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View Full Version : 2nd Chance Starter Bundle

05-12-2012, 01:35 AM
When I first went into the game, I was shown a Starter Bundle I could get. It was a one time only offer, if you didn't get it then you couldn't get it. I scrambled to make sure I had enough money to get it and didn't finish going into the game until I could get it. To me it was worth getting it now and going through the trouble - because I wouldn't be able to get it again and I could be a little more unique in game.

A short time passes... Now you offer a 2nd Chance Starting Bundle in the store. This breaks your promise to us that it was only available at that one time. To me, breaking that promise is unacceptable.

This reminds me of another game I was playing where I was promised special pre-order items for getting it early, items that would only be available to people who pre-ordered. A short time passed there and the items that made us stand out as people who pre-ordered were suddenly put in an in game Cash Shop for sale to everybody. They broke a promise too. At the time that game was subscription based. I immediately cancelled my subscription, uninstalled the game, and never went back.

It's nice to offer things to future buyers, but don't burn those of us who already purchased in the process. The 2nd Chance bundle should have had slightly different colors or something at least. Those of us who were initial buyers and were proud to show that have just had our exclusive group shattered to pieces. You promised us that was the only time we could get these items. Now you're burning all of us who purchased it based on that promise.

I still suggest that you make a change and quickly change the colors or something of the new 2nd Chance Starter Bundle. I'm not going to stay around and let a game company make me a promise and then break it again. I'm not going to be happy to show I was supporting the game from the very first log in, now any body can get it at any time. For those of us that bought it as a one time offer, you're screwing us over.

I'd like to see you make amends somehow. If you could change the colors of the new kit, great. If you can't - I suggest that you give a gift to those of us who purchased it under the promise that we had to buy then or never. Something that sets us apart that nobody else can get or buy in game. We supported you from day 1 and now you throw us under the bus.

You promised us exclusive gear that wouldn't be available at any other time. Yet here it is available. Thanks so much. I am a paying member on all three of your games, but I'm about to walk away from all of them. And yes, I very much will walk away and stay away on principles and will happily spread the word about how I feel you treated us from here to the end of eternity to those who ever mention your games to me. That isn't a threat, it's just letting you know that's what you're causing to happen. I'm done supporting companies that burn me after I pay them.

If you either change the color of the new suit or offer up compensation of some sort to those of us who purchased it from the start and were told that was our only chance, some other little vanity item that nobody else can get (and I mean nobody - not in the store ever) - that would be acceptable. As things are right now, they are not acceptable as is.

05-12-2012, 02:43 AM
If you want to complain, contact cs, that's what they are for.

*Did u read xChilla's thread about the premium character bundle?

05-12-2012, 03:18 AM
The premium character package is still available, and you can get it up to level 10.
Not only that, but the stuff you get with the 2nd chance bundle is less than what you get with the original and it costs MORE.
If that's really gonna make you take your ball and go home then don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Sent from my ICS-powered HTC Evo 3D

05-12-2012, 03:33 AM
What an unnecessary rant, STS is trying to do right by some players and in walks this guy with an annoying and unjustified complaint while hogging the spotlight crying me, Me, ME!

Now that introductions are out of the way, how about we analyze the accusation you just made OP. You complain because STS is now offering a 2nd chance startle bundle, but what is it a second chance at? The correct answer is that it's a second opportunity for players to get the "Dead Sexy" achievement, that's pretty much it. The initial starter bundle consists of 5000 gold, 50 blood packs, 10 auction slots, 50 inventory slots, a legendary weapon, 4 legendary gems and the combat vanity outfit all for 30 plat; now this new offer is 50 plat, gives half the gold/blood packs and then just the combat vanity... THAT'S IT! I fail to see how that is the same offer, I cannot fathom how you are seriously placing blame and stating that you have been lied to somehow.

Now go around and search for thread that suggest that STS has wronged them in reverse: Too late for platinum bundle (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?55327), Poll: Allow premium characters after level 10 (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?57699) or Impossible to get all achuevements if u didnt buy premium character at start (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?55363). I think you get the point, it's about pleasing those customers and not retaining YOUR patronage. Anyway, thank you for gracing use with your presence on the forums... welcome and all that jazz but I truly don't see how this decision is "screwing us over."


05-12-2012, 07:36 AM
Ummmm.... Yah
This starter bundle is for anyone and everyone lvl1-10. There giveing the people who passed lvl 10 without buying this bundle a second chance at the title.The offer for the orginal bundle will be available forever as long as your not over lvl 10. Its not that exclusive and special and neather are u. This second chance pack is 20 plat more expenisive and comes with less items.
Your post is pretty imbarising, selfish, and rude I suggest you edit with an apology.

05-12-2012, 11:16 AM
Hey MewMew,

We understand well the importance of keeping promises. We also understand the need to service our customers with their wants. We regularly hear from players who, when they first started playing, we'rent sure of the starter bundle, because they didn't know if they wanted to keep playing. After they played a bit (and got past level 10) they then regret not getting the starter package, or want the title that goes along with it. So, this is our compromise. As Deathpunch pointed out, the new bundle for those who missed it is a bit more expensive than if you had originally purchased it when you started and has different stuff in it.

As HunterSlayer pointed out, your post is a bit of a rant and not very constructive. I'd like to point you to our forum rules where we ask you not to make such posts: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/misc.php?do=vsarules

Negative feedback can be very useful, provided that it is presented in a civil, factual manner. Tell us what you don't like and why and how you feel it could be improved. Posts that are insulting and rude may be deleted, no matter how valid the ideas behind them may be.

A rant is a post which is long-winded, redundant and filled with angry, non-constructive comments. A free exchange of ideas is essential to building a strong sense of community and helpful in the development of the game, but rants are disruptive and incite flaming and trolling. Please post your thoughts in a concise, clear manner and avoid going off on rambling tangents.

With that in mind, I'm going to lock the thread. If you have further questions, please feel free to send me a private message.


Thread closed.