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View Full Version : First impressions

04-27-2012, 06:09 PM
It's been bugging me a little and I only just managed to put my finger on what was missing from the game (another failed run through Numa Prime: Uncharted ruins drilled it home) -- Community spirit.

I've played many MMOs over the years and they all suffer with it to some degree I guess but the easy in/out nature of SL PUGs encourages a certain selfishness from the player base, certainly during early levelling.

I've lost track of the people who die once and leave, don't use their class skills to their best effect (if at all in some cases). As an engineer I find it surprising when I'm grouped with another engineer and I die but don't get revived, for example. then there are the idiots who pull multiple packs of mobs, panic, run straight to me/the group, die and leave me/us to try and survive the onslaught while they reject the multiple revives I throw their way...

Don't get me wrong, I've made a couple of friends, but have also rejected about a gazzillion friend requests from people who have never said a word to me, not even replied when I said "Hi" as they zoned-in.

Does it get any better in the upper echelons of the game (I'm thinking in the lvl 35-40 tiers), or are people just as rude/self obsessed all the way to end-game?


04-27-2012, 06:38 PM
I guess it depends on the people. I was ridiculously patient [and addicted], too much to care but I completely understand your frustration with others in the game.... some people can't figure out what they are able/supposed to do as their classes in lower levels... as you get higher though some people finally catch the drift and the only people like that you'll have to deal with left are beggars really...

Many idiots out there sadly. Hopefully your game experience improves soon. It can be a good game.

04-28-2012, 03:34 AM
As you are closing to the end-game levels (especially if u r doing this fast), you start meeting same toons running maps with u - even as pugs. Then you watch closely if their style is compatible to yours (it actually matters as for combos so for general understanding of maps) and you start to make true friends then..

Don't freak out yet) it will be alright soon!

Also, it helps to make friends here on forums. For example, when I got tired of endless 'remake runs' on Voleria, I posted here calling all who enjoys full-campaign runs - and made some really good friends this way))

04-28-2012, 09:02 AM
Premade campaign runs sound a lot more satisfying than the daily grind, and what a great way to get to learn each others' play-style.
Top tip! :)

04-28-2012, 12:13 PM
Omg! I love your signature Dufty! That's Awesome!
And no, the higher lvl a person is, usually the friendlier I've found :-) In my experience.
Also The guild they're in helps too.

04-28-2012, 04:51 PM
Omg! I love your signature Dufty! That's Awesome!
Thank you. I saw your sig thread and thought I'd have a go at one of my own :)

I joined a guild today and my social life exploded (as did my dungeoneering experience). Was nice to help out and to be helped for a change, instead of the ever increasing frustration of random groups with people who don't seem to have a basic grasp of their character skills/abilities.

But then, as I was reminded earlier, it's just a game, and maybe I'm taking it all too seriously 0.ó

04-28-2012, 06:26 PM
:-) That's Awesome! Happy Gaming!

04-29-2012, 04:47 AM
Premade campaign runs sound a lot more satisfying than the daily grind, and what a great way to get to learn each others' play-style.
Top tip! :)

I'm glad if it helped)

Also, congrats on guild. What is its name?

04-29-2012, 04:53 AM
This is a great game it's addicting