View Full Version : < Twink Inc. > - Great Minds Twink Alike

04-29-2012, 11:42 PM
http://i288.photobucket.com/albums/ll168/seven7oliverceff/twinkincemblem.jpg< Twink Inc. >
"Great Minds Twink Alike"
What do we do?
Twink Inc. is a fresh new guild for low-level twinks in Star Legends. For those of you who do not already know, a twink is an a alt (alternate character) which is capped at a certain level (usually multiples of 5, eg 10,15,20 etc..) and has its xp gain locked. Generally twinks are fitted out with the best possible gear for their level and are used predominately for PvP. Twink Inc. is a guild for players who wish to separate their twinks from their main level characters for the purpose of making new friends, gaining experience and learning to be better at twink PvP and for some friendly competition against the other well known twink guilds in Star Legends (Project Twink, Elite Droids, The Colony, Epoxy, Mvp to name a few).

Our Goal
Our ambition is to form a group of mature, fun, close-nit players who are all in the guild for the same reason. We wish to be able to compete with the best twink PvPers from the other guilds and perhaps even make competitions in the future. We want our members to all share a common eagerness to learn and get better at twink PvP. Maturity is an essential trait for all our members to possess, yet we still love to have some fun, because that is what it's all about!

Members List
Last updated: 18th June 2012
Member Count: 35

Trolle (10), Trolly (15), Trolli (20), Trolley (25)
Asazocavee (10), Asazaocavee (15), Asazaocave (20)
Brosophist (15)
Germdonor (15)
Mastertwink (20)
Protwink (15)
Aize (10), Arene (15), Aizetechz (20)
Aloha (10)
Anedog (20)
Atsukiii (14), Atzuki (20)
Barbarr (15), Barbar (20), Barbarsengi (20)
Blazzingstars (15)
Blowhorn (20)
Carlues (20)
Customs (15)
Datwink (15)
Devillsniper (10), Devilsniper (15)
Engineergat (15)
Ihatedroids (20)
Ixlove (20)
Legendxz (20)
Lindium (15), Lindiuum (20)
Meireless (20)
Minialexwong (15)
Missbananaz (15)
Newshoajel (20)
Noobenstein (15)
Okiupeourpose (15)
Pvptarget (10), Tyantopvp (15), Tyrantotpvps (20)
Rrulez (18), Rrules (20), Rules (20)
Russsia (25)
Tqljj (20)
Twinkerrific (15)
Twinkremix (15)
Xrazor (20)

The Benefits of Being a Twink Inc. Member
If you are accepted into Twink Inc. you will be joining some of the best twink PvPers in Star Legends. Once you are a member, there are no secrets about skill builds or tactics, we are all there to help each other learn and get better and all this information and resources will become available to you. You will always be involved in

Recruitment Criteria
Age Requirement: 16+ Our aim is to have a mature fun bunch of player in the guild, for this reason we have restricted the age requirement to 16+. We understand that this may be a little harsh to some of the younger kiddies but in order to achieve our goal we need to set this requirement. We also note that there is no way to prove someone's age through the game so this is solely a trust-based question, but you can usually tell if you are talking to immature adolescents or a mature adult just by the way they talk.
You must have a twink This is an obvious one... But the important thing here is that in order to join you must have another main character that is (presumably) a higher level. ie. The toon which you wish to join Twink Inc. cannot be your main toon.
Your twink must be within the level range of 10-25 In Star Legends the most popular levels to twink at are based on multiples of 5, so, a majority of all twinks are level 10/15/20/25 etc... We will accept twinks at all levels between 10 and 25 but it is recommended that you are of a multiple of 5. Currently, twinking at level 15 and 20 is the most popular so if you plan on making a twink I recommend one of those levels to choose from.

