 gold per energy)
8.75 - Gallows Alley Slum - Rescue Vampire (*41.25 gold per energy)
8.75 - Gallows Alley Slum - Ambush Thugs (*41.25 gold per energy)
8.75 - Downtown Suburbs - Trick the CPD (*43.75 gold per energy)
8.75 - The Outskirts - Search McCandless' Remains
8.40 - Red Light District - Breach the Lord's Mansion
8.36 - Dark Hollow - Crack the Mansion Safe
8.36 - Gallows Alley Slum - Feed on Lookouts
7.50 - Downtown Suburbs - Find the Traitor CPD (*41.25 gold per energy)
7.50 - Downtown Suburbs - Stalk the Werewolves (*41.25 gold per energy)
7.36 - Dark Hollow - Breach Hunter Hideout
7.34 - Red Light District - Visit Lee's Flat (*84.77/254.32 exp/hour)
7.34 - Red Light District - Sniff Out Werewolves (*84.77/254.32 exp/hour)
7.00 - Market Subway - Track the Horde
6.69 - The Outskirts - Research Marcella Dupree
6.47 - Red Light District - Visit the Vampire Lord (*74.77/230.44 exp/hour)
6.47 - Red Light District - Find the Vampire Lord (*74.77/230.44 exp/hour)
6.38 - Marshwood - Scout the Grounds
6.38 - Marshwood - Enter Surgery Facility
6.38 - Marshwood - Examine Warlock
6.38 - Marshwood - Search the Asylum
6.36 - Downtown Suburbs - Observe From Above
6.09 - Marshwood - Enter the Asylum
6.09 - Marshwood - Track the Wailing
6.09 - Marshwood - Glamour the Preacher
6.00 - The Outskirts - Breach Cult Checkpoint
6.00 - Market Subway - Breach Magic Barrier
2 Dark Hollow
3 The Outskirts
2 Market Subway
4 Downtown Suburbs
4 Gallows Alley Slum
7 Red Light District
10 Marshwood
Those numbers are the average you would net given the percentage chance you'll get bonus energy or bonus experience in the mission (if it's available.)
Obviously, I will update this with new missions as I reach them, but that's the list for the ones I can reach. (Update: using Shakespeare's numbers, I've added ones I haven't reached and will verify as I get to them.)
If you'd like to see the full data, here's the link:
The third sheet is just my calculations to make it easy to use the first sheet. If you are interested in how I'm coming up with the number feel free to take a look at that, but here's the explanation of what you see on the first sheet which is labeled "experience details": (
Mission - This is pretty straightforward. This is the mission name including which campaign it appears in. I did not bother with the 3D missions, only the cutscene missions, since those ones are their own thing and pretty similar one to another and require more active play.
Requirements for Mission - This is also pretty straightforward. How much energy does the mission cost, how much experience are you guaranteed to get, and how long will it take (in hours:minutes:seconds).
Experience Per Energy - The amount of experience you get for each point of energy by default is what you are guaranteed to receive if you have no bonuses. The average takes into account how likely you are to get some of your energy back or earn extra experience. Buffs and gold are ignored. If the number is red, then you get more than 7 experience per point of energy. If it's blue, then you get more than 5 experience per point of energy.
Max Runs Per Hour - How many times could you run this (without platinum) in one hour? Limiters are how long the mission takes, and how much energy it costs, assuming you start with a full energy bar and don't do any other missions and run the mission as soon as possible once you complete it or get enough energy to run it again. Not very realistic situation, but that's what it shows.
Experience Per Hour - Given the criteria above, it tells you how much experience you can make from this mission by concentrating on it for an hour. For those that take more than an hour then obviously you are limited to what fraction of it finishes in that hour. For those that you can run more than once per hour, you're limited by the energy and time required. The default is how much you'd get with no bonuses, the average is how much you'd earn with bonus energy/experience taken into account.
Experience Per 100 Energy - In this case, for every 100 energy you spend, you can see how long it would take you to blow through 100 energy on that mission and how much you could expect to earn in experience. The default again is how much you'd get w/no bonuses, and the the average takes into account bonus and experience drops.
Obviously, in all cases where I use averages, those aren't guaranteed, but in a large sample should be pretty representative.
The second sheet I have added thanks to Shakespeare's data and that lists the same fields as above except that it deals with gold per energy rather than experience, if that's what you are interested in.
