View Full Version : Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion (Sharing stories)

05-03-2012, 08:31 PM
So I just started playing Oblivion again and I got addicted again so I decided to craze things up and share things with you all.

Story 1: Revenge for a horse

So here I am returning from a cave for a quest when I suddenly noticed that my horse is gone! (Horses are expensive and I'm a miser in the game :p) After searching around, I finally discovered the body of my horse with a single steel arrow in it. Right now I was mentally shouting "AGHHHHH!" So what did I do?

I hunted down that archer!

*3hours of searching, fighting, and raiding camps later*
So after running away from the Minotaur, I finally found the culprit's camp as I would soon find out. The bandit was coming into camp so I quickly hid in the tent and waited for the bandit.
*WARNING! This next scene tells of what will happen to ANYONE who dares killing a horse of mine!*
Quickly I ran forward and paralyzed the bandit. Grinning that I had my culprit, I casually pulled out my overpowered bow and arrows and made the bandit take an arrow to the knee! I was shouting with joy the whole way back to the city. The End

So anyone else have stories to share? Achievements to tell? Or that one item you found in a cave that turned you into a goat? Please share and let's have some good stories to tell! :)

05-03-2012, 09:33 PM
I haven't played ES4 in a while. It's a great game and so much better than Skyrim, but it lacks the resonance and smoothness of Skyrim, which makes me play Skyrim more.

I remember getting the Shadow Horse, or whatever it was called, from the Dark Brotherhood and then reading that if you killed the horse, you could stash all your items and it would come back to life or something because it is undead. Well, I did it and stashed a whole lot of great gear in the horse, then the horse came back to life, I went in a dungeon, and when I came back out, my horse was freaking gone. I never found it, nor the items.

05-03-2012, 10:08 PM
Ouch there :(
I know a little commands in ES4, and with that I created a new character called : Infamous. Now when I mean infamous, I meant it lol. I spawned an Adoring Fan and then Umbra. I then killed Umbra and took the most powerful blade in the game: Umbra :p. So I tried out the blade on the fan and after getting attacked by guards, I decided to visit the capital. Using my newfound powers and every single spell in the game, I killed my way into the center of the place and "visited" the person in charge :p
So in the end, I have over 70,000 bounty on my head :)