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05-14-2012, 01:42 AM
I respect all end game pvpers and twink pvpers. Any level range pvp takes skill. I have a level 21, 15, 10, and 7 character in DL. I have pvp'd with each and I have at least a 2:1 KDR with each.
Yes, I own people with poor grade gear in twink brackets but that is the point of pvp no matter the level.

This thread is to inform all that twinking should not be criticized. It exists and will not go away. If you choose not to take part in it, then don't. Everyone is unique and shouldn't be expected to share your views. If you have nothing nice to say, do not say anything at all. All of you dedicated to twinking by all means continue. Haters will hate.

05-14-2012, 03:07 AM
Bullying, racism, homophobia, and sexism will not go away either. Doesn't mean people shouldn't stand against it.

Yeah, twinking isn't as extreme, but the vast majority of the time, it's still an unsporting form of griefing and noncompetitive in nature. I can see if twinks are only playing vs other twinks, but that is rarely the case, it's mostly to have fun dominating players far less geared and experienced in the game.

05-14-2012, 03:39 AM
And twinking is bad why? You named issues that actually impact the real world and are bad things. Twinking is a game concept used for fun. Some take it too seriously but that is them.

The devs (you know them right? The Almighty creators of DL) have never publicly stated twinking while dominating other less fortunate players is wrong. People are having fun, and those that dislike being killed have the ability to leave. Like you have the ability to leave those twink players alone to do as they wish. Let them do their thing and you do yours. If, you really feel so strongly about unfortunate players getting owned by twinks go donate some gold so that they can get some pink gear, teach em about skill usage, etc. Stand up for what you believe in by acting, simple talking won't get you far. You talk the talk, lemme see you walk the walk.

Also, from what you assume twinking is, you obviously have never experienced it. Get a twink, sir.

05-14-2012, 04:33 AM
Twinking is bad because it's noncompetitive and a form of griefing (didn't I say this?). It ruins PVP for normal players that are lvling (who are the vast majority of the player base), because twinks have a completely unfair advantage in that bracket of play, which those players keep at that level specifically to dominate it. I don't think any mmo intends for players to twink, it's a loophole players exploit to gain an noncompetitive advantage.

This is even worse at lower levels where people new to the game get demolished...frankly, it is just a form of bullying.

Let's be real, even a skilled player with a leveling build and leveling gear, still doesn't stand much chance against a twink. Twinks are streamlined and max geared specifically for that level of play.

Most people have no intent in parking their toon at a lower level, people know this, and twink because it's vastly less competitive then end game play.

I've ran across twinks in every mmo I've leveled in, and it's the same story of one twink running around slaughtering new players for kicks and completely dominating matches...completely ruining matches for the general players. I've seen twinks team up so they can slaughter newer players. I don't understand how this doesn't get boring. I've rarely seen twinks actually compete against each other...I've seen it far less then them teaming up and trying to pwn the whole battlefield.

Frankly, in a game this new, twinks are ludicrous. I can maybe see the justification in a mature mmo that has an 85 level climb and it takes couple months to get to the endgame, and like 6 more to grind gear to even get competitive. Thus, people twink because they want to pvp, but don't have the time...but seriously, if you have the time to twink, you have the time to max out and play the game as intended. Never the less, in this game you can get to 20 in a week, and 21 in 2...it's really not that hard...you can log in every hour and burn down your engery in cut-scene missions to level...seriously, it's really easy.

...and no, I'm not twinking, it's such a lame form of game play. I actually like competition and going against players that are skill and geared...it makes for much more exciting matches and much more fulfilling victories and losses. Frankly, even in the 21 bracket, I get bored quickly if my team is steam rolling all night...I much prefer getting pitting against better teams and playing 24-25 matches. I also love being on short team in 1v2, 2v3, 3v4, 4v5 matches.

Just get to 21 and play in the competitive bracket with the rest of the serious pvper...well but I guess people twink because they can't handle that.

