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View Full Version : Bugs on iOS version

05-14-2012, 10:07 PM
I noticed two bugs that happen on my iPod version...

1) Quick emote icon shows up on the screen even though I have it unchecked... It only happens in town though, not in pvp or 3D missions.
2) No notifications for 1 hour missions. The options screen says "one hour OR longer" but I never get notifications for 1 hour tasks. Please fix it!

Small Boat
05-15-2012, 03:33 PM
For your notifications:
- Login > Options > Device Notifications
+ click to check and uncheck the notifications a few times and then leave it in your desired state.

For your emote issue, give us a bit and we'll work on it.

05-15-2012, 10:53 PM
Thanks for the reply. I noticed today that the emotes icon showed up on chrome too! I don't think it's every time though because I never saw it until today... it might have always be there though. I think it was just more noticeable on my smaller ipod screen.

I'll try clicking the notification buttons a few times, hopefully it works!

Small Boat
05-16-2012, 10:56 AM
Oh, it's always there. Stalking you in the day, haunting your dreams at night. That evil emote button.

(Still working on it, btw :p)