If there is an orange background on a field, it means that I haven't personally reached that area yet so I don't know if the numbers are accurate or not yet, just going on what I was told. As of right now, it also means that there's no average return since I don't know about what bonuses are available. I'll fill those in and add those to the top of this list up above as I reach each mission personally.
Hope that's helpful to you all.
04-25-2012, 05:54 AM
Found a typo with one mission that actually got 7.5 experience per energy point instead of still a good one but that's fixed. Also added another one to the top of hte list as I advanced a little further into downtown suburbs. Will start adding Gallows Alley Slum missions tomorrow.
04-25-2012, 02:12 PM
There are more 8.75s coming and they are all 9 hours long. I have found I enjoy the 4 energy tasks more as they generally run only about a half hour longer than it takes to rebuild the energy. There is another task coming, too, that has a pretty short timer. All my data is on my home PC but I will post it if I remember. I calculated gold efficiency, too. After all, getting to L20 (or even L21 before cap) is not an issue so much as getting 300K for an awesome outfit. :)
04-25-2012, 03:31 PM
Maybe I should add the gold data in too then. :)
04-25-2012, 05:05 PM
This post edited post-nerf. The wait times were altered on May 2, 2012.
only 1 cycle!!!! Due to the reduction of all the 9 hour waits to 30 minutes, it is no longer necessary to have multiple rotations. The sequence below gives the best XP and GP. (It is true that is you sort by gp/e redlight 7 goes further down the list, and market 8 (Breach Magic Barrier) gets you 5 more gold, but I think that's splitting hairs. If you just want one rule of thumb to memorize and apply every two hours (and 5 minutes), then here it is.
Personally, I don't do both Marshwoods. I only do one of them and make one run because I like to play and because you can make 2-5K on a pink item, which you can only get by playing the 3D zones.
Gallows 4 & 10, Redlight 9, Marshwood 3 & 7
Marshwood 7 - Read Ancient Diary 6/65/300 1:00
Marshwood 3 - Feed on Victims 6/58/300 0:20
Redlight 9 - Scout Ghoul Hangout 5/45/170 1:00
Gallows 4 - Ambush Thugs 4/35/165 0:30
(Gallows 10 - Rescue Vampires 4/35/165 0:30) or 1 run...
04-26-2012, 07:23 AM
Every mission I've gotten to so far in the Gallows Alley Slum has been 5+ (the 7 pointers are 5.32 xp/pt) and since I've stopped using the missions worth less than 6 xp per energy I took them off the shortcut list here (you can still find them ones in the 5-6 range on the spreadsheet of course.)
04-26-2012, 08:32 AM
Don't know if this will work...
map action energy experience gold time gold per e xp per e
Kain's Feed on Humans 5 3 40 0:00 8 0.6
Kain's Search Kain's Crest 5 3 40 0:00 8 0.6
Kain's Track Stolen Ambulance 4 3 45 0:01 11.25 0.75
Kain's Glamour Franz Lecroix 5 4 40 0:00 8 0.8
Kain's Follow the Horde 3 3 35 0:02 11.66666667 1
Kain's Glamour Thomas Berg III 3 3 50 0:03 16.66666667 1
Kain's Investigate Ghoul Attack 3 3 50 0:03 16.66666667 1
Kain's Track Down Ghouls 3 3 45 0:02 15 1
Kain's Glamour Det. Harris 3 3 50 0:03 16.66666667 1
Kain's Break Into Blood Bank 4 3 45 0:01 11.25 0.75
Kain's Apply for Kill Permission 3 5 50 0:05 16.66666667 1.666666667
OQ Find Vampire Sven 8 10 45 0:00 5.625 1.25
OQ Talk to Sven's Fledgling 8 10 45 0:00 5.625 1.25
OQ Break Into Sven's Lair 6 8 50 0:01 8.333333333 1.333333333
OQ Glamour Wounded Hunter 6 9 55 0:03 9.166666667 1.5
OQ Inform the Vampire Nation 6 9 55 0:05 9.166666667 1.5
