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View Full Version : Help me out, guild members.

04-27-2012, 11:06 AM
I just cannot choose which guild to join. I have been looking over all the threads for guilds and I am at a loss. I would like to join a smaller guild, or a guild just starting out. I'd like the guild to focus on helping EVERYONE out and not just the players they know best. I'm new to the forum, so I feel like an outsider until I feel more comfortable posting more. That's just how I am.

However, I am very friendly, loyal, and I try to give help to who ever needs it in game. :loyal: I've answered questions for a few noobs before.
I'm an active lvl 20. Ign: Leviatha. That I can remember, I think have accumulated around 2500 kills and 130 deaths. I would really like a guild that I can feel comfortable with and concentrates more on helping people in all aspects of the game, as well as does more PvE than PvP, oh also farming. I think the crypts are cool but I'm not picky about what your guild hall looks like.

Even if you don't think I'm right for your guild, point me in the right direction if you think I would be of use to another guild. I just want to have fun and help.

Not SparklingPwnies. Sorry. They just seem too big. I think saw their members posting on almost every other guild. :peaceful:

Much thanks,
Leviatha. :vwub:

04-28-2012, 07:11 PM
I think my guild Dark Legion fits you, think about it. If u dont want to, thats fine.

Good luck

04-28-2012, 09:31 PM
Not SparklingPwnies. Sorry. They just seem too big. I think saw their members posting on almost every other guild. :peaceful:
Leviatha. :vwub:

Lol, we are never serious. We just like to have fun and inspire other players.
If a smaller just starting out guild is what you are looking for then we aren't for you :/
You are missin' out though! You can't judge SP unless you try it<33

04-28-2012, 09:58 PM
You don't really need a guild in this game. There aren't endgame instances that need high levels of determination and coordination to complete.

The only thing that requires high levels of determination and coordination is serious pvp, and considering you only need 5 people for a ctf match, a guild with about 10-12 people, would be optimal. This would be to 5v5 each other, or have a pool of subs for when people aren't on.

The more people in the guild the worst. Social guilds rarely transition into competitive and structured endgame guilds.

04-29-2012, 12:19 AM



I regret to hear that you have singled us out without even giving us a chance.

Thanx for hurting muh feelz badz.

On a side note a nice story. Once upon a time there was a hard headed guy named Acu who swore he would never join the sparkling pwnies no matter what!!!! Then one day I joined the sparkling pwnies because a friend invited me. I have sparkle pranced into and onto the next horizon ever since shimmers of glimmering & flickering light flying away behind me.

I dedicate this video to you,


04-29-2012, 12:48 AM
Join a guild, leave it. That's all you do but if you want a devoted guild, don't get one that has cuss words, those are usually rich people who don't know what to do with thier platinum and make a bad guild

04-29-2012, 10:29 AM



I regret to hear that you have singled us out without even giving us a chance.

Thanx for hurting muh feelz badz.

On a side note a nice story. Once upon a time there was a hard headed guy named Acu who swore he would never join the sparkling pwnies no matter what!!!! Then one day I joined the sparkling pwnies because a friend invited me. I have sparkle pranced into and onto the next horizon ever since shimmers of glimmering & flickering light flying away behind me.

I dedicate this video to you,


Thats where SP idea came from? cool....

04-29-2012, 10:30 AM
You don't really need a guild in this game. There aren't endgame instances that need high levels of determination and coordination to complete.

The only thing that requires high levels of determination and coordination is serious pvp, and considering you only need 5 people for a ctf match, a guild with about 10-12 people, would be optimal. This would be to 5v5 each other, or have a pool of subs for when people aren't on.

The more people in the guild the worst. Social guilds rarely transition into competitive and structured endgame guilds.

Not always, Many guild tend to be helpful while others r not. PEOPLE R DIFFERENT

04-29-2012, 12:03 PM
Not always, Many guild tend to be helpful while others r not. PEOPLE R DIFFERENT

Guilds aren't helpful unless you fall in line with its objective. It's the specific people in them are helpful, and these people are likely to help people outside of the guild.