Guild Rules
We aren't too serious about this sort of stuff, but these are just the basic rules for our guild. They are simple and very easy to follow. We are highly unlikely to recruit any players who don't abide by these rules and action will be taken against guild members who break the rules. They aren't too hard to follow and they are really just written here to keep out the trolls. ;P
All members must understand and follow the standard procedure for PvP All members must know and recognize how to 1v1 with another player: While at a safe distance from your enemy, say their name and ask them to go. Once the other player replies with go then you are free to fight each other to the death. There will be no interrupting of 1v1 fights and especially no rushing (see below)
No rushing Rushing is attacking another player without declaring a fight first. This can be done either by interrupting another fight or by just running into a room and attacking without saying "go" and waiting for your opponents "go" first. There are countless players that rush, but in a professional twink guild it will not be tolerated.
No flaming, being a sore loser or general rudeness Our ambition is to have a fun, mature and professional guild so flaming and rudeness are not welcome. It is an expectation that after fighting someone you state "gf", meaning "good fight".
Kill farming is not allowed Kill farming is when players make alts that are purely for killing in PvP simply to boost their k:d ratio. It is stupid, pointless, and shows no skill whatsoever. It simply shows that you care more about your k:d ratio than your talent in the PvP arena. When we are thinking of recruiting you to Twink Inc. your k:d ratio will not determine whether you are accepted or not. We can tell just by watching you fight whether or not you have what it takes.

Guild Etiquette
At Twink Inc., we really would like to have an ego-free environment. We just want good players who are looking for a good fight and are respectful; not just to their fellow guildies but to everyone. The PvP environment can be very harsh and confronting sometimes and I'm sure many of you reading this have experienced rude players before. At Twink Inc. we will not accept players who don't possess the ability to be nice and respectful to other players. We don't want players with huge egos, or players who can't accept when they have been beaten. There are some very talented PvPers out there, and it can be easy for people to get ahead of themselves, especially when twink PvPing. Often there are new players who are not twinks that enter a twink PvP arena who have little no none experience in PvP. Sometimes they rush, accidentally, as they don't know the standard procedure for PvP. This leads to many players getting many easy kills in twink PvP, which i think, can lead to many players building their ego as a good k:d ratio makes them look good at PvP! Anyway, regardless of your k:d, respect is and essential trait that we are looking for when recruiting.

How to Apply
The process for joining Twink Inc. is simple and is as follows:
After reading all of the Recruitment Criteria and the Guild Rules (above) and making sure you are eligible, post in this thread below using the following template:

Name of main/higher level toon(s) in Star Legends:
Name of twink toon(s) in Star Legends:
Level(s) of twink toon(s) in Star Legends:
Short reason as to why you want to join Twink Inc.:
After applying you will be required to have a few quick battles with one of our members just so we can see what you got to offer. However, our expectation are really not high so if you are not that good at PvP at the moment then it is no problem. One of our main goals and bonuses of joining Twink Inc. is that once you are a member you will receive advice and training so you can get better at PvP. Obviously, there will be times when this method of applying is not required at all if one of our Officers or Recruiters contact you in game and ask you a few questions and batte you a few times there and then.

Please refrain from posting anything irrelevant in this thread as this is our official guild page. We will not be creating any individual guild-forum websites as I see it as a but pointless (there are a few guilds that do this and imo I think it is unnecessary). So, all discussions about recruitment and any other guild issues will be discussed here. If you have any issues with anything related to Twink Inc. please just send me a private message on the forums.

Looking forward to twinking with you soon!

04-30-2012, 04:47 AM
Good luck troll

sent from my hand using tapatalk

04-30-2012, 09:37 AM
good luck (: great to see more twinks !

04-30-2012, 10:28 AM
Thread looks good Trollee (:
Glad to be apart of the guild.

05-04-2012, 03:09 PM
I can join with my soon level 20 op Xrazor
and my soon to be level 15 Xrazer

05-06-2012, 12:44 PM
Guess infinite's out then. LOL. Now I have a guildless lvl 20 pvper.