OQ Search Dr. Karkus 6 9 55 0:05 9.166666667 1.5
OQ Ambush the Hunters 5 11 70 1:30 14 2.2
OQ Interrogate the Hunter 5 9 65 0:10 13 1.8
OQ Sneak Past CPD 6 9 60 0:06 10 1.5
Dark Deal With hunter Guards 8 25 90 0:00 11.25 3.125
Dark Interrogate Hunter 8 25 90 0:00 11.25 3.125
Dark Break Into the Mansion 6 20 80 0:03 13.33333333 3.333333333
Dark Visit Arkuz' Penthouse 8 25 90 0:00 11.25 3.125
Dark Search for Arkuz 5 26 95 1:30 19 5.2
Dark Track Arkuz' Ghoul 6 20 100 0:05 16.66666667 3.333333333
Dark Chase Down Hunter 5 20 80 0:08 16 4
Dark Breach Hunter Hideout 4 28 100 3:00 25 7
Dark Save Arkus 7 20 85 0:05 12.14285714 2.857142857
Dark Crack the Mansion Safe 4 28 100 3:00 25 7
Dark Search Fox's Corpse 5 20 90 0:09 18 4
Outskirts Follow Rumors of De 8 25 125 0:00 15.625 3.125
Outskirts Glamour a Police Offi 8 25 125 0:00 15.625 3.125
Outskirts Scout Cultish Building 7 23 75 0:05 10.71428571 3.285714286
Outskirts Interrogate a Cultist 8 25 125 0:00 15.625 3.125
Outskirts Research Marcella Dup 5 30 75 2:30 15 6
Outskirts Scout Cultish Tunnels 7 26 100 0:10 14.28571429 3.714285714
Outskirts Investigate Ritual Rem 7 20 75 0:05 10.71428571 2.857142857
Outskirts Breach Cult Checkpoint 5 30 100 9:00 20 6
Outskirts Search McCandles' Re 4 35 125 23:59 31.25 8.75
Outskirts Track Marcella Dupree 7 26 75 0:10 10.71428571 3.714285714
Market Talk to CPD Informant 8 25 150 0:00 18.75 3.125
Market Feed on Victims 8 25 150 0:00 18.75 3.125
Market Pinpoint the Carnage 7 23 125 0:05 17.85714286 3.285714286
Market Reach the Horde 6 30 150 2:30 25 5
Market Devour Barricaded CP 7 25 150 0:10 21.42857143 3.571428571
Market Use Your Vampire Sen 7 27 150 0:10 21.42857143 3.857142857
Market Track the Magic Sourc 6 30 175 3:00 29.16666667 5
Market Breach Magic Barrier 5 30 150 12:00 30 6
Market Track the Horde 5 35 175 23:59 35 7
Market Trap the CPD 7 23 125 0:05 17.85714286 3.285714286
Downtown Research Werewolf Att 7 30 150 0:05 21.42857143 4.285714286
Downtown Breach Police Perimet 7 30 155 0:00 22.14285714 4.285714286
Downtown Escape CPD Pursuit 6 25 150 0:05 25 4.166666667
Downtown Observe From Above 5 28 150 0:10 30 5.6
Downtown Distract The CPD 7 30 155 0:00 22.14285714 4.285714286
Downtown Find The Traitor CPD 4 30 165 9:00 41.25 7.5
Downtown Research Sargeant For 6 25 150 0:05 25 4.166666667
Downtown Avoid Werewolf Pack 6 25 150 0:05 25 4.166666667
Downtown Stalk The Werewolves 4 30 165 9:00 41.25 7.5
Downtown Feed On The Werewolf 7 30 150 0:00 21.42857143 4.285714286
Downtown Trick the CPD 4 35 175 23:59 43.75 8.75
Downtown Reach the Werewolf Pa 6 25 150 0:00 25 4.166666667
Gallows Investigate Murder Sce 7 35 155 0:00 22.14285714 5
Gallows Track Vampire Murder 7 35 155 0:00 22.14285714 5
Gallows Stalk the Streets 7 35 155 0:00 22.14285714 5
Gallows Ambush Thugs 4 35 165 9:00 41.25 8.75
Gallows Glamour Gang Leader 6 25 150 0:05 25 4.166666667
Gallows Scout Gang Warehouse 7 35 155 0:00 22.14285714 5
Gallows Feed on Lookouts 4 30 145 1:45 36.25 7.5
Gallows Warn your Kin 6 25 150 0:05 25 4.166666667
Gallows Search for Survivors 7 35 155 0:00 22.14285714 5
Gallows Rescue Vampire 4 35 165 9:00 41.25 8.75
Gallows Find Shelter From The 7 35 175 23:59 25 5
Gallows Locate Gang 6 25 150 0:05 25 4.166666667
Red Light Visit New Fang Club 8 43 165 0:00 20.625 5.375
Red Light Talk to Lee 8 43 165 0:00 20.625 5.375
Red Light Stay at Lee's 8 43 165 0:00 20.625 5.375
Red Light Visit the Vampire Lord 6 35 165 0:05 27.5 5.833333333
Red Light Breach the Lord's Mans 5? 42 170 9:00 34 8.4
Red Light Find the Vampire Lord 6 35 165 0:00 27.5 5.833333333
well... I will have to find a better way...
