View Full Version : suggestions about pets lvling

06-10-2021, 10:31 AM
1) I'd like to lvl pets by using platinum, but i dont need it max lvl and won't overpay, I just need best passive (lvl20/30 for most of legendary pets and lvl40/50 for heroic/arcanes), currently it offers me only to get max lvl by using plats
2) Would be good if summonned pet get xp from quests too
3) Add some xp chests for pets, or make usual xp kits (from levlar event) working for pets too
4) Maybe special dailies which gives xp only to pet

I'm not suggesting to implement all 4, one of them would be enough

06-10-2021, 03:07 PM
This is not needed...you can max pets really fast farming hauntlet