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View Full Version : Need Help On Adding Skill Points

05-15-2012, 11:13 AM

I'm new to DL, appreciate if anyone can give an advice or is there any standard build for adding skills/passive for pvp??


05-15-2012, 11:14 AM

05-15-2012, 11:16 AM
Mine is 1 in all skills that lead to vermin swarm and leap. 1 in the attack passive skill, 1 in defense, 2 in damage , and 1 In hp.

Sorry , couldn't remember the names.

Edit: thats for lvl 20/21

sun light
05-15-2012, 11:47 AM
hi walk ;) umm.. mine is exactly like ures. .
BUT it think 1 point at att is better than 1 point on def... cos shadow protective is better than shadow assault.
i mean, assault is 5,26,15 and protective is 26,6,20 so u can fill the missing att or if u want with another assault pink ;) with one point at att and u gain 1 att, 1 def, and 5 health ;)
btw.. i dont sure is shadow.. im sure is the middle one, myb is somthing else..

05-15-2012, 02:30 PM

Lvl 21 build...

05-22-2012, 04:52 AM
hi walk ;) umm.. mine is exactly like ures. .
BUT it think 1 point at att is better than 1 point on def... cos shadow protective is better than shadow assault.
i mean, assault is 5,26,15 and protective is 26,6,20 so u can fill the missing att or if u want with another assault pink ;) with one point at att and u gain 1 att, 1 def, and 5 health ;)
btw.. i dont sure is shadow.. im sure is the middle one, myb is somthing else..

Its seems that Assault has 26 attack 6 def and 20 hp while Protection has 6 attack 26 def and 20 hp

05-22-2012, 06:44 PM
Mine is 1 in all skills that lead to vermin swarm and leap. 1 in the attack passive skill, 1 in defense, 2 in damage , and 1 In hp.

I'm rolling with the same build. The only point I consider flexible is the point in defense. You use 6 points in talents to get Leap and Vermin Swarm (leaving 4 points). 2 points in damage gives +21; damage being the primary stat to increase ability (power) attacks (increase all powers without increasing blood cost). First point in hp gives +100...in any pvp game, hp is always a nice stat to have.

That last point can give +15 attack, +15 def, +50 hp, give you Shadow Dance, or increase any single ability.

Edit: Just realized Walkhardd said he had a point in attack; I don't, and I'm not sure how he spent 11 points.

sun light
05-23-2012, 09:34 AM
hi walk ;) umm.. mine is exactly like ures. .
BUT it think 1 point at att is better than 1 point on def... cos shadow protective is better than shadow assault.
i mean, assault is 5,26,15 and protective is 26,6,20 so u can fill the missing att or if u want with another assault pink ;) with one point at att and u gain 1 att, 1 def, and 5 health ;)
btw.. i dont sure is shadow.. im sure is the middle one, myb is somthing else..

Its seems that Assault has 26 attack 6 def and 20 hp while Protection has 6 attack 26 def and 20 hp
look closly...
i mean only SHADOW items have the different...
u right if its beast gems etc..
but in shadow gems ull get less from assault or vitality. and that was my point.
btw.. in lvl 21 items its also like it said... shadow items is less than others.
def sahdow item is still the same