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View Full Version : Tie breaker for APs-based lbs

06-13-2021, 05:05 AM
Top players lb has more than 100 chars in "top25" places already. I havent played my normal char in about a year. Yet, I still stay on lb for doing absolutely nothing. I suggest a tie breaker for the upcoming expansion and level cap raise by introducing expansion kills to the counter in Kraag. The players with most kills in the current expansion stay on top of normal lb (if equal aps). Seasonal chars break ties if they have killed more mobs in the season they created the char.
Those cant be botted and the lb displays the actual top25 (in terms of playtime, I guess) rather than everybody who did all aps. I'd like to make those lbs a bit more competitive again and I don't think sts comes up with enough new aps for 81.

06-13-2021, 05:28 AM
Yep definitely a very good idea. I also suggested adding some ultra hard aps for the expansion . But you idea along with the ectra hard aps would just make it perfect and balanced since kills made after the expansion would count.

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06-13-2021, 05:33 AM

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06-13-2021, 05:39 AM
Definitely. Everyone in the Top lb are currently twiddling their thumbs for this whole season with nothing else to do.

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06-13-2021, 05:43 AM
It does not matter if there are 20 or 1500 top achievers, top achiever badge lost its rarity long time ago. Flags aps should not be removed, that is my opinion. From that action you can see, they don't care for players, who spent days playing their game to get them.

06-13-2021, 06:10 AM
It does not matter if there are 20 or 1500 top achievers, top achiever badge lost its rarity long time ago. Flags aps should not be removed, that is my opinion. From that action you can see, they don't care for players, who spent days playing their game to get them.I agree that it lost rarity but I dont see a reason why it cant be gained back. I'd like to see 25 legit players on it. 25 who actually display the 25 players who work most for their aps or on the expansion. In that case I'd definitely say it is a nice lb.
Besides that being said 10k ctf flags were not a very honored aps. Makes much more sense to me to have the ones who grind endgame maps most on top players lb.

06-13-2021, 06:19 AM
-1 I can't agree. Everybody who is there deserves it to be there. Its overall lb of all aps and not anything else. Its sure over the time more and more player will meet up there. Means we need harder aps and more new expansions with aps.

06-13-2021, 06:24 AM
+1 to add challenge to that lb, whether it be pve kills gained during that season or something else

06-13-2021, 08:23 AM
And try to add less APs that can be bought with gold/plat maybe?

Pets, house slots, locations... all useless. Paying for those doesn't make anyone a better player, even less a Top player.

06-13-2021, 08:31 AM
-1 Even though it might be challenging for botters but it does nothing to prevent those who rely on account sharing to secure leaderboards. A big no from my end.

06-13-2021, 09:10 AM
If a someone did all the aps in a season but only did 100k pve they don't deserve to be top player?
and remove the gold based aps, imagine spending over 80m to get 300 house slot that you will not even use.

06-13-2021, 09:43 AM
Yeah that's a -1 from me too

I don't want to see people with botted 2-3m pve 1 season after they get maxed aps in a month as a tie breaker.
Especially that suggesting the " expansion kills to the counter in Kraag" would mean only tirelessly grinding the new maps that straight away might become repetitive same way like grinding EVG for gold. (1k bosses each was really enough)
Also I agree with no more gold based aps - I don't see the logic in being a top player because you have 400 house slots in your tavern? Proves literally nothing.

06-13-2021, 09:45 AM
-1 to the flag part, tbh ctf map is for pvp, I dont see why pve players has to keep running it whole day flagging one end to another because thats not the purpose of that map.

06-13-2021, 09:56 AM
-1 to the flag part, tbh ctf map is for pvp, I dont see why pve players has to keep running it whole day flagging one end to another because thats not the purpose of that map.

And in addition before you just needed 2 players for doing flag aps. Now you need 10 to open map. if its returning its gonna be botted a lot ...