04-26-2012, 08:35 AM
Snake - that looks a little like a memory dump, but thanks for the good info! ;)
04-26-2012, 10:51 AM
Don't know if this will work...
well... I will have to find a better way...
Very cool, thanks - I was able to get it all into a spreadsheet and set up the gold on my spreadsheet and the missions I don't have access to yet. One thing your list is missing is the bonus opportunities...would you mind telling me the percent chance of a rare drop for glamour gang leader in the gallows on to the end?
It should be one of the following for each mission:
95.9% Rare (no common available)
90.9% Rare (no common available)
22.3% Rare (common is 31.8%)
14.2% Rare (common is 20.2%)
If I know that, then I can make accurate projections for the average you can expect rather than just the guaranteed default. If there's a rare percent chance other htan those, then I'll need to get to that mission to see what can be dropped as a bonus, but those are hte only 4 options I've seen to this point. If you don't want to gather that info then I'll just keep updating as I reach each mission.
Gold info isn't in the spreadsheet yet but I'll add that in the near future.
04-26-2012, 12:00 PM
Okay, the spreadsheet now has a tab that lists gold per energy that's laid out the same as the experience per energy.
I've added the sections I can't reach yet and marked them as italics until I've verified them. Note also that I don't know what the bonuses available for those missions are so those ones only show the minimum you'll get. Their overall rank might change once I know what the bonuses are.
04-27-2012, 08:41 AM
I've verified through the end of Gallows Alley Slum.
One thing to note, Shakespeare, is you had the find shelter from the sun mission has the wrong energy in your spreadsheet, so it's better than yours gives it credit for. :)
04-28-2012, 05:54 PM
Okay, I've verified the rest of the data I'd been given. Tomorrow I'll start moving into some new missions (got a 9 hour one baking now and no way I'll stay awake that long...)
04-29-2012, 09:14 AM
Found a new high for experience per energy! 12 hours so it could be run twice per day, 9 experience per energy. Will finish off Red Light District tonight before I go to bed and (probably) start on Marshwood tomorrow depending on whether there's a 24 hour mission or not remaining.
04-29-2012, 01:59 PM
Experience per energy doesn't matter. You need to calculate according to energy replenishment, which is 0.2 per minute (1 energy every 5 minutes).
Also, you cannot simply apply a xp/eng ratio and multiply it by the number of times you can play from 25/25 energy. That is only accurate till you burn down the meter (which is only really the first hour). You are not factoring in the replenishment rate of energy from a zero state. Once the energy is zeroed out you are only playing in regard to replenishment of energy. Example, a mission costing 8 energy can only be played once every 40 minutes, after the meter is zeroed out.
The Marshwood instants yields 55 xp and cost 9 energy. Although, they have a charge time of 45 minutes to play give the allowable time of play in a 24 hour period to be 32 -- yielding 1680 xp in a 24 hour cycle. However, the quests in the Redlight district Visit Lee's Flat and Sniff out Werewolves yield 40 xp and cost 6 energy, their refresh rate from a zero meter is 30 minutes and can be played 48 times in a 24 hour period. Thus yielding 1920 xp in a 24 hour period.
You cannot simply multiply the amount of plays from a 25/25 meter and multiply it by xp/eng, it will not remotely reflect a meter that is at it's running at a zero state. You have to account for the time it takes to for energy to replenish to re-replay the mission from a zero state, in accordance with the mission's cool down.
This isn't correct.
04-29-2012, 02:31 PM
Also, when you make calculations you have to use the function =floor("number", 1). You cannot use a fraction of energy to play a mission, and you cannot play a fraction of a mission for experience. The calculations all must figure to whole numbers, rounded down. For instance you cannot play 4.63 mission in an hour. You are only playing mission 4 times that hour. This is why you must calculate in accordance to cycles. Xp and gold gains in this game aren't in fractions.
...and I don't understand why you are using averages. You can produce hard numbers. The only factors that are random are the xp bonuses, which was omitted from the calculation.
