View Full Version : Towns are instanced?

08