View Full Version : Target system needed

04-26-2012, 10:05 AM
I enjoy the change from auto-attack, the pressing of one button and running around in a circle was getting old but I would still like to know who my opponent is. A targeting system is needed imo, not because I want to make this game more like it's predecessors but because it is useful to know whether I'm using my powers for good or...

In this game I have to use my health to do damage; not in every case but the most devastating attacks require a sacrifice to be made with blood. So I think I have the right to know where that attack is aimed. I have multiple instances that words just don't do justice but let me try to paint you a picture:

Scenario #1: Vampy McGee gathers up 8 enemies in a nice, neat package as he charges Shadow Dance while chuckling with delight. As the blood drains from the meter a smile is wiped from my face as Vampy proceeds to rush across the street to a lone zombie just arising out of a sewer grate. NO VAMPY WHY?! Great, 48.51 (insert arbitrary unit of measurement here) of my blood wasted on a single insignificant zombie. Compounded by the fact that I now have to deal with that massive horde of undead that is perusing me relentlessly.

Scenario #2: The stylish Dr. Sanguine has just unleashed Vermin Swarm on an unsuspecting group of vampire hunters. As they are swatting at the pinky (and the brain), only seconds away from death, the thirst meter is now full and is ready for a feast. Now to find an untainted (non-rat infested) warm blooded human to feast on. As one approaches, their eyes lock and suddenly in the press of a button a good opportunity is ruined when the good doctor does an about face and sinks his teeth into an almost lifeless, rodent covered carcass. Awesome, I guess killing that guy was so nice, it had to be done twice.

Are we visualizing my pain yet? Basically, if I spend the blood, I want to know who is going to die. It's just that simple and as it stands there is no way to know who your attacks are going to hit. Can't we at least make those enemies that are within harms way have a targeting circle under them? When I'm charging up an area of effect spell, can't all those within the path of destruction be glowing a bit? Something... anything to let me know that I am not about to waste a portion of my life essence in vain? It would be appreciated.

Edit: Let me stress that I enjoy this system much more than PL/SL but any good strategy revolves around being able to take out the enemy that presents the greatest threat first and that just isn't a true option here due to the powers being so unpredictable at times. It's the same system that the enemies use that drives the aggro system that we always hear about, if Player A does 65 points of damage and Player B only does 15, then the enemy is going to target Player A for being the greatest threat to them. If Player B should score a successful hit of 66+ then he will gain aggro. It's just how the game is played and a necessary tool to get the job done efficiently.

04-26-2012, 12:09 PM
I agree. I love not having auto-attack, but I really think we need the ability to target a certain mob.

ESPECIALLY with the Hellblade skill.

Please make this happen.

04-26-2012, 02:26 PM
I agree. I love not having auto-attack, but I really think we need the ability to target a certain mob.

ESPECIALLY with the Hellblade skill.

Please make this happen.

Agree totally, except hellblade part. Why you want to target enemy with aoe skill? Don't see point, but I would like target system with shadow dance.

04-26-2012, 02:57 PM
Agree totally, except hellblade part. Why you want to target enemy with aoe skill? Don't see point, but I would like target system with shadow dance.

Possibly I just suck at Hellblades. Every time I use them, they never hit what I want them too. I would love to tap on a target, tap hellblade skill, and have my character automatically adjust towards that target and throw blades. I just constantly throw my blades off the screen and does nothing right now.

04-26-2012, 03:09 PM
I agree with this thread.

Also have felt Morf's pain with Hellblades. They seem to be forgiving and hit behind *sometimes* but it's still very random in which direction they fly.