View Full Version : Pvp Idea: Quick 1v1 Tournaments

05-10-2012, 03:18 PM
Picture this: In a new towne (or addition) there is a pvp sign up. There you can sign up and you will be put in a bracket. This bracket would consist of 16 people. Then you will be put in a match once the spots are filled. It is a 1v1 map and has a quick count down. Then you fight! Winner continues to the next fight. Looser is out and needs to sign up again! Last standing wins!

05-10-2012, 09:23 PM
Picture this: In a new towne (or addition) there is a pvp sign up. There you can sign up and you will be put in a bracket. This bracket would consist of 16 people. Then you will be put in a match once the spots are filled. It is a 1v1 map and has a quick count down. Then you fight! Winner continues to the next fight. Looser is out and needs to sign up again! Last standing wins!

This is seriously a must, since lots of players in game don't use the forums. An in-game bracket would be awesome, there should be an option to wager :D

05-11-2012, 07:45 AM
Good idea but, is it full on ffa? And do you need gold to sign up and do you win anything?

05-11-2012, 09:35 AM
I assume this would be for the onevone solo map. It's a good idea. Optional entry fees would be snazzy for prize pools.