View Full Version : Device not authorized

04-16-2021, 04:34 PM
Hello, long time player returning to the game this week. I tried logging in, but it told me “this device is not authorized”. Why did this happen? I’ve used basically the same device (iPad) for years (used phone a couple times too). It wants me to send a confirmation email but I no longer have access to that email account as it has been dead for years. I know my password, all my char names, email used, etc., is there any other way I can get my account back?

04-16-2021, 04:38 PM
Devices only remain authorized when they have been used recently.

You have a couple options:
* Regain access to the email address - contact the email provider.
* Contact spacetime support, prove to their satisfaction that you are the original owner of the account, and have them change the email address to one you do have access to.

Spacetime support is here: