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View Full Version : <Guardians Of Darkness> Now Recruiting!

Sim Jing
05-08-2012, 02:25 PM
Hello, fellow players, Guardians Of Darkness is now recruiting! Anyone can join and we have friendly officers here to help you if needed.

- Tier 3 guild hall (discounts on elixirs and potions)
- Officer assistance if needed.
- Frequent updates from the forums via our guild master PureAaaaaaaab
- Active guild, Parties at random.
- Learn under the tutoring of us officers.

Like many prestigious guilds, we have our own set of rules.

-Do not beg anywhere or in guild chat.
The reason for this is because not only it will bring our reputation down, but it's annoying to fellow players.
Plus, it's giving others a bad example to follow.

- Do not swear, flame, cuss etc
Like most guilds, we wanted to keep our guild chat clean and make it fun to interact with everybody.

- Do not scam fellow players or guildmates.
I know it's obvious in the forums, and we really do not want our reputation to be known as a group of cheaters.

- Do not beg for Officer Posts.
Officer promotion are based on a few requirements:
At least level 50 or above
Being helpful to the guild via recruiting, welcoming people, reporting offending guildmates.
Being active in our guild.
Must follow/enforce the law.
PM Pureaaaaaaaab if you felt qualified. Voting on every Saturday.

- Do not chat in any other language other than english.
The point is that others may not understand what are you talking about. Share the fun.

- Do not spam in the guild chat.
Spammers will be informed by officers to stop. If they persist, a guildkick is imminent.

- Do not insult an officer or the Master.
We may not be butthurt, but it's rude to insult your elders, eh? Same here.

PM any of us to quick join our guild.

Master: Pureaaaaaaaab (Pure9As)

Officers: Chioricon, DmSpawn, Skiiedif, Anereeb, BakedXxArcher, Balfry, Biokitty, Cocgoblin, Daozel, and many more!

As always, any feedback on my post is acceptable and will be considered. Thank you.

19/05/12 UPDATE: Most of you guys wondered why some of us officers couldn't help you go for LEVELING services, clear maps, etc. However, even us officers need to farm, currently Humania is coming in a matter of weeks and those of us at the 60s have to save enough cash for the upcoming release.

It is with deep regrets to say that even I can't help as much as I promised in forums, even I was caught up with the rush to farm, especially when the 4.5x damage weekend is here. Nevertheless if possible I will still try and help you guildies on runs, just try not to expect much from me. And as always, ask us officers for advice if possible, helping others is good karma. =D

05-12-2012, 06:56 PM
PS: We will be accepting players from any level. Nice Post , Chioricon ^_^

Sim Jing
05-14-2012, 06:23 AM
Thanks master!

05-17-2012, 04:14 AM
I am a level 34 bird, and would like to join.

05-18-2012, 11:40 AM
sorted out.

Sim Jing
05-19-2012, 10:17 AM
Problem solved


05-20-2012, 04:10 AM
The message you have entered is too short

Sim Jing
05-20-2012, 06:11 AM