06-13-2021, 10:00 AM
Top players lb have more than 100 chars in "top25" places already. I havent played my normal char in about a year. Yet, I still stay on lb for doing absolutely nothing. I suggest a tie breaker for the upcoming expansion and level cap raise by introducing expansion kills to the counter in Kraag. The players with most kills in the current expansion stay on top of normal lb (if equal aps). Seasonal chars break ties if they have killed more mobs in the season they created the char.
Those cant be botted and the lb displays the actual top25 (in terms of playtime, I guess) rather than everybody who did all aps. I'd like to make those lbs a bit more competitive again and I don't think sts comes up with enough new aps for 81.

recall someone chat me regardin expansion of lb categories! Ϟ

06-13-2021, 10:16 AM
I agree that it lost rarity but I dont see a reason why it cant be gained back. I'd like to see 25 legit players on it. 25 who actually display the 25 players who work most for their aps or on the expansion. In that case I'd definitely say it is a nice lb.
Besides that being said 10k ctf flags were not a very honored aps. Makes much more sense to me to have the ones who grind endgame maps most on top players lb.

I've suggested something to one of developers, we would have to grind a lot and that aps could not be bought. Will they implement it? I hope so...

06-13-2021, 10:17 AM
Yeah that's a -1 from me too

I don't want to see people with botted 2-3m pve 1 season after they get maxed aps in a month as a tie breaker.
Especially that suggesting the " expansion kills to the counter in Kraag" would mean only tirelessly grinding the new maps that straight away might become repetitive same way like grinding EVG for gold. (1k bosses each was really enough)
Also I agree with no more gold based aps - I don't see the logic in being a top player because you have 400 house slots in your tavern? Proves literally nothing.You didnt understand what he tried to say, he said that tie breaker was only pve kills in New map, New map Will be hard and Will not be able to be botted. Hauntled kills would not count

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06-13-2021, 10:21 AM
The only reason this lb was broken was because of the delayed expansion, combined with a string of boring events which resulted in lots of spare time for many players to shift their focus entirely towards completing aps. Besides, some of those aps make no sense at all. CTF flag aps were removed owing to its "illegitimacy" from what Cinco said, yet there are aps for PvP kills in a game where PvP is dead (except honor but kills from honor don't count towards PvP record). So, ctf flags is illegitimate for making use of a broken mechanic to open maps, but literally dummy farming to get 10k kills for a stupid ap is entirely legitimate? Who is to blame? The players? It's almost like the devs are sleeping on their own hypocrisy.
Selling PvP kills for aps has become normalised now, with people literally shouting "Sell kills x-amount for each kill" in towns.

As for making aps harder, regardless of how hard the aps get, every top player is eventually going to make it. I mean, seasonals are able to complete every single ap in the game within 2months, how hard can they make forthcoming aps that it will break the tie and shrink the size of the lb down to 25 per class? Definitely not possible. My honest opinion is, top players lb is far beyond repair and has lost all its credibility. This is entirely the fault of the game's developers.
Only alternative I see is releasing new set of heavily grindy PVE aps every season for an entire expansion, which is obviously not going to happen.

06-13-2021, 11:08 AM
Thanks for all comments. Just to clarify.
The counter only applies to new level 81 expansion maps and will start at 0 when it gets released. Those maps will be too difficult to run with a bot.
Shared accounts should be banned one way or another. They will have a simular advantage in all areas when it comes to grinding. No matter if a tie breaker exists or not they have an unfair advantage compared to legit players. If sts decides to release new aps they will be the first ones to complete them, say the first on lb.
And yes I believe the ones who endlessly grind expansion maps over and over deserve the top spot on lb XD I dont see why someone who played less should get it. I can see that many rather have a lb spot without continous farming. Its much easier and does make it possible for weaker or more inactive players to stay on lb. Tho I harshly stick to the point that the lb is for the actual top25 and hard to obtain.

06-13-2021, 01:51 PM
Gentlemen gentlemen, let’s relax for a moment and look at this logically.