04-30-2012, 06:24 AM
Red Light District Data is now complete - starting Marshwood tomorrow after Investigate Werewolf Situation finishes it's day long bake.
05-01-2012, 10:11 AM
Here is an update from me. It still needs a tiny tweak.
9-hour: gallows 4&10, downtown 6&9, red-light 5 +1 run
2-hour: gallows 7, downtown 4, red-light 7&12 +1 run
3-hour: dark 8&10, Market 4&7, Outskirts 5 (this really is not better than the two-hour cycle, but is useful when you are leveling up to gallows and red-light)
As you can see I am trying to leave enough energy to make at least 1 run in a 3-D zone because there is simply NO WAY to reach that elusive 300k by farming gold. You'd be fortunate to get 4k gold a day this way, which is better than buying gold for plat, but is not the path to riches. Only selling drops in CS will get you that best bling.
In this table, the actions are sorted first by energy cost ascending, then by xp/e descending. You can use it to create different cycles. Sorry for the overlap, but I had to use two screenshots to display it all.
05-01-2012, 11:55 AM
One more view of the spreadsheet. Sorted by time then xp. This is the good one! :D
P.s. I already verified that energy cost... Forgot to edit that out ;)
05-01-2012, 01:38 PM
Experience per energy doesn't matter. You need to calculate according to energy replenishment, which is 0.2 per minute (1 energy every 5 minutes).
Also, you cannot simply apply a xp/eng ratio and multiply it by the number of times you can play from 25/25 energy. That is only accurate till you burn down the meter (which is only really the first hour). You are not factoring in the replenishment rate of energy from a zero state. Once the energy is zeroed out you are only playing in regard to replenishment of energy. Example, a mission costing 8 energy can only be played once every 40 minutes, after the meter is zeroed out.
The Marshwood instants yields 55 xp and cost 9 energy. Although, they have a charge time of 45 minutes to play give the allowable time of play in a 24 hour period to be 32 -- yielding 1680 xp in a 24 hour cycle. However, the quests in the Redlight district Visit Lee's Flat and Sniff out Werewolves yield 40 xp and cost 6 energy, their refresh rate from a zero meter is 30 minutes and can be played 48 times in a 24 hour period. Thus yielding 1920 xp in a 24 hour period.
You cannot simply multiply the amount of plays from a 25/25 meter and multiply it by xp/eng, it will not remotely reflect a meter that is at it's running at a zero state. You have to account for the time it takes to for energy to replenish to re-replay the mission from a zero state, in accordance with the mission's cool down.
This isn't correct.
Actually, I am including energy replenishment. The calculations are simply to allow for sorting in the spreadsheet. By taking several actions in timed patterns, as Aculeas and morfic have already demonstrated, you can get better XP and not have to wake up every 45 minutes all night.
Really, saying you can do 36 45-minute actions in 24 hours isn't realistic. Maybe you can do 24 of them... and when you do go to sleep, be sure to do the 9-hour cycle.
Also, your two 6-point tasks takes 60 minutes to refresh the energy, so you can't do them that often either.
Your Marshwood instants, once every 45 minutes (or two every 90 minutes is better) yields 1440 in a 16 hour period. My system gets equal xp and I only have to go on when I want (waking, lunch break, coffee breaks, when i get home, and before bed.)
Your Redlight 6-pointers, once every 30 (or two every hour) yields 1280 in a 16 hour period, which is less than my system.
here again is my system... which was created to generate gold, actually...
9-hour: gallows 4&10, downtown 6&9, red-light 5 +1 run 212 xp /810 gp twice a day = 424 xp /1620 gp
2-hour: gallows 7, downtown 4, red-light 7&12 +1 run 138 xp /500 gp up to six times a day = 826 xp /3000 gp
24-hour: 2nd last action of Outskirts, Market Subway, Downtown, Redlight, and Marshwood for 225 xp / 875 gp.
05-01-2012, 02:48 PM
Actually, I am including energy replenishment. The calculations are simply to allow for sorting in the spreadsheet. By taking several actions in timed patterns, as Aculeas and morfic have already demonstrated, you can get better XP and not have to wake up every 45 minutes all night.
Really, saying you can do 36 45-minute actions in 24 hours isn't realistic. Maybe you can do 24 of them... and when you do go to sleep, be sure to do the 9-hour cycle.
Also, your two 6-point tasks takes 60 minutes to refresh the energy, so you can't do them that often either.
