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View Full Version : Guild Improvments

06-12-2021, 04:30 PM
Sorry, this is going to be a little bit of a read however over the last several months along with my own ideas and ones I've seen posted around on the forums.

I have decided to do a full thread for changes that would be greatly beneficial to guilds in the game along with improving the overall quality of gaming life for players.

Larger MOTD -
60 chars isn't really enough to put a meaningful message such as congratulating previous event winners and updating members of any upcoming event.

Guild Log Improvement -
you can already see in guild logs that the guild MOTD was changed. however, it would be extremely useful if you were able to see what the message actually is in the log. This would also sever as a short time notice board as you can change the MOTD a couple of times to fit in a longer message that would be viewable inside the log

If the above idea can be implemented then also having a separate log just for MOTD changes would be ideal but not necessary.

Guild Search / Sort -
Being able to "sort" through guild members or at least to be able to do a search through members through the guild list. Similar to how you can search what is listed in Auction House, it would be of great benefit to be able to quickly enter a few characters of a person IGN to see if it appears in guild list or not.

The sorting would be ideal if it would be possible to arrange the guild list by all classes or by character levels

A Guild Ban/Ignore -
Including a guild ban to supplement the guild kick feature, will insure if an account is kicked from the guild and put on the ban list, they will not be able to simply change their ign to rejoin later or be able to join on an alternate character that's attached to the banned account.
This feature can be implemented to be done the same way the current ignore we have as a player, this can also be a feature available to guilds only for a guild master to be able to add or take off people from the guilds ban/ignore list.

Guild Furniture-
Simply put... Why is it we are unable to use the same furniture that's available for houses in game also be made available for guildhalls ? This one should surely be an easy fix >.<

Guild Title Colours-


To make it more of an incentive for guilds to grow together and be able to achieve getting not online into leaderboards, it would be great if a guild master of a leaderboard ranked guild was able to choose a colour of the guild title whenever a guildmember was to wear it.

I understand however this could perhaps cause some complications with guilds dropping out of leaderboards and having to code it so they lose their access to guild title colours once-off leaderboard would mean even more work.

So instead of just rewarding it to a guild that's managed to hit leaderboards, could make this feature available to any guild master who wishes to purchase it for their guild.

Also to keep it simple can keep the colour choice of titles to the basic 16 you would find in MS paint.

Once a colour is selected, it would be of cost to change it again similar to changing a IGN to avoid people just spamming different colour titles all the time.

Also if a guild member is not happy with the colour that was chosen by the gm for the guild title, just like currently they wouldn't have to wear the title if they didn't want to.

Guild Event Auto Prizes - So once a guild master sets a guild event, have it so you have a 1/2/3 positions, and similar to a trade window you can insert a prize for each position. the prizes are then locked in and also viewable by guild members just like players can look on leaderboards and see what banner/prizes they will receive once the event ends.

Linking Members Alts-
Now with seasonal and Hardcore characters being made, it would make it extremely useful if a guild member their HC in the guild as well then the main ign and the hc ign are listed together on the guild list. This would make it a lot easier to be able to tell who is who especially when more than at least half the players in the guild happen to be current members main and seasonal HC accounts.

The feature of linking accounts together can be a chosen feature by the user as well, so just like I can choose what title or badge I wish to display, the same could be done with choosing what alt accounts attached to my main. Can be viewed on the same page a characters pet, guild and spouse information is displayed, and if a player chooses to display their alt accounts then it would also link them together in the guild list if both alts are in the same guild.

Purchasing NPC`s
What if you could also as upgrades for a guild hall, be able to buy with plats different NPCs that could be useful such as Record Keeper Reanult, The Bounty Board and maybe even a Crate Tokens NPC for guildhalls that has exclusive items for sale for crate tokens or even perhaps has every item for sale that all the other vendors across the game have for sale for crate tokens combined. Along those lines at least

Join Date
It would be make it handy to be able to see how long guild members have been in guild for or when they joined the guild it self. Would make great for guilds to be able to see whos been in a guild for a while but might be the shy who isnt very talkative at first but be good to always include as many people as possible. Also would help retention of members when its visible for them to see how long they have been somewhere and would mostly have a proper think things over if going to leave to lose the days that have been racked up in current guild.

Guildhall Save Slots
Just like we can do it with our favourite sets for gears and vanity, why would it not be possible to do the same for guildhall slots ? or house slots ? that way you can come up with some more amazing designs and when you have a few different favourites you can easily switch between them rather then spending hours trying to redo a old design


I appreciate there are quite a few different adjustments and improvements to ask for and it is all for a better quality of gaming life within guilds which play an integral role in the games community.

Could make each different feature for the guilds available only if the guild master was the purchase it for their guild. The first instinct would be to pay plat (just like would use plats to buy a guildhall for your guild or slots for inserting furniture)

Now here's the real kicker...

Recently Guild Tokens have been introduced into the game...

Why not be able to use these Guild Tokens to also be able to purchase extra features as mentioned above for your guild. Better yet what if a system was put in place where when a guild event is generated, the people in the guild contributing towards the event could also earn guild tokens or it could in future be available in chests such as locks which then could be looted like a "sack of raid coins" and either be opened by the guild master or gifted to them to open or sold on etc similar to most other different in-game currencies.

