View Full Version : Back to PL after long break. Enchantress ?s

05-09-2012, 11:51 AM

I have been away from the game for about a year (quit when they implemented global cool down). I have 3 capped toons in SL and one in DL, so I thought I would give PL a try again and am loving it. The GCD system doesn't seem bad at all since I am used to SL and DL. When I quit I had a lvl51 pure int enchantress with full shadow gear, 50 bird with sunblessed bow set, and 50 bear with full hate set. I have been playing my enchantress for 2 days and am almost lvl 55. I am wondering what sets you guys would recommend for my enchantress lvl55, lvl 60, and lvl 65? Also saving up attribute points and wondering if I should put points into something else besides int? Seems like I have enough mana to spam all my skills non stop. I would use the search function to find answers to these question but I am on mobile forum. Any information or links to other posts would be greatly appreciated. Also I will be selling/trading my shadow set soon if anyone is interested.

Thank you!


05-09-2012, 12:11 PM
I would get the mega mage set at 55. 56 and 58 gear is rare, and expensive. Mm should be good enough. At 60 you should get a glyph charmin set, or wait till 61 and get fang gear. "lilith" is the gear with the set bonus, and "of the fang" is the gear without. I like pure int, personally.

05-09-2012, 12:39 PM
Do u got any ao2 pinks l46-50.. or l2 rapier or longsword or armors???.. pm me if u do ill buy them..thanks n welcome back..n yur just in time for humaniaaaa

I added yu on to of my alts

05-09-2012, 03:45 PM
Thanks for the info :) any idea on what the set bonuses are mega mage, glyph, and lilith?

05-09-2012, 09:12 PM
Unless you plan on stopping at a certain level or have a lot of extra gold I wouldn't bother getting a set until end game. Unlike the garbage gear at lower levels you can put together some pretty good sets with greens/purps. Enough to level up anyways.

Pure int is fine if you're running in a good group, but you'll die pretty easily once you get out of the sewers.

05-09-2012, 09:47 PM
well, try to lvling to 60 and get charmin set, and then lvling to 65, if i was you, ill keep charmin and not buying lilith, cause i think when humania launch, people will sell their fang stuff. beside, that's my opinion, but its all your choice :) happy lvling!

05-09-2012, 10:08 PM

Can you afford thrashers? Even though I hate thrashers, I think your best best is to simply keep your shadow set and thrash your way to 65. Once you hit 65, you can sell you shadow set and go from there (personally I wouldn't sell it because it's a cool set, but if you need the gold...). If humania is released by then, the price of the crafted lilith sets will take a nose dive; if not, then get the much cheaper chiroptera of the fang set.

If you can't (or not willing) to buy thrashers and you don't have a sizable chunk of gold tucked away before you quit, I think you'll find that it's not very fun playing Nuri's and Fang without good gear.

And going with full int is fine.

05-09-2012, 10:38 PM
It will take weeks for the mt fang items prices to drop because the prices for the new humania gear will be unaffordable for most. The drop rates won't change and there will be less farming going on as well.

Besides orlok plate/shield and sang leather/lbow are the only really expensive items at end game.

I always made the mistake of trying to get the best gear for my level only to have it rendered obsolete in 5 hours of gameplay.