Your Marshwood instants, once every 45 minutes (or two every 90 minutes is better) yields 1440 in a 16 hour period. My system gets equal xp and I only have to go on when I want (waking, lunch break, coffee breaks, when i get home, and before bed.)
Your Redlight 6-pointers, once every 30 (or two every hour) yields 1280 in a 16 hour period, which is less than my system.
here again is my system... which was created to generate gold, actually...
9-hour: gallows 4&10, downtown 6&9, red-light 5 +1 run 212 xp /810 gp twice a day = 424 xp /1620 gp
2-hour: gallows 7, downtown 4, red-light 7&12 +1 run 138 xp /500 gp up to six times a day = 826 xp /3000 gp
24-hour: 2nd last action of Outskirts, Market Subway, Downtown, Redlight, and Marshwood for 225 xp / 875 gp.
Your calculation is incorrect.
The marshwood instants don't yield 1440xp in 16 hours they yield 1155xp.
It takes 45 minutes to replenish the 9 energy it takes to play the mission. In 16 hours (960 minutes) the max times you can play the mission 21 times. 45*21=945 minutes (keep in mind we can only work in increments of 45 because we cannot play missions and use energy in fractions).
The amount of xp you make off of the MW instants are 55xp per play. 55*21=1155xp gained in a 16 hour period.
Now if you are factoring in the a 25/25 bar played in the first hour the MW instant would yield 1265xp, which still wouldn't surpass the 6en/40xp missions played starting from a zero'd meter, in the same time cycle.
Your need to double check the formulas in your spreadsheet the aren't outputting the correct numbers
Also, I'm comparing time to energy gained for to each mission. Playing the 6en/40xp mission will yield xp faster than any other non-playable mission in any given time cycle from a meter's zero state.
05-01-2012, 03:01 PM
The 6en/40xp missions produce the fastest xp gain in ay given time cycle, with the exception of the MW instants played in the first hour with a minimum of a 24/25 bar.
Although, a better xp gain to play the first 25 points in the 12 and 8 hour long bakes, and play the 6en/40xp missions on a 12 hour cycle, once every hour. In any case, you have 2 hours and 5 minutes before your meter coasts at 25 eng, from a zero state. So you don't have play every hour, and the beauty is that you can play them in tandem. Which gives more flexibility, and it only comes down to not letting the meter coast at 25.
05-01-2012, 03:19 PM
If you want to log in every 45 minutes to repeat one task, go right ahead.
You've missed my point. I am designing a way to both farm AND PLAY. My system works for my style of play. I'm not going to log in that much for just one action. I am going to log in, do several actions, and run some 3D zones. Otherwise, I'd stop playing altogether.
05-01-2012, 03:23 PM
Both are valid methods, and I'm providing the numbers here so that people can figure out what they want to do w/o having to go through every mission and figure out the numbers themselves. So...please keep updating your strategies, bear in mind that not everybody has reached Marshwood yet, and let me know if I've got any more errors in my own numbers to make sure that the spreadsheet is at least accurate.
By the way, I'm now up to the last long bake before I reach the end of Marshwood, so I'll have every mission as of tomorrow morning after I wake up. Waiting on a 12 hour now (Read Ancient Diary)
05-01-2012, 05:10 PM
Both are valid methods, and I'm providing the numbers here so that people can figure out what they want to do w/o having to go through every mission and figure out the numbers themselves. So...please keep updating your strategies, bear in mind that not everybody has reached Marshwood yet, and let me know if I've got any more errors in my own numbers to make sure that the spreadsheet is at least accurate.
By the way, I'm now up to the last long bake before I reach the end of Marshwood, so I'll have every mission as of tomorrow morning after I wake up. Waiting on a 12 hour now (Read Ancient Diary)
If people want to couple playble missions with fast energy gains the 6en/40xp missions will still be the best suplement for the fastest energy gain. Also, it will give you extrs plays because you can play it more in any give time cycle than the 9en instants.
If someone just wants to play for fun, then maximizing xp doesn't matter. However, the point of number crunching this in a leveling context is to maximize xp. If maximizing gold is the priority after turning 21, then observe from above is still the best gold accumulator. Although, it won't match the gold acquired through the playable missions.
Never the less, maximizing xp gain is not difficult. If you want to make xp fast, play the 6en/40xp every hour. You don't have juggle long bakes and fit in instant missions. Just don't let your energy bar coast at 25/25 and zero out your meter with the 6en/40xp missions, it really is that simple.