05-14-2012, 05:15 AM
Twinking is bad because it's noncompetitive and a form of griefing (didn't I say this?). It ruins PVP for normal players that are lvling (who are the vast majority of the player base), because twinks have a completely unfair advantage in that bracket of play, which those players keep at that level specifically to dominate it. I don't think any mmo intends for players to twink, it's a loophole players exploit to gain an noncompetitive advantage.

This is even worse at lower levels where people new to the game get demolished...frankly, it is just a form of bullying.

Let's be real, even a skilled player with a leveling build and leveling gear, still doesn't stand much chance against a twink. Twinks are streamlined and max geared specifically for that level of play.

Most people have no intent in parking their toon at a lower level, people know this, and twink because it's vastly less competitive then end game play.

I've ran across twinks in every mmo I've leveled in, and it's the same story of one twink running around slaughtering new players for kicks and completely dominating matches...completely ruining matches for the general players. I've seen twinks team up so they can slaughter newer players. I don't understand how this doesn't get boring. I've rarely seen twinks actually compete against each other...I've seen it far less then them teaming up and trying to pwn the whole battlefield.

Frankly, in a game this new, twinks are ludicrous. I can maybe see the justification in a mature mmo that has an 85 level climb and it takes couple months to get to the endgame, and like 6 more to grind gear to even get competitive. Thus, people twink because they want to pvp, but don't have the time...but seriously, if you have the time to twink, you have the time to max out and play the game as intended. Never the less, in this game you can get to 20 in a week, and 21 in 2...it's really not that hard...you can log in every hour and burn down your engery in cut-scene missions to level...seriously, it's really easy.

...and no, I'm not twinking, it's such a lame form of game play. I actually like competition and going against players that are skill and geared...it makes for much more exciting matches and much more fulfilling victories and losses. Frankly, even in the 21 bracket, I get bored quickly if my team is steam rolling all night...I much prefer getting pitting against better teams and playing 24-25 matches. I also love being on short team in 1v2, 2v3, 3v4, 4v5 matches.

Just get to 21 and play in the competitive bracket with the rest of the serious pvper...well but I guess people twink because they can't handle that.

Aren't you always going on about emergent gameplay and such?

Guess just not gameplay you don't like.

Anyways, that's the beauty of a game. Even in the same self-contained environment, people aren't playing the same game as you. They're interpreting and taking things in in an entirely different manner.

Don't like twinking? Get over it. It's not going away.

05-14-2012, 05:32 AM
I repeat, go give out good gear so new players are not "bullied" as you believe them to be. Make a twink and make it your quest to defeat other twinks to make em run with their tale between their leg. Like I said, I have seen you talk enough, how about you do something tangible for once? If you aren't up for any form of tangible action then leave those that want to twink alone and hold your peace because you obviously didn't want to take action. Show me what you got. Then, come and talk.

05-14-2012, 06:26 AM
Blaqu is our honorary Anti-Twinkster!
I like to twinkle a little in SL, and I do love to donate gear too to the needy. Twinkers aren't all bullies nor do they make it to pick on others. Let's just deal with this fact: Twinksters will still exist.
(Blaqu, twinkling can get reeaalllly competitive! Lvl 30-35 in PL is a heavy competitive area I hear)

05-14-2012, 07:07 AM
Bullying, racism, homophobia, and sexism will not go away either. Doesn't mean people shouldn't stand against it.

Yeah, twinking isn't as extreme, but the vast majority of the time, it's still an unsporting form of griefing and noncompetitive in nature. I can see if twinks are only playing vs other twinks, but that is rarely the case, it's mostly to have fun dominating players far less geared and experienced in the game.

Hey Blaquehaaart,

That took the discussion in a whole new direction that wasn't really healthy. Please let's keep the conversation about the game and not real life topics. Twinking is competitive by nature in that you are doing everything you can to make your characters as competitive as possible. If other's aren't willing to go that extra distance, then they won't be as competitive.

Thread closed.