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View Full Version : PVP Rules

05-05-2012, 06:41 PM
Here are the basic pvp fighting styles- FFA=free for all,or, 1v1= one vs. one
In FFA- Attack all you want. No waiting. Just shoot before someone shoots you! Simple as that.
In 1v1- Do not randomly attack. You have to call out your match or answer to someone who called you out. Say that your name is Sample A. If you want to attack someone on the other team, Sample B, this is what you say it. "Sample B go?" If you want, abbreviate their name. Say, Samp, or SampB. These are the two basic styles of pvp. I will update this later for added rules and fighting styles.
In a Punch Out-Remove all weapons. Go around pressing the auto attack. If you are close enough to your target, you give them a nice punch that actually gives a little damage. No skills allowed
In Bully Style- keep weapons on if preferred but do not use them. Operatives can use only the lurch and physic lash repeatedly. Commandos can only use neutron stomp and singularity repeatedly. Engineers can only use suppression and wither repeatedly. (This is based on level 15 pvp, if these skills are not in your build, make changes when bully style is going on, or state that you will drop out.)

There are way more styles of pvp. New ones are made all the time. Tune in later to see if I updated.

05-05-2012, 07:18 PM
There are no rules in pvp! Fine, some people dont like being "rushed" but there are no official rules to pvp, so if you want to rush thats fine. You cant get banned for it.

05-05-2012, 07:57 PM
In game rules ok. Please don't instantly flame.

05-05-2012, 08:47 PM
I'd suggest you change "rules" to "types" or something. There really aren't rules. Just things people make up.

05-06-2012, 05:13 AM
More like etiquette than rules. But then again not everyone agrees.

05-06-2012, 12:09 PM
Thx for the feedback guys, I'll get on it