You can play the 6en/40xp missions more often as well, which will improve you chances of getting bonus xp, gold, and energy.
05-01-2012, 05:15 PM
If you want to log in every 45 minutes to repeat one task, go right ahead.
You've missed my point. I am designing a way to both farm AND PLAY. My system works for my style of play. I'm not going to log in that much for just one action. I am going to log in, do several actions, and run some 3D zones. Otherwise, I'd stop playing altogether.
The 6en/40xp have a 10 minute cool down, you can do playable missions between the cool downs. Also, there are two of them, so you have flexibility in how you play them.
If you want to play how you want that's fine, however, just keep in mind that you won't be maximizing xp gain.
05-01-2012, 05:27 PM
I can see how it's working for you to do just one action and make some runs. But my way you get a better chance to make your runs on buffs.
Your way is probably great for your style of play, Blaque. Do you actually do it that way? One or two actions baking while running in zones? It seems like it would take an hour to refresh that energy.
05-01-2012, 07:36 PM
I can see how it's working for you to do just one action and make some runs. But my way you get a better chance to make your runs on buffs.
Your way is probably great for your style of play, Blaque. Do you actually do it that way? One or two actions baking while running in zones? It seems like it would take an hour to refresh that energy.
I'm a pvper. I just drop my points in the 6en missions between matches.
When I leveled, I just dumped points toward progression, but yes, I did observe and beyond when I got stuck at the long bakes, then did the 6en when I got them. My first priority was progression through the storyline, though.
Now I just play the 5 mid bakes, that I number crunched to maximize the gain from the initial 25/25, to clear my meter in the morning. Then I play a 12 hour cycle according to those bakes, and check in between every 1-2 hours. Although, I get a lot of bonus xp and energy, so I'll play that off as well. For the most part I play both the 6en games at once...not always though.
I let my meter coast form time to time, and I'm not that hard core about...I think I let it coast all weekend. Never the less, even with minimal play I can yield about 2k xp with bonuses and energy gain, on a 12 hour cycle, with not much in-game time at all.
Griding out 21 is tedious, so I want to do it as quickly and easily as possible, which is why I just number crunched the most efficient solution to that, which luckly is simply spaming the 6en missions.
05-02-2012, 07:00 AM
I've finished entering data for all of the campaigns. Let me know if I missed anything or have any typos.
05-02-2012, 07:52 PM
Thanks for all your work!! I started compiling all this data and got to the 4th campaign and found this!
I noticed that after todays update some of the bake times have changed drastically.
In Gallows Alley Slum for example: feed on lookouts is now only 15:00. Ambush Thugs is only 30:00.
05-03-2012, 09:24 AM
Thanks for all your work!! I started compiling all this data and got to the 4th campaign and found this!
I noticed that after todays update some of the bake times have changed drastically.
In Gallows Alley Slum for example: feed on lookouts is now only 15:00. Ambush Thugs is only 30:00.
I'll have new data in about an hour. The energy, xp, gp values haven't changed much, so the difference almost entirely time. It does affect my rotations. All of the 9 hour tasks are now 30 minutes, and since they had awesome ratios, the simple fact is that they take over n
05-03-2012, 10:22 AM
woow all so confusing but i still love it! :triumphant:
05-03-2012, 10:23 AM
NEW DATA Sorted by experience divided by energy
Conclusion: also copied over my earlier conclusions...
Marshwood 7 - Read Ancient Diary 6/65/300 1:00
Marshwood 3 - Feed on Victims 6/58/300 0:20
Redlight 9 - Scout Ghoul Hangout 5/45/170 1:00
Gallows 4 - Ambush Thugs 4/35/165 0:30
(Gallows 10 - Rescue Vampires 4/35/165 0:30) or 1 run... 10/25/variable
238 XP/1100 GP -or- 213 XP/935 GP and drops
05-03-2012, 12:51 PM
Very awesome snake!
05-03-2012, 09:00 PM
Ooh, cool! Hadn't noticed the time changes yet, only logged in once quickly after the update. Will go through and make updates to the spreadsheet tomorrow morning.
05-04-2012, 04:11 AM
Blaque, again, that's not true. Your 6 energy mission is simply not the most efficient method.
You get more XP and GP by this method of farming. 80 xp per hour, you say? I'm talking 230-ish XP per two hours. It's all about patience. After 6 hours (three cycles), I've made 700 XP and you've made 480 (six cycles).