05-13-2012, 01:54 PM
Im only wondering but what is the point of joining Twink Inc.? I mean Elite Droids said something like this and so did Project Twink and they both got inot a war. All im asking is what are the advantages in joining? Some have Pve tip, or helpful players, even some free auctions in the guild, but there is no point in joining Twink Inc if there is nothing o strive for. If this is just a guild to rule out the bad pvpers, that is just wrong.

05-13-2012, 08:18 PM
Im only wondering but what is the point of joining Twink Inc.? I mean Elite Droids said something like this and so did Project Twink and they both got inot a war. All im asking is what are the advantages in joining? Some have Pve tip, or helpful players, even some free auctions in the guild, but there is no point in joining Twink Inc if there is nothing o strive for. If this is just a guild to rule out the bad pvpers, that is just wrong.

What is the point in joining Twink Inc. ?
Well... I used to be in PT myself, and it was for reasons such as those petty "wars" against other guilds and all the name-calling as to why I left. I disliked many of the attitudes of the people in the guild (not naming names obviously) and I left so to create my own guild where none of these things would exist.

It is very easy for twink PvPers to get ahead of themselves when a majority of the people they are fighting are not twinks! I think this is turn builds egos because it is very easy to obtain a good-looking k:d on your twink toon.

And you asked what is the advantage of joining Twink Inc. ?
Well, I gather from your post that all the nonsense about guild wars and guilds flaming each other is something that bugs you too, yeah? Well, at Twink Inc. we do not get ourselves involved in anything of the sort. The guild is for players who just want to PvP. We all share a competitive spirit and none of our members will get involved (intentionally) in any petty argument with other players.

We are a guild where every member helps every other member to learn and get better at PvP. We share our builds, our tactics and our style of fighting so that every member can get better at PvP over time.

We are a mature and fun guild, and we will not get involved in any of the so called "wars" between any other twink guilds. We are not strict on our recruiting as I am currently keen on building the member count so if this is something that you are interested in just let me know in game or on forums.

- Trollee

05-16-2012, 01:29 PM
Main/Higher level toons: Reirei(41) XxStardemonxx(40) XxMistdemonxx (32)
Guild: Vengeance (recruiter)
Twink: XDeathangelx (20)
Current guild: Project Twink
Age: 16
Reason: Need PvP help. Looking for a fun and active twink guild with friendly player! :) im really junk and it seems like you guys are helpful! and Yea!

05-16-2012, 01:52 PM
Main/Higher level toons: Reirei(41) XxStardemonxx(40) XxMistdemonxx (32)
Guild: Vengeance (recruiter)
Twink: XDeathangelx (20)
Current guild: Project Twink
Age: 16
Reason: Need PvP help. Looking for a fun and active twink guild with friendly player! :) im really junk and it seems like you guys are helpful! and Yea!

I vouch for rei chan , pm in game MasterTwink.

I recently notice the attitude of the new generation pvpers and im just simply appalled. I was the ex leader of project Twink and now i am with Twink.inc and i can honestly say trolle is doing an excellent job here. The point of " weeding" out players is so that we dont get any bad seeds.

05-16-2012, 03:32 PM
Main Avatar: Zaonabiuibil, lv41

Twink Avatar: Noobenstein, lv15

Age: 14, is there some way around the age barrier? I see it more as a maturity issue than age issue.

Reason: I am a supporter of twinking, and it is a nice break from leveling, farming etc. I believe this guild has what it takes to be a beneficial group and helpful to all players, twinks, PvPers and regular players alike, and I wish to be a part of this.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

05-17-2012, 04:23 AM
@ XxReiReixX and Zaonabiuibil

Either myself or one of our officers/recruiters will get in contact with you in game.

Looking forward to twinking with you soon :p

05-17-2012, 04:43 AM
yoyo trolle nice post yup i agree that our guild is best

hehe thnx fr gift trollee

05-17-2012, 05:41 AM
yoyo trolle nice post yup i agree that our guild is best

hehe thnx fr gift trollee

Lmao no prob bro!

Some might argue that a Thud Gun is pretty imperative to have in L15 PvP lol XD

05-18-2012, 08:33 PM
Thanks Trollee! Cant wait!