Op has a good point that top player leaderboards look meh with 50 people all ranked 1

However that’s not to say none of them deserve it.

People can blitz a lot of APs on HC, that’s becoming easier and happening more because you have hc chars that did the work and got the gears etc and are now mostly helping others do the same so it’s made it easier esp as bigger guilds are having focus on it so it isn’t just a handful of players doing it dotted around guilds.

More people playing HC more help that is around for it and more people get their aps done a lot easier.

It’s possible to get to lvl 71 on hc in a day with friends around.

Does that mean it’s a bad thing ? Well no not really.

Best solution that would keep both camps in this debate happy would be...

A additional overall leaderboard.

How this would work is a leaderboard just for max ap achievers be created for all the number 1 players which would ensure they still get banners they worked hard to achieve but also it would keep them off the overall leaderboard so the rest of the players who haven’t quite hit max aps can be listed on leaderboard between 2-50 as well.

Once a player hits the max aps they can go over to the number 1s leaderboard and could even have it so you can see out of all the top players then you have a mini leaderboard between themselves as who who get to be higher up on the list of number 1 players.

This way you still get to see plenty of other players on leaderboards who are still working to gain their max aps on a overall lb like you used to be able too between the ranks of 2-50 and anyone with max aps are on a separate overall lb for just ranked 1 players.

Of course things like expansion with new maps and making it more difficult to attain aps will be great but wouldn’t want to push for a faster expansion at the cost of something incomplete or flawed being put out.

No point getting rid of the “pointless” aps which can be done with gold now as would cause way too many issues and drama but would be an idea to stop having such meaningless aps which are isnt really a challenge when all you need to do is pull out a credit card.

So the break down...

Separate lb for rank1 players to free up space for overall lb for everyone else.

Have more difficult to obtain APs going forward esp for when expansion drops

Less gold related aps that can be obtained by simply buying with gold or plats

If there is a more rational and logical solution that would keep both sides of the debate happy then please give it thought and share...

Otherwise your all welcome ^.^


06-13-2021, 06:56 PM
Kindly speaking, speak for yourself sitting doing nothing xD me i worked hard alot for completing all aps, spent hours in each map, spent much gold that could now be nicely in my pocket. I deserve my place there. Next expansion will be the tie breaker, new aps will come and we will have to work hard again. Meantime there is still alot that can be done. There are events for competing, each lb has a role, being in top player lb just means robotic hard work and if it was that common as you guys say, then each player of this game would be there. Enjoy your spot and find ways to enjoy the game meantime new challenges arrive

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06-14-2021, 06:00 AM
Also I agree with no more gold based aps - I don't see the logic in being a top player because you have 400 house slots in your tavern? Proves literally nothing.

For reals, when I came back this had me so livid, mainly because I'm super f2p and was super broke at the time, like seriously why the heck are housing APs a thing? Couldn't housing efforts be rewarded in a different way? Like a vanity? Or titles? It's expensive and everything you need depends on one event that happens once a year...

06-14-2021, 07:18 AM
Kindly speaking, speak for yourself sitting doing nothing xD me i worked hard alot for completing all aps, spent hours in each map, spent much gold that could now be nicely in my pocket. I deserve my place there. Next expansion will be the tie breaker, new aps will come and we will have to work hard again. Meantime there is still alot that can be done. There are events for competing, each lb has a role, being in top player lb just means robotic hard work and if it was that common as you guys say, then each player of this game would be there. Enjoy your spot and find ways to enjoy the game meantime new challenges arrive

Inviato dal mio Redmi Note 7 utilizzando TapatalkI agree to the part that any new aps (or tie breaker) should be added with the new cap and not before. I did speak for myself at the top post, it's my personal opinion. I see we have different opinions, aswell as many others, considering this topic.
I believe the top25 lb is supposed to be for the actual 25 players who invest most time into their char towards aps. While you have every right to be proud of your aps, this doesnt change the fact that there are 4 times as many people on the lb as intended in the first place. While some are totally fine with this. I see it as indicator that aps are too easy. There seems to be no competition anymore which makes it straight out boring for me to play normal mode. I don't like to run other lbs thats why I made this suggestion. I've tried them.

