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05-05-2012, 01:23 AM
This thread is for all you new players out there who have questions about Pocket Legends. This is basically a guide:

First off, I would like to start off explaining the most important things you need to know about pocket legends.

1. Get to know the main buttons.
2. How to level up.
3. The map of Pocket Legends, also known as ”Alterra”.
4. Making money
5. Buying and selling items
6. Crafting
7. PVP and CTF

1. Get to know the main buttons.
First thing you need to know is your attack button, this is ur friend, it does exactly what it says...ATTACKS. Also, you need to know about the joystick and and ”tap to move” option. The joystick is basically how you move around; just drag it in the dirrection you would like to move. The ”tap to move” option is well....you tap the screen at the spot you want move to, it speaks for it self. One of the most important buttons is your menu. The menu is located at the top left corner of your screen, where your health and mana are displayed. Once you open the menu, you will see many tabs. The first tab is your avatar tab, this shows how your character looks and tells you how many kills and deaths you have in both PVE ( player vs. Everyone) and PVP (player vs. player). It also shows how many quests you have done. The next tab is your inventory. This tab shows you all the items you are wearing. In your inventory there are more tabs which are pretty obvious to tell what they are, they have pictures to help. The next tab is your skills tab. This is where you can see what skills you have unlocked while leveling up. Each skill has a maximum of 6 skillpoints avaliable to use on them. You earn a skillpoint everytime you level up. Spend them wisley. The next tab is the Store. This is where u can purchase items for your character using the in-game currency called PLATINUM. You are given 10 platinum once you create your account. You can get more platinum by either buying it, or earning free platinum by downloading free aps using Tapjoy.com or the featured offers that are given to you. The next tab is your social tab, A.K.A friends list. This is where all your friends are listed. You can add friends to the list by clicking on another player and clicking ADD FRIEND. The next tab is the Quest tab. This is where all the information of the current quests you are doing are. You get quests by talking to the NPCs around the towns. The final tab is called the Menu tab, which is the ”main menu” tab. This is where u can Log Out, check the Leaderboards, go to the game options and see the Credits, which are the names of the developers of the game.

2. How to level up.
First of all, you need to learn about PORTALS. Portals are what they sound like, they are portals that lead you to the area where you can kill monsters and level up. Each town has its own portal or portals, but some dont which leads us to the map section of this guide.

3. The map of Pocket Legends, also known as ”Alterra”
To enter the map, you need to click the menu button, then, click the mini globe at the bottom of the screen, from there you can choose where you want to go. There are many towns you can go to and each has its required level to enter its portal. Like I said before, some towns dont have portals. In that case, what you need to do is go to the menu, then map, then click join or host game to create or join a game that is currently in progress. This way you can level up and not be confused about how to do this.

4. Making money.
There are many ways to make money on pocket legends. The most basic way to make money at the start is killing monsters because they drop money everytime you kill one. Out of the many ways, the best ones that work out for me are FARMING and MERCHING. Farming is when you redo a certain level over and over again until you get items that are worth selling. The best kind of sellable items are Legendary items also known as ”pinks”. Merching is when you buy a good item for as low of a price you can find and then selling it for a higher price than what you bought it for. These are great ways of making money.

5. Buying and Selling items.
There are different ways and places to buy and sell items. One way is to buy something off another player. To do that you need to click on the person you will buy the item off of and click the two arrows pointing up and down, this will take u to the trade screen. Another way to buy or sell items is talking to any NPC that sell items and buy them there at a firm price. The last way and byfar one of the best, is using the consigment store, cs for short. To get to the CS you need to go to BALEFORT CASTLE town then, talk to one of the NPCs named Artie. This will bring you to the shop. Here you can search any item you want depending on what other players have put up to sell. You can also put an item up for sale by clicking the SELL ITEMS tab near the top left corner. You can put it up for any price, but I would recommend putting a price that is reasonable.

6. Crafting.
Crafting is another way to make money but I wouldnt recommend this until you are experienced enough. Crafting is basically making items with other components that are used to create it. Different Towns have different crafting items. To craft an item you need to talk to the towns blacksmith and have gathered all the components for that item. To get these components you need to either kill bosses, buy them, or earn them from quests. Then, just click the item you wanted to make and there, you just crafted your first item.

7. PVP and CTF.
Pvp stands for PLAYER VS PLAYER. It is what it says, it is when players fight against other players to gain kills and maybe end up on the leaderboards. CTF stands for CAPTURE THE FLAG. It is the same as pvp except that the are flags involved. The purpose is to get your enemies flag to your base 5 times and you win, but its harder than it seems. One tip on pvp: Dont start to pvp until you are at least at a lvl that you feel you can actually kill other players because there will be players who are more experienced and will kill you. There is some sort of regulations to pvp, one would be the ”calling” method. This is an orderly way of pvping where you call out to an enemy player and ask to fight. Most players just yell, ”<players name> go?” This marks the beggining of a fight, if the player that you ”called out” responds by saying ”Go” this means FIGHT! If you dont ”call” to a player and just attack them, you will be called a ”rusher”. Rushers are hated throughout pvp, if everyone knows your a rusher, then everyone will just attack you on sight. You do not want to be a rusher. Another regulation is FFA, which stands for FREE FOR ALL. This is when all players just attack eachother freely with no consequence of being called a rusher. But before you FFA, you have to ask if its an FFA match. FFA is usually used for CTF. Now that you know this information, you can go experience it for yourself, log on to Pocket Legends and have Fun!

I hope this quick guide helped most of you new players. I hope to see you in-game, have fun and dont forget to go by the rules which are posted somewhere on these forums :)

If you still have questions dont be afraid to send me a message. Same thing goes for people with comments or concerns.

05-05-2012, 01:51 AM
>.> Do I need to say it?

05-05-2012, 08:17 AM
Please add more to the pvp section. If a player is really new, they shouldn't be joining random pvp matches anyway. 9/10 low lv twinks rush noobs. You should aslo explain the "go system". I know it isnt an "official" rule to pvp; however, it is now one of the most important parts of pvp. Explain what an FFA and other terms in pvp. Also, I strongly reccomend you tell them to wait till lv 40 to pvp.

Another think I noticed, add more to the lv up section. Explain which towns you should go to in order to lv up quickly.

05-05-2012, 08:32 AM
Ty for the info, I will add it.

09-07-2012, 11:11 PM
Most of the things you mentioned are already in the guide, however the waiting til lvl 40 which I would recommend 35 for, not 40, I will add. I will also add more to the lvl up section.