View Full Version : Ticked off

05-08-2012, 11:27 PM
Hello guys MightyMicah here!

Just wanted to let everyone know that I am ticked off in pvp to the point of no return. I am so tired of the only people challenging me being people who know they can beat me. I'm so tired of getting rushed unawares. I'm so tired of one vs one crap. I'm so tired of the whole system and I could rant about this all day but instead I've decided to do something about it.

I am officially becoming the Jop of level 50-56. I sent a request to spacetime asking for my level 55 bird back. My plan is to get him level 56 glyph and start rushing everyone in sight. That is everyone EXCEPT friends.

I have made this thread for 4 reasons

Reason #1-if you see me and you know me do not hesitate to let me know you are a friend or you will be rushed. Sorry. It just seems to me there aren't any cool pvpers left so Ima rush them all. Please let me know who you are! I am only rushing because I can't trust anyone, but I know I can trust friends.

Reason #2-if you agree with me and would like to do the same I'd be happy to help you out leveling or whatever...feel free to hit me up!

Reason #3-I am going to start recruiting rushers to my guild "League of Shadows." If you would like to join that guild feel free to pm me or something.

Reason #4-it's been too long without me on the leader boards and I plan to get there before summer is over. I believe rushing/ffa is the way to go. When you check the leader boards you won't find anyone with better than a 3:1 ratio. That's saying something.

Remember to Go ][-][ard! Or Go ][-][ome!

Oh, and here's a little song that motivates me ;)
the best line. "they gonna know about us." haha

Thanks ya'll have a nice day

05-08-2012, 11:38 PM
Nooo, join 10 pvp :) some group called YOLO is making it so fun!

05-08-2012, 11:44 PM
Nooo, join 10 pvp :) some group called YOLO is making it so fun!

Thats you? Such trolls. Lmao

@ mm whats ur toons name so I can kill you first. xD

05-08-2012, 11:50 PM
I have joined 10...

and my name is mightymicah and thmightymicah. But I consider you a friend bro.

05-08-2012, 11:52 PM
I have joined 10...

and my name is mightymicah and thmightymicah. But I consider you a friend bro.

Same, but feel free to rush..i like fast past pvp. :D

05-09-2012, 12:00 AM
I like to hear that. That's what I'm looking for! people who don't get offended with every kill...

05-09-2012, 12:08 AM
Thats you? Such trolls. Lmao

@ mm whats ur toons name so I can kill you first. xD
Actually... I'm not in it... I think fighting them is fun, and I like how they are effecting pvp.

05-09-2012, 12:14 AM
Fyi.. your nothing like jop. Jop is actually difficult to beat.

Sincerely, assassinjrjr :-)

Btw, just because your able to beat a few nubs wearing trash gear doesnt make you the best L50/56 pvper that ever lived. (I defended the nubs)

05-09-2012, 12:19 AM
Dear Nick. Get off of my thread. I rushed everyone in sight and you fought back. You did well for a 56 bird against a 50 mage. Your negative comments are not welcomed here. and I never said I was the best...I meant like jop as in I'm rushing like jop. Not that I'm anywhere near as good as him...

05-09-2012, 12:21 AM
I couldnt care less if they are or not lol. I highly dislike people who pick on players new to pvp.

One guy was asking for anyones help and all you did was farm him

05-09-2012, 12:23 AM
Nick this is game. If i offended you or anyone else, suck it up. Go hard or go home.

05-09-2012, 12:23 AM
Fyi.. your nothing like jop. Jop is actually difficult to beat.

Sincerely, assassinjrjr :-)

Btw, just because your able to beat a few nubs wearing trash gear doesnt make you the best L50/56 pvper that ever lived. (I defended the nubs)
You a Leaver, Sincerely Daangryman.

05-09-2012, 12:29 AM
You a Leaver, Sincerely Daangryman.
Because you rushed me (A LVL 56) with your character (A LVL61). Shall i say it again? I dislike people like yourself, sryyoulose. Btw, i think you only killed me once and that was when you rushed me when i joined the match lol.

Nick this is game. If i offended you or anyone else, suck it up. Go hard or go home.
Offended? Not at all! I had quite alot of fun farming you with they new player wearing ao gear

05-09-2012, 12:32 AM
Nick I'm about to report you for flaming. Go cool down, remember it's a game and respect everyone as people, not as game characters. And please stop posting here I don't want a flame war...

05-09-2012, 12:35 AM
Looks like we are a bit past that point in time lolz. I think you should report yourself for making a thread such as this one in the first place and expecting no flame at all

05-09-2012, 12:40 AM
Lol? It was 4:5 Only because you kept leaving and coming back when I have no buffs.

