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View Full Version : No item-reward for playing a 3D mission??

05-09-2012, 01:20 PM
Some strange situation has occured with my Twink *Elitefarmer*. I am L11 and at Market Subway 3rd mission "Demon in the Dark" and when checking loot the squarefield is empty.

This is kinda wrong? I can add a video so you can see it yourself.

Thanks for for looking into it devteam.

Yours sincerly,

-Apostel / Darkapostel (DL)


05-09-2012, 03:13 PM
Thanks for the bug report, the video is very helpful. The problem is that the reward table is not set to only include level 12 and up. So once you hit level 12 you should see the rewards properly.

This be fixed in the next update, thanks again!

05-09-2012, 05:43 PM
No problem. But I created this Twink to *farm* especially these items that are rare because not farmed. Would like you guys to add other items and to fill the missing loot tables. ;) Thank you very much!