I'll add more ideas or if anyone posts anything below ill edit to include it in this post, but I will only pay attention to ideas that are related to making improvements to guilds in-game and not actually games to other areas in-game as that's for a different thread and topic :)

Thanks for the read

1 <3

06-12-2021, 07:19 PM
Sorry, this is going to be a little bit of a read however over the last several months along with my own ideas and ones I've seen posted around on the forums.

I have decided to do a full thread for changes that would be greatly beneficial to guilds in the game along with improving the overall quality of gaming life for players.

Larger MOTD -
60 chars isn't really enough to put a meaningful message such as congratulating previous event winners and updating members of any upcoming event.

Guild Log Improvement -
you can already see in guild logs that the guild MOTD was changed. however, it would be extremely useful if you were able to see what the message actually is in the log. This would also sever as a short time notice board as you can change the MOTD a couple of times to fit in a longer message that would be viewable inside the log

If the above idea can be implemented then also having a separate log just for MOTD changes would be ideal but not necessary.

Guild Search / Sort -
Being able to "sort" through guild members or at least to be able to do a search through members through the guild list. Similar to how you can search what is listed in Auction House, it would be of great benefit to be able to quickly enter a few characters of a person IGN to see if it appears in guild list or not.

The sorting would be ideal if it would be possible to arrange the guild list by all classes or by character levels

A Guild Ban/Ignore -
Including a guild ban to supplement the guild kick feature, will insure if an account is kicked from the guild and put on the ban list, they will not be able to simply change their ign to rejoin later or be able to join on an alternate character that's attached to the banned account.
This feature can be implemented to be done the same way the current ignore we have as a player, this can also be a feature available to guilds only for a guild master to be able to add or take off people from the guilds ban/ignore list.

Guild Furniture-
Simply put... Why is it we are unable to use the same furniture that's available for houses in game also be made available for guildhalls ? This one should surely be an easy fix >.<

Guild Title Colours-
To make it more of an incentive for guilds to grow together and be able to achieve getting not online into leaderboards, it would be great if a guild master of a leaderboard ranked guild was able to choose a colour of the guild title whenever a guildmember was to wear it.

I understand however this could perhaps cause some complications with guilds dropping out of leaderboards and having to code it so they lose their access to guild title colours once-off leaderboard would mean even more work.

So instead of just rewarding it to a guild that's managed to hit leaderboards, could make this feature available to any guild master who wishes to purchase it for their guild.

Also to keep it simple can keep the colour choice of titles to the basic 16 you would find in MS paint.

Once a colour is selected, it would be of cost to change it again similar to changing a IGN to avoid people just spamming different colour titles all the time.

Also if a guild member is not happy with the colour that was chosen by the gm for the guild title, just like currently they wouldn't have to wear the title if they didn't want to.

Guild Event Auto Prizes - So once a guild master sets a guild event, have it so you have a 1/2/3 positions, and similar to a trade window you can insert a prize for each position. the prizes are then locked in and also viewable by guild members just like players can look on leaderboards and see what banner/prizes they will recive once the event ends.

At least I appreciate there are quite a few different adjustments and improvements to ask for and it is all for a better quality of gaming life within guilds which play an integral role in the games community.

Why to make it worthwhile for the people also doing the work of coding it all...

Could make each different feature for the guilds available only if the guild master was the purchase it for their guild. The first instinct would be to pay plat (just like would use plats to buy a guildhall for your guild or slots for inserting furniture)

Now here's the real kicker...

Recently Guild Tokens have been introduced into the game...

Why not be able to use these Guild Tokens to also be able to purchase extra features as mentioned above for your guild. Better yet what if a system was put in place where when a guild event is generated, the people in the guild contributing towards the event could also earn guild tokens or it could in future be available in chests such as locks which then could be looted like a "sack of raid coins" and either be opened by the guild master or gifted to them to open or sold on etc similar to most other different in-game currencies.

I'll add more ideas or if anyone posts anything below ill edit to include it in this post, but I will only pay attention to ideas that are related to making improvements to guilds in-game and not actually games to other areas in-game as that's for a different thread and topic :)

Thanks for the read

1 <3

1. Yes...PLUS not even long enough to give valuable instructions either...regardin evento or WHAT...? XD

2. Sounds good... :D

3. I noticed sometimes the list will JUMP back to the beginning when scrolling for a long time... having 1000 members when this happens is NOT OKAY BRO @devs

4. this is a HIGH IDEA m8. I had the idea of being able to mute people from guildchat...5 minutes..go chill. come back .. EASY.

5. May be something to do with it being a shared inventory...who knows? :D

6. sounds good...

7. guild event leaderboard bro u said it perfectly... hahaha! this would be sick. @devs

8. guild tokens? what? idk what is... but TRADABLE guild tokens Woah now u talkin... :D

abbk's freeestyle idea number 1. Favourite guild members, for all guild members... WOT? XD

..........head down in the metro. <3

06-13-2021, 01:14 AM
Yep it hits the spot definitely needed all of this suggestions +1

06-14-2021, 08:10 PM
edited to add the idea of "Linking Members Alts"

1 <3

06-16-2021, 02:28 PM
Purchasing NPC`s upgrade added

1 <3

06-28-2021, 12:31 AM
Added the Join Date Idea to the list

1 <3

08-04-2021, 07:58 PM
Updated with Guildhall Save Slots

1 <3