Anyways... 1v1 Pvp causes to many Problems. KILL THEM ALL I SAY!

05-09-2012, 12:42 AM
I would be more than happy to fight you in a 1v1 tomorrow on my L61 bear, sundive :-)

05-09-2012, 12:44 AM
Nick I already asked you to please stop. I just reported you, now please just leave my thread alone.

05-09-2012, 12:46 AM
You dont tell someone you reported them... bwahaha. Like you dont know if i have reported you as well :-)

05-09-2012, 12:47 AM
crap. ok I'll pm sam for a lock. Sorry guys.

05-09-2012, 12:49 AM
Sorry for what?... sorry you couldnt continue your thread informing people that your going to start rushing them? Smart boy you are

05-09-2012, 12:50 AM
I would be more than happy to fight you in a 1v1 tomorrow on my L61 bear, sundive :-)

Sure =) Just don't Run Run Rudolph.
FYI, besting me in a duel is easy... There's a reason I have over 5 k Deaths.

05-09-2012, 12:52 AM
I would be more than happy to fight you in a 1v1 tomorrow on my L61 bear, sundive :-)

Sure =) Just don't Run Run Rudolph.
FYI, besting me in a duel is easy... There's a reason I have over 5 k Deaths.
Maybe you should change your combo/gear up a bit. (I run on my str bear and hide behind a tree if people decide to kite me with a xbow)

05-09-2012, 12:54 AM
Maybe you should change your combo/gear up a bit. (I run on my str bear and hide behind a tree if people decide to kite me with a xbow)

Why spend cash when I'm quiting high lvl pvp anyways?

05-09-2012, 12:55 AM
Because you also have the ability to sell the gear once your done with it

05-09-2012, 12:57 AM
Hmm, must say that is an interesting way to give in to frustration. Rush me if you like, you won't win.

05-09-2012, 01:00 AM
@lowlyspy maybe Nick is right. i don't think I phrased my thing right. I won't rush you lowly. I've just realized that if I don't rush others I will get rushed myself. Or I'll get challenged by people who know they can beat me for whatever reason. Whether it's cause they are higher level, or because their build counters mine. Either way I'm fed up with it all. I just don't wanna rush friends. everyone else I can't trust and they are fair game.

05-09-2012, 01:08 AM
Hey dude this is Ilovegio I am interested in joining your guild.

05-09-2012, 01:10 AM
thanks bro :) you are more welcome to my guild than anyone I know

05-09-2012, 02:38 AM
So i must rush mightymicah at lvl 10 pvp :P

05-09-2012, 02:41 AM
This entire thread is hilarious...lololol


05-09-2012, 04:53 AM
By far this thread was a bad idea.

I can understand you points on rushing and stuff but why tell the world your going to rush?

You hate when people rush you, so you rush people back..?

You can do what you choose in pvp but most likely now people will rush you more then ever :/

Good luck! Happy pvping

05-09-2012, 06:18 AM

05-09-2012, 06:31 AM
Tbh it was a bit naive for u to think this wouldn't turn into a flamethread. Rushing is frowned down by the community and things which the community frowns down create negative responses.

And becoming a rusher by urself won't solve anything. It's like I made a thread where I announced I would be sick of beggars and turn into one myself.

05-09-2012, 06:47 AM
My plan is to get him level 56 glyph and start rushing everyone in sight. That is everyone EXCEPT friends.

So you don't rush friends? That will propably be all decent players that are not total arseholes, leaving us with new players and a few one's that you personally dislike. How cheap is that?
Most people that made these OMG1vs1SUCKSI'MGONNARUSHEVERYONE statements ended up rushing newbs and not even attempting to fight stronger opponents. Had that before. Would you rush a 61 mage on your bird? I doubt it.

I don't mind rushing. And I respect those rushers who actually rush anyone in sight, yet most of them don't as stated above.

Go Hard or Go Home, don't just pick on a few.

I am going to start recruiting rushers to my guild "League of Shadows." If you would like to join that guild feel free to pm me or something

Rushing in groups aka Teaming is the one thing I really despise in PvP.

Sorry if I came across too harsh, but threads like this just make me sick...

05-09-2012, 07:11 AM
Fyi.. your nothing like jop. Jop is actually difficult to beat
U twinks have very different views on who is hard to beat or not compared to endgamers. I decided to try 23 so i made one and on the first day and beat jop 9:1 fair fight. He has farmed some nice kills, got patience gotta admit lol.

And btw i completely support Micah, BUT only as long as she rushes groups that have glyph and who r going to team her and doesn't back down, that's what truw rushing is.

