View Full Version : mobs in elite valley frontier

06-06-2021, 01:19 AM
Any attack to mobs in that map (except pet attacks) makes them stop for 3sec (they do nothing, dont attack, dont move), is it intended? Mobs in other valley maps dont act like that...

06-06-2021, 06:32 AM
elite valley frontier mobs are weaker, it is also noticeable that they don't have ranged poison attacks like evg mobs

06-06-2021, 08:31 AM
elite valley frontier mobs are weaker, it is also noticeable that they don't have ranged poison attacks like evg mobs

Its not about how they weak or no, maybe you are mage and use fireball/clock (which stun/root them) when mobs spawn and you don't notice it...
check by rogue, if you attack any mob (before they reached houses) - mobs supposed to keep moving to house or try move to attack player which hit them, but they stopping and doing nothing for 3 seconds... 'thinking' what he going to do after he got hitted while other mobs keep going at houses to attack it (tried with aimed/nox/charged nox, sss, bow attack... no stuns... but everything makes them stop)