05-19-2012, 12:01 PM
Thank you for the invite. I look forward to twinking with you guys. :)

05-24-2012, 12:30 PM
hello trolle a lvl 25 want to join guild shuld i invite him

05-24-2012, 11:29 PM
hello trolle a lvl 25 want to join guild shuld i invite him

We will soon be accepting level 25 twinks, so, I see no reason not to.

05-31-2012, 10:27 PM
Updated! >.>

05-31-2012, 11:44 PM
Updated! >.>

yo bro
kool guild is expanding very fast n all of twink in. member r freindly nice bro :)
keep it up

06-01-2012, 01:51 AM
Lol that's awesome, I love a clever guild name.

06-02-2012, 04:50 AM
Lol that's awesome, I love a clever guild name.
Hehe, fanks >.<

06-09-2012, 06:33 AM
Enter content

06-10-2012, 11:44 AM
Very fun Twinking guild, +100

06-12-2012, 10:59 AM
nice total number of pvp player in guild is 36 and total number of player with alt is 100+

06-12-2012, 11:38 AM

06-12-2012, 01:15 PM
Just logged in to say 'Halo' from Ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuules ;D

06-12-2012, 07:10 PM
nice total number of pvp player in guild is 36 and total number of player with alt is 100+

Just logged in to say 'Halo' from Ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuules ;D
allo allo ;P

06-12-2012, 10:58 PM
trollee man whr r u doing update twink guild list
waiting ....

06-13-2012, 03:14 AM
lol u r fast

06-13-2012, 03:57 AM
lol u r fast
Lol XD, because I saw this...

trollee man whr r u doing update twink guild list
waiting ....

06-13-2012, 11:45 PM
Lol XD, because I saw this...


06-15-2012, 10:13 AM
im not in Twink inc. actualy im the worst at twink pvp (i guess) . but i rate this guild :star::star::star::star::star:

06-15-2012, 10:30 AM
im not in Twink inc. actualy im the worst at twink pvp (i guess) . but i rate this guild :star::star::star::star::star:

If you wanted to apply, we'd be happy to train you :)

06-16-2012, 12:24 AM
im not in Twink inc. actualy im the worst at twink pvp (i guess) . but i rate this guild :star::star::star::star::star:
Hehe aww Picky your always welcome here! With a bit of training from some of our pr0 Twink Inc. members we will get you up to scratch in no time!! hehe <3

06-16-2012, 12:27 AM
im not in Twink inc. actualy im the worst at twink pvp (i guess) . but i rate this guild :star::star::star::star::star:

hiya yea it wont take time to turn u in pro twink player just need practise im alwyas ready to hlp

06-18-2012, 07:54 PM
If you wanted to apply, we'd be happy to train you :)
You guys have the best PVPer in SL , im glad to join this awesome guild after i finish my ALOT work . dont have much time to play for a few days

Hehe aww Picky your always welcome here! With a bit of training from some of our pr0 Twink Inc. members we will get you up to scratch in no time!! hehe <3
yay thanks ollie :D , im sure we will meet soon ingame . but u know u need more patient to teach me cuz my english is sucks lol

hiya yea it wont take time to turn u in pro twink player just need practise im alwyas ready to hlp
tysm sir im so happy reading all these awesome replay :)

06-19-2012, 04:36 AM
Yyay thanks ollie :D , im sure we will meet soon ingame . but u know u need more patient to teach me cuz my english is sucks lol
your not wrong, your english is sucks XD almost worth than asa :0

06-20-2012, 07:53 AM
your not wrong, your english is sucks XD almost worth than asa :0

haha ik my english sux :)

03-29-2013, 12:39 AM
Was mordic "the best pvper" ever a twink?

03-29-2013, 09:19 PM
can i rush if someone rushes me first?

04-04-2013, 12:03 AM
higher lv toons: none i really like to twink
lv: 20
reason: i think this is a great guild to pvp with