05-09-2012, 07:18 AM
Anyway imo all lf you should stop playing arena and especially twinking or u'll stay noobs until u quit. Come to endgame ctf and have real fun and learn some real pvp(in ctf not arena). Yeah.

05-09-2012, 09:12 AM
Anyway imo all lf you should stop playing arena and especially twinking or u'll stay noobs until u quit. Come to endgame ctf and have real fun and learn some real pvp(in ctf not arena). Yeah.
i go to L66 ctf on my L61 bear all the time. Its full of sore losers that spawn kill you if your alone.

05-09-2012, 09:43 AM
Anyway imo all lf you should stop playing arena and especially twinking or u'll stay noobs until u quit. Come to endgame ctf and have real fun and learn some real pvp(in ctf not arena). Yeah.

End game pvp...FTW!

05-09-2012, 09:52 AM
You know what they say... "Take it slow!"

05-09-2012, 10:15 AM
@mm I've had days where I rage in pvp. What I do when that happens, is simply turn the game off. It takes me 1 min to realize how silly it is that I'm getting worked up over a game.

You basically have 2 options.

1- conform to the unwritten rules of pvp, and be peaceful.

2- rush everything in site, including friends. If a friend gets mad at you, or no longer likes you, that person is lame anyways. I have plenty of friends that I rush, or rush me.

05-09-2012, 02:03 PM
Well first of all I'd like to say thank you everyone for your comments and opinions. I really appreciate everyone's opinions alot.

I also wanna say that if you think this is some sort of rage thread, I believe you may be mistaken. The sole idea is simply that I am done trying to be polite and civil in pvp because theres no one else left worth being nice to. Except, of course, all of my forum buddies.

The reason I made this thread was to ask everyone to let me know if I encounter them in pvp. That way I don't accidentally rush some friends here on the forum.

Ok. Lastly I'll address everyone who has asked me if I will rush higher levels. Uhm, if you know me, then you will know that that question need not be asked. I'm the kind of guy who always roots for the underdog. I remember the other day taking my 25 onyx bird and ffa-ing with a bunch of level 35s. That was fun as crap! Also there's a reason I don't level my 50 mage above 50. It's because I like the challenge of being the underdog.

I realize making a thread may not have been the best idea, but I just wanted everyone to be aware of my decision and I wanted to hear everyone's feedback.

Thanks again guys, and sorry if I upset anyone :(

05-09-2012, 03:16 PM
By far this thread was a bad idea.

I can understand you points on rushing and stuff but why tell the world your going to rush?

You hate when people rush you, so you rush people back..?

You can do what you choose in pvp but most likely now people will rush you more then ever :/

Good luck! Happy pvping

Agreed, lmao

@mm I've had days where I rage in pvp. What I do when that happens, is simply turn the game off. It takes me 1 min to realize how silly it is that I'm getting worked up over a game.

You basically have 2 options.

1- conform to the unwritten rules of pvp, and be peaceful.

2- rush everything in site, including friends. If a friend gets mad at you, or no longer likes you, that person is lame anyways. I have plenty of friends that I rush, or rush me.

I rage on somedays too because my 61 bird gets rushed by everyone that sees me and then boots me for joining a 56 game... but theres never a 56 game (and joining 66 makes everyone suddenly spam "call Azi" :/
So when I get rushed (usually a 56 wouldnt...and I have respect for you if ur 56 and u actaully rush me lol) I usually will farm you until you leave, unless your really noob and boot me. If I see you tommorow chances I'm feeling better about it, but if I see you again in the same day... >> (some ppl will make a rusher list, lmao I don't get how you remeber all those ppl, but I don't)

Off topic: Azahiocal, unless I see you rushing again, I won't kill you.

Buffedbear Pl
05-09-2012, 06:58 PM
Dang I'm late on this thread... :(

Anyways I'll keep an eye out for you, maybe we can have an FFA match to 10. I fully support this idea but you should "rush" anyone really, friend or foe. If they're your friend they won't talk back or trash talk you, just PvP. Just PvP. It's that simple.


05-09-2012, 07:12 PM
Yawn... IBL

05-09-2012, 07:13 PM
Oh and who's job? Steve jobs? xD lol jk but who's job?

05-09-2012, 07:16 PM
I don't rush people I respect, I'll say it that way. I thought I respected all the forumers but I'm finding out that isn't quite the case.

And phonix I meant jop, not job. Lol he's a level 23 mage on the leaderboard.

05-09-2012, 07:21 PM
Idc if you rush me. My kdr is crap anyway.

05-09-2012, 07:24 PM
Hi guys, this thread is being closed due to flaming. Please remember that flaming/trolling is not allowed on the forums.

You can find the complete list of forum rules here: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/misc.php?do=vsarules

If you have any questions, please PM me.