The following goes to some comments above, not anyone in particular. I'm not convinced by most suggestions. In fact, I have the feeling some people vote against it because they rather chill after their aps are done to get a free banner the following seasons. Some might vote against it bc they will drop off lb with such a tie-breaker or something simular. Tho I can understand if some don't like my example of a tie-breaker. The option to have f2p aps that require so much effort that a tie breaker isn't needed sounds best to me aswell. From experience I'd say it isnt realistic to expect this to be a thing anymore.

After all, still happy I got replies on this thread. However, I just hope those with full aps didnt do this just for the cheap banner. If you went lb only for that it will get boring pretty quick. At least for me it did.
Thanks all, I've got an impression of general opinions.

06-14-2021, 07:32 AM
In my opinion it's fine as it is. 1000 players have max aps and tied for 1st place its fine because they earned it. We know that its not easy to thrive for this aps; monotonously farming same bosses over and over again, mobs, and etc. its the same concept in event leaderboards the rewards should not be stint to those who earned it. I think what made these many ties possible is because of the long release of expansion, but well on expansion we expect new aps and challenges so best of luck!.

P.S old top player leaderboard is bad analogy because part of calculation is pve which is infested with botters. my 2 cents :)

06-14-2021, 07:50 AM
Players who have lot of free time get on it very fast and old players have been on it since long time obviously, but there is some players who need years before getting there cuz they have work, school, family etc so they deserve to be there also, and there is also new player that want to be on it(for a new player it is often something very hard to achieve!), this LB is not a race!

And STS have made something for players like the OP, it is call seasonal LB!

If need challenge, seasonal LB is perfect for those categories of players imo, 90 days to reach the most aps!
Get on top ten and earn that badge that gonna make you feel more competitive and proud!!!

Well this is only my 2 cent!

06-14-2021, 04:15 PM
I agree to the part that any new aps (or tie breaker) should be added with the new cap and not before. I did speak for myself at the top post, it's my personal opinion. I see we have different opinions, aswell as many others, considering this topic.
I believe the top25 lb is supposed to be for the actual 25 players who invest most time into their char towards aps. While you have every right to be proud of your aps, this doesnt change the fact that there are 4 times as many people on the lb as intended in the first place. While some are totally fine with this. I see it as indicator that aps are too easy. There seems to be no competition anymore which makes it straight out boring for me to play normal mode. I don't like to run other lbs thats why I made this suggestion. I've tried them.

The following goes to some comments above, not anyone in particular. I'm not convinced by most suggestions. In fact, I have the feeling some people vote against it because they rather chill after their aps are done to get a free banner the following seasons. Some might vote against it bc they will drop off lb with such a tie-breaker or something simular. Tho I can understand if some don't like my example of a tie-breaker. The option to have f2p aps that require so much effort that a tie breaker isn't needed sounds best to me aswell. From experience I'd say it isnt realistic to expect this to be a thing anymore.

After all, still happy I got replies on this thread. However, I just hope those with full aps didnt do this just for the cheap banner. If you went lb only for that it will get boring pretty quick. At least for me it did.
Thanks all, I've got an impression of general opinions.

Woah woah woah bro I worked hard for my aps dont be trying to make it harder for me I love sitting in camp doing nothing now it's so fun lol.... seriously tho u wanna know why so many are on lb? Cus there isnt any new content or aps in how long? They introduced housing aps a long time ago...if there were new aps being introduced then maybe we wouldnt have everyone with the gold crown but maybe I'm always just crying for new content again lol

06-14-2021, 05:12 PM
With all due respect. This is a -1 for me.

Its out of discussion.

If anyone wanna compete with other people let them have another lb for that particular activity. Who made the most kills during the expansion map.

There is a lot of gold spent and hard work to put into completing aps.