View Full Version : Guild event enhancements!!!

04-28-2021, 10:17 PM
Since the guild event is starting today, i think it would be great to add some extra features/enhancements before the update. Here are my suggestions,

1.) Make the event duration customisable instead of just 3,5&7 days
2.) Add some other types of guild events like recruiting event/mini quiz/treasure hunt etc( duration can be customised to certain amount of hours/days as mentioned above)
3.) Make an option such that the rewards would be automatically granted to the respective leaderboard position holders( incase the guild master is busy etc).
4.) Add filters. For example only members who have been in guild for a certain period of time are able to participate in the event
5.) Guild event fund where members can donate gold which can only be accesed by the guild master
6.) Make the guild event tokens be purchasable with gold too.

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05-04-2021, 10:04 AM
Also these:
Let us to choose between normal/Elite maps.
Fix maps that grant more than 1 Boss kill, tindirin map 1 for example grants 4 Boss kills.
Let us specify "x" Boss.
And many other tweaks that are needed, this feature was a good idea but clearly not ready to be released considering there's so much room for improvement.