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View Full Version : How does PvP work?

08-16-2010, 02:12 PM
Every time I go there, it is empty. All I see is that I should pick red or blue. I do and then I stand there for a while.

Seriously, there is NO SET OF INSTRUCTIONS anywhere. There is an Ursoid who only tells you that it's fun. It probably would be, if there were anyone in there. LOL! If you are supposed to call people out and then enter together, he should say so.

So, please, somebody...

Tell me how to PvP. I do NOT want to be "apprenticed" to anyone. I just need to know

1. Why are there different PvP maps?
2. Do the level 19 twinks use a particular map?
3. Do most people prefer a particular map?
4. What should a newbie do (and do not say pay anybody money for training!!! I have given noobs tons of free items. The idea that some people hoarde information that all should know freely is abhorrent to me. I'm not that way and I will not deal with people who are that way, ever.)?
5. Is the entrance in Ursan Weald avoided by most PvPers for some reason?
6. Do people do this for fun, or just to brag about "pwning" other people.

I'd really like to give every part of this game a ride, but this PvP thing is absurdly shrouded in mystery, and I fail to see what Spacetime has to gain by people having to figure everything out by trial-and-error.

So, if someone could PLEASE just tell people how to use the functionality, it would be highly appreciated.

And Royce, LOL! I will do an Avian Scream if you tell me to search, because I did, man, I swear!

08-16-2010, 02:17 PM
1. Why are there different PvP maps? To give a different experience, and be able to play and have different access to different areas and parts of different maps.
2. Do the level 19 twinks use a particular map? They can feel free to choose any map they wish to play on.
3. Do most people prefer a particular map? Different people have different opinions but I most commonly see Forest Haven map grounds being played.
4. What should a newbie do (and do not say pay anybody money for training!!! I have given noobs tons of free items. The idea that some people hoarde information that all should know freely is abhorrent to me. I'm not that way and I will not deal with people who are that way, ever.)? If you are referring to how a newbie should play, or get better, I would just practice and watch other peoples strategies.
5. Is the entrance in Ursan Weald avoided by most PvPers for some reason? Which entrance are you referring to? Sorry, I am not so familiar with Ursan Weald.
6. Do people do this for fun, or just to brag about "pwning" other people. Different people play differently, some people play for fun, and others play for bragging rights.

08-16-2010, 02:25 PM
Details about the mechanics are listed here:


The only change I can immediately note is that we've changed the way PvP grouping works. When a player creates a PvP map, only other players within 5 levels above or below will be able to join that map. For example, if a level 25 creates a game, then other players level 20-30 can join.

1.3.1 will add PvP leaderboards and possibly address the class imbalance problem with the attribute-level-skill-conversion-thingy. 1.4 will add new PvP game types.


08-16-2010, 02:25 PM
Thanks MD,

[cut - answered by asommers]

@ asommers ...

Oh... I entered with a level 11 so I had to wait until somone level 6 to 16 also wanted to PvP... I see...

the information on that thread is exactly what I needed, thanks.

Maybe there could be a sticky with that?


08-16-2010, 02:32 PM
Thanks MD, but what do I do? Enter and ... pick a color and wait? ... call for someone? Enter with a team?

7. Do kills and deaths in PvP get tallied in and reported on your Avatar tab?

@ asommers ...

Oh... I entered with a level 11 so I had to wait until somone level 6 to 16 also wanted to PvP... I see... So it is hit-or-miss.

The best is to go to the join screen, and click the PVP filter. If you see any games going, then join one. I usually check before going to farm, sometimes I see a game going, sometimes I don't. It is pretty hit and miss right now. The easiest games to find are the ~level 13 Forest Haven, because those are the free PVP maps for the Free campaigns.

08-16-2010, 02:33 PM
Thanks MD, but what do I do? Enter and ... pick a color and wait? ... call for someone? Enter with a team?

Hmm, I don't believe you have a level 45 yet, once you hit 40 you can PvP in level 45 zones, though it isn't too much fun since you less powerful than 45s, there are few PvP games outside of level 19, level 13 and level 45. I think pick a color and wait if you really want to PvP, or find someone in town in your level range, and ask them to PvP you. :)

08-16-2010, 02:33 PM
Thanks MD, but what do I do? Enter and ... pick a color and wait? ... call for someone? Enter with a team?

Yes, choose a side. Generally when others are in an existing game, you'll choose the least number of players to even things out.

7. Do kills and deaths in PvP get tallied in and reported on your Avatar tab?

Kills and deaths have been tracked since we introduced PvP, but we just haven't put it on the UI [yet].

Oh... I entered with a level 11 so I had to wait until somone level 6 to 16 also wanted to PvP... I see... So it is hit-or-miss.

Currently, yes.


08-16-2010, 02:36 PM
And I bet that's where people take their level 19 twinks? Because you have to be a minimum of 14 (have spent plat) to compete. I get it.

OK, next time, Forest Haven. thanks... Somehow I thought Ursan Weald, since that's part of the new content.

I hope other players new to PvP will benefit from this advice.

08-16-2010, 03:33 PM
1.3.1 will add PvP leaderboards and possibly address the class imbalance problem with the attribute-level-skill-conversion-thingy.

Love the new name. Can't wait for the ALSCT ;)

Snakespeare, the best way to find PvP games is to just go to the join game screen, and filter for PvP only. If you want to find players to join you, I would still go to Forest Haven just because more people, regardless of level, hang out there. Hopefully, more people will start hanging out in the Weald looking for games. I think if they added the leaderboards as something you had to go to the Weald to see, that might do the trick.

08-16-2010, 05:28 PM
Hey, the Ursan Trainer wears a floppy fishing hat now! Cool!

OK, so this time when I click on "I want to fight, right now!" it took me to Forest Manor and there were others there. Much better. It was fun until someone several levels higher killed me with one shot. I hit him with everything - and he didn't die, then his big battlesword came down and I was done for... But I will go back with a bigger sword. ;P

edit: LOL! I went back in and, yeah, Paladin is pretty fierce build even at 11th level. This might work. :)

08-30-2010, 09:44 PM
I found all of this info really helpful to explaining how pvp works. I have just been going into the pvp and seeing what happens, but mainly i'm just dying! :P You should Make this thread a sticky.

06-17-2014, 06:11 PM
Thanks now I can try PvP! ;)

06-17-2014, 07:03 PM
Let's not "necro" threads from long ago in the past, ok? Thanks!

Thread closed.