However, each person has to make his own best method and there is probably a reason why this works for you. But I work all day. I need to exhaust my energy and let it refresh over the full cycle to reduce the number of times I go on DL.
Show me mathematically how this is done. Please list the missions and the method. I don't believe it can be done starting from a zeroed out meter. I don't even believe it can be done with a meter starting at 25/25.
The playable missions 3en/10xp from 25/25 can be done 8 times in the initial burn down, which is 80xp, then if you were to play from a zeroed out meter the recharge time would be 15 minutes, in which a 6 hour period you can play the missions 24 times, giving you 240xp. 80xp from the initial 25/25 meter added to the 240xp made from the 6 hours of grinding is 320xp total...which equals 53xp per hour. You'd have to generate 480xp over a 6 hour period to make 80xp per hour, which is an additional 160xp, which means you would have to generate another 48 bonus energy from the missions to make that possible, and you'd have to play the out the additional 16 mission in that 6 hour time frame...that's 40 runs in 6 hours.
Never the less, there are better gaining 6en non-playable missions now. The best xp gain, with no bonus factored in, after the update is Read Ancient Diary and Feed on Victims played in tandem, which will give 738xp if played every hour for 6 hours. They are 6en/65xp/60min and 68en/58xp/20min. 12 points of energy is charged in 1 hour which means each can be played together once every hour. Read Ancient Diary the 6en/65xp/60min mission will make 390xp (65xp*6 hours) and Feed on Victims the 68en/58xp/20min will make 348xp (58xp*6 hours) which equals 738 xp total, which is 123xp per hour.
This is the new max gaining missions. They have a synergistic relationship and must be played together to exploit this gain.
Also, keep in mind both these missions have the chance to produce bonus xp and bonus energy...which and increase the earning significantly.
Keep in mind, the time it takes to log in on a phone and play these missions are less than a minute each...but lets just say a minute for arguments sake. I play each mission once an hour for 6 hours, that is a total of 6 minutes...that is 123xp per minute of play ( also this is played from a meter start from zero. Compared to grinding 320xp for 6 straight hours with the first hour accomplished with a meter starting from 25 energy. That would be 0.89xp per minute of play.
I can certainly say that playing two 6en missions in tandam for a few minutes spread over the span of a few hours is far more efficient and simple than grinding. However, you are correct to say that it will make more gold...but I never argued that.
05-04-2012, 09:26 AM
I have updated the spreadsheet to use all of the new numbers - not only were timers updated, but in a few cases so were experience and gold. Energy didn't change for any of them however.
My list on the front page is now up to date w/the new numbers for anything worth 6 experience per energy and above. A few did move around but not a lot of them.
The spreadsheet itself should be accurate - let me know if you notice anything that's off.
05-09-2012, 02:12 PM
I don't believe it can be done starting from a zeroed out meter.
Clearly you aren't understanding me. I never said anything about zeroed meter. We are actually saying the same thing only you start each time by telling us we're wrong. And all that means is that you don't understand my posts.
Every two hours and ten minutes, you get 25 energy to spend. Every two hours and ten minutes, spend the energy on these missions.
Marshwood 7 - Read Ancient Diary 6/65/300 1:00
Marshwood 3 - Feed on Victims 6/58/300 0:20
Redlight 9 - Scout Ghoul Hangout 5/45/170 1:00
Gallows 4 - Ambush Thugs 4/35/165 0:30
Gallows 10 - Rescue Vampires 4/35/165 0:30
This gets you 238 xp every two hours and ten minutes. Do it five times, you get over 1K xp.
And then you should wait two hours and ten minutes, then do it again.
Am I still being unclear? I don't know how I can be more clear.
The best xp gain, with no bonus factored in, after the update is Read Ancient Diary and Feed on Victims played in tandem, which will give 738xp if played every hour for 6 hours. They are 6en/65xp/60min and 68en/58xp/20min. 12 points of energy is charged in 1 hour which means each can be played together once every hour. Read Ancient Diary the 6en/65xp/60min mission will make 390xp (65xp*6 hours) and *Feed on Victims the 68en/58xp/20min will make 348xp (58xp*6 hours) which equals 738 xp total, which is 123xp per hour.
Also, I posted about Read Ancient Diaries and Feed on Victims before you said you didn't understand me, so obviously you didn't.