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View Full Version : Goin once...Going twice...SOLD! - Auction house..

08-15-2010, 04:29 PM
Alright, well I made this thread to talk to other players about my opinion on the Auction House. First off, I know MANY people love to merchant. Who doesn't love buying an item and then selling it for free cash? Anyway, my point is this: If we bring in an auction house, our current merchanting system will be diminished or transformed completely.

I do not know the specifics on the AH, but I do know that it will more then likely sell items with time as the main factor. Ok, so who cares right? That means when you sell an item it will probably take a while to sell, or it might not even sell. However, due to supply and demand, sellers will have to adjust accordingly, meaning prices will drop drastically due to the common pinks. Everyone knows there is fewer buyers then there is sellers when it comes to this, except for perhaps a very small amount of pinks which will probably be leading the market. (Ex: AO2 pinks like alien blaster, galaxy, etc.) So this will create a very lopsided economy. Why so? Because new players who just join start out with practically NOTHING. The veterans on the other hand have most likely taken advantage of this limitless economy and have made a killing off of it. So here comes a brand new player who agrees that the AH is the coolest thing to ever hit Planet Legends, and he starts selling his pinks for x amount (just estimate 100-1k each) and by the time he's actually level 45 he may have earned about 100k. So I think about this in different aspects, all of which could be concluded to be "fair." For example, some of you might say "we have played longer, so by all means, we deserve more. We were here in the beginning, so why shoudn't we have the upper hand in the game?" As self-centered as that might seem to be, it can be very true. Without a branch of wealthy individuals the economy is doomed to be a failure, assuming there are an equal number of others who balance it out. However, this AH can create an extremely diversed economy. New players who have pocket change, perhaps until they reach a very high level (which will take quite some time). Then, we will have the upper class which is all of the veterans who have taken advantage of the economy. So we will have an extremely wealthy partial and, as the economy groes, a much lower class.

I believe as the game groes and expands, this will only create controversy when it comes to pricing and other things. However, perhaps with the new players and the AH it will actually increase sales of gold through real life money, because it will be more in porportion to the actual rate of income. NOBODY I know buys in-game gold unless they have thousands of real life dollars to waste, simply because it is much easier to obtain it in the game.

Last but not least, I do believe this game needs the AH. I just believe the economy will flip and flop back and forth, and money will be valued much differently. I simply created this thread to debate and share ideas on the upcoming Auction House, because I am anticipating this update for many different reasons. Perhaps I've over analyzed this, but thats kind of just who I am. So I think I've talked more then enough, please share your opinions and any comments you might want to make.


08-15-2010, 06:20 PM
Anyone? ;)

08-15-2010, 06:43 PM
It's an interesting post. I just really don't know what to say in response. I think it's hard to foresee exactly how the auction hous will affect things, but you seem to have some reasonable predictions.

08-15-2010, 09:32 PM
I was actually hopping for such deflation to happen; Platinum bought gold will be worth so much

ps. I don't have 100k and vie been playing hardcore for a while

08-15-2010, 10:31 PM
I have faith in the fact the the Developers have more experience in this area then us, don't panic.

08-16-2010, 03:14 AM
I would welcome an AH. I'm relatively new to the game, played to 25 and only had one purp drop. Would be nice to be able to purchase a pink / purp or two, or at least have something to save up for. Besides, because I'm new, I have no idea what the weapons all are yet from name only, so to be able to see them and see how they change my stats would be very helpful - I can't exactly keep saying to people "show me that item" every time I'm interested in a trade.

08-16-2010, 09:39 PM
I would welcome an AH. I'm relatively new to the game, played to 25 and only had one purp drop. Would be nice to be able to purchase a pink / purp or two, or at least have something to save up for. Besides, because I'm new, I have no idea what the weapons all are yet from name only, so to be able to see them and see how they change my stats would be very helpful - I can't exactly keep saying to people "show me that item" every time I'm interested in a trade.

I agree 100%...The game needs this AH. However, it will undoubtedly change the economy style and the way Pocket Legends will function.

08-16-2010, 09:46 PM
It will speed things up. I think people will be more likely to try and sell their low level stuff rather than liquefy it. It should be good for the new low level player.