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View Full Version : Disconnections = lose real life cash

05-06-2012, 01:33 AM
Just got darklegends and so far im loving it. Still a little uneasy about the energy system though.

Anyways, with the slightest lag i get kicked from the server to the log in screen. And since energy can be refilled through plat, i consider energy real life cash. Theres been a few times ive entered playable areas for kills and drops costing me 3 energy and getting booted from the server 5-10 seconds in costing me 3 energy for nothing. I hate to say it but ur games kinda taking my cash :/

Can u please have a better system for this? Maybe if u get booted it sorta resets your character like it was right before you entered the zone?

05-06-2012, 02:18 PM
You said it well, "energy CAN be filled with....", but it's not MUST. So basically you lose 15minutes of time, what equals to zero dollars.

05-06-2012, 03:09 PM
You said it well, "energy CAN be filled with....", but it's not MUST. So basically you lose 15minutes of time, what equals to zero dollars.

What I took away from his post is that this is making him reluctant to buy plat to spend on energy. Others who might spend plat to recharge energy probably have the same reservations.

I don't see an easy fix, though, because if they fix it so you don't lose energy if you leave early, people will just run dungeons over and over, leaving before the end, so they can farm gold.

05-06-2012, 03:32 PM
This was a minor problem on android and chrome, but with ios this is going to get rough. They need to figure a solution to this, because the lag disconnects are about to jump.

05-06-2012, 09:31 PM
Well i was going to fill it but then that issue popped up and i didnt want it draining my cash for nothing. So im gonna hold off a bit till it gets fixed or something :/. And the solution i had was just a quick idea. After reading back at it, it didnt sound good at all lol.

05-07-2012, 08:14 AM
Just got darklegends and so far im loving it. Still a little uneasy about the energy system though.

Anyways, with the slightest lag i get kicked from the server to the log in screen. And since energy can be refilled through plat, i consider energy real life cash. Theres been a few times ive entered playable areas for kills and drops costing me 3 energy and getting booted from the server 5-10 seconds in costing me 3 energy for nothing. I hate to say it but ur games kinda taking my cash :/

Can u please have a better system for this? Maybe if u get booted it sorta resets your character like it was right before you entered the zone?

energy is also free... soooo...

Edit: but I understand what you're saying. I shouldn't have left that part out.

05-07-2012, 11:34 AM
I still cant count energy as real life cash but i can feel you thts reason i made this suhtestion couple weeks ago but no responses...


05-07-2012, 11:53 AM
I have no idea how anybody can equate energy with real cash. That's a bit of a stretch. Unless maybe, if you bought it with plat... DON'T buy energy with plat. Learn some patience. It's not the only game on your device is it?

You get to keep your kills and drops. Some of us leave early to disable XP.

Maybe the disconnection is happening to quickly?

05-11-2012, 11:13 AM
If ur close to a lvl and dont wanna wait cause ur excited about something (maxing ur lvl or close to a weapon you want) spending plat on energy isnt such a bad idea since its only 10 plat. Yes energy CAN be free but if ur one of the few that, in snakes terms, are "impatient" and spends their money on energy, its kinda frustrating to see a piece of it dissapeare for no reason. Just saying.

And the problem is that i get disconnected to the login screen sometimes when im only slightly lagging, right when i enter the zone. Not even in the 1k pings.