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View Full Version : Shield build?!?

05-05-2012, 02:11 PM
So! I was playing on my voodoo earlier and came across someone who referred to their build as a shield build. I asked them what it was but of course you know twinks! they wouldnt say! can anyone enlighten me.. Show me one of these builds and how to kill them?

:) thanks

05-05-2012, 03:01 PM
Well i guess its shield a second before they're in their enymey's range, then i guess they use ice, drain, fire... Or something like that. Also, I guess they are nuke. What I try with my voodoo mage is this: drain, heal, light, fire. Use the combo after their drain, so u heal their firestorm. Doesnt always work and u gotta practise!

Also, you can kite. Use ice/fire or fire/ice in begin, then use drain (in next attack). Practise ur range good so ur earlier with drain if u use it first. Then, u can use combos like drain, ice, fire. This isnt a great risc if u always use ur drain earlier. GL!