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View Full Version : Getting More Energy

Jay-Face The-Game Best
04-27-2012, 05:42 AM
One thing that really bugs me is the fact that I have to wait AGES to get energy to progress with the quests and kill things.

So I was thinking...

Currently you have a section with PvP and you can play that freely with no worries about energy.. but you get a lot of people that don't try and play properly and just stand there OR they just go about killing..

Well maybe if you added in the ability to gain energy when you get so many flag captures or you gain 1 energy every 10 PvP kills.

This would then cause people to actually play for longer rather than standing about doing nothing. It also helps people get the PvP awards AND learn how to use the controls better by playing about in PvP learning what skills do what and how to be most effective.

I do get bored waiting for energy, and i can only play PvP for so long until I get bored due to gaining nothing from it.. however if I knew there was a chance I could get energy and then progress further I would spend all my energy and then PvP like crazy in the hope to gain energy and then progress some more... then when empty again I would PvP..

Personally I think this is a lot better than playing for a bit and using up all your energy then having to wait HOURS before you can hopefully level up or have enough energy to continue.

04-27-2012, 06:27 AM
Yes. I do like the idea of being awarded. Maybe a match completion bonus like CoD?

Jay-Face The-Game Best
04-27-2012, 06:32 AM
Yes. I do like the idea of being awarded. Maybe a match completion vinous like CoD?

Like CoD? :dejection:
I was thinking more along the lines of a random drop.

So for example your running about killing the other team and suddenly a bolt shows up as a drop from the player you killed.
Or you score a point by capturing a box (flag) and a bolt gets dropped..

Obviously only you would get it as its your pickup and winnings.. but this way you have to work for it.. Also if your in a mob of the other team and you kill lets say 2 and a bolt of energy drops but then guy 3 kills you before you collected it, then it would mean you have to race back to get the energy before it vanishes.. causing you to have to really fight for the bonus energy.

04-27-2012, 07:43 AM
What I'm trying to say is that people who actually play through the match will get some things at the end of the match. This'll also prevent people from abandoning teams unexpectedly.

Jay-Face The-Game Best
04-29-2012, 07:44 AM
Yeah sounds like it could work.. although you wouldn't want them to get a bonus for just sitting in matches.. otherwis you'll have loads of people doing nothing just to wait for the end of the match.

Possibly have it so if your in the top 3 players of that match you get a bonus..
1st = +1 energy
2nd = +100 gold
3rd = +random boot that lasts for next match

Top 3 are ranked on kills and scores
getting a kill gives you +1 point and scoring a capture gains you +3

This then means that you will want to get the flag if possible to get +3 and a chance of getting the +1 energy and you want to kill people during to get extra points.

This should mean that people who want bonus's actually play the CTF game how it should be.. and the CTF game should become very popular.. almost a game in its self :P

04-29-2012, 09:38 AM
Yeah sounds like it could work.. although you wouldn't want them to get a bonus for just sitting in matches.. otherwis you'll have loads of people doing nothing just to wait for the end of the match.

Possibly have it so if your in the top 3 players of that match you get a bonus..
1st = +1 energy
2nd = +100 gold
3rd = +random boot that lasts for next match

Top 3 are ranked on kills and scores
getting a kill gives you +1 point and scoring a capture gains you +3

This then means that you will want to get the flag if possible to get +3 and a chance of getting the +1 energy and you want to kill people during to get extra points.

This should mean that people who want bonus's actually play the CTF game how it should be.. and the CTF game should become very popular.. almost a game in its self :P

Random boot?

04-29-2012, 09:56 AM
I guess he meant buff.

Jay-Face The-Game Best
04-30-2012, 05:32 PM
Random boot?

Boost* sorry typo