I don't think this game is demanding enough to require a coordinated group effort, thus guilds in this game more fall into the category of form over function.

The only exception I see is for competive pvp. People have figured out cft on an individual level and are starting to learn to work together in coordiated groups.

I'm seeing groups with weaker individual players beating team with stronger players because they work better as a team. Frankly, at this point a good team will roll a pug, they won't stand a chance.

We'll probably see a 21 only guilds emerging fairly soon, I think lots of people are going to start hitting 21 in the next couple weeks. Also, end game guys are going to get sick of being guilded with low lvl players begging for money and runs...which is what sucks about being a high lvl guy in an all lvl guild.

In any case, the problem with social and leveling guilds are members feel that the guild is there to serve them, and it's a free ride, which very well could be the case. However, a endgame guild is like a boat. If everyone is rowing with a maximum coordinated effort the boat sails quicky. If people are just in it for the free ride they are dead weight, and it makes it harder for the people rowing. If there is no set direction, everyone rows in different directions which is counter productive to each others efforts.

Social guilds are more like party barges. They are fun, but they never go anywhere...at least not very efficiently.

04-29-2012, 12:26 PM
Dark Legion would love to have you if you want! :)

04-29-2012, 12:32 PM
Try underworld, sign up in forums there's a sign sheet somewhere... Oh well it's a great guild.

04-29-2012, 04:14 PM
i thinks its all too overwhelming considering this is my first time ever playing this type of game(i've never played any at all). i would love to join a guild that would help me better understand and get through the missions but i think i seem to be doing it alright by myself for now. i'll keep my eyes on the look out for a guild that i feel i would fit. its nice to know that there are genuine players out there that would allow me to ask questions. i really appreciate that. i wish everyone luck with their guilds and hopefully i can find myself a home! :)

04-29-2012, 04:28 PM
Join any guild then. You can always leave if you don't like it...

04-29-2012, 05:30 PM
Lol you needa join Spartans with that attitude towards us buddy.

04-29-2012, 10:15 PM
I just started a brand new guild only two members but the reason why is cuz we want ppl who are a bit laid back we pvp and pve alot I honestly think ud fit in add me in game my ign is mohawkski

04-30-2012, 12:58 PM
Thank you everyone for replying! :congratulatory: I just recently joined a newer guild that I was invited to ingame called, "Immortal Assassins". They focus on PvP, which is fine with me now since I've gotten better used to playing on PC, and helping others level their players up. They seem friendly and don't let the stupids get in or boot them if they do. Since I am level 20, I was made Officer, so I help out with controlling that. But if it doesn't work out, I was already considering joining Underworld.

Mohawkski, thanks for your friend request. If my guild doesn't work out for me, I will also consider joining your guild if I think I will fit in.

Aculeas, sorry to hurt your feelz badz. I didn't mean to. I really do like your guild's enthusiasm. Cupcake? :cupcake:

04-30-2012, 01:05 PM
Reason you should have joined Sparkling Pwnies: Opposites attract.

1) You wanted a guild that helped everybody. = We don't help anyone! Fend for yourself and be thankful you are in the guild!
2) You wanted a smaller guild. = We are huge!
3) You wanted a guild that is just starting out. = We started in SL beta!

Just let MC Skat Cat explain it to you...


We'll see you soon!

04-30-2012, 07:12 PM
Reason you should have joined Sparkling Pwnies: Opposites attract.

1) You wanted a guild that helped everybody. = We don't help anyone! Fend for yourself and be thankful you are in the guild!
2) You wanted a smaller guild. = We are huge!
3) You wanted a guild that is just starting out. = We started in SL beta!

We'll see you soon!

WOW...that makes soo much sense...after one pounds their head against the wall 20-30 times. :stupid: haha That's funny, though.

Xaphan Fox
04-30-2012, 07:35 PM
I'd date MC Skat Cat...

05-03-2012, 08:15 PM
I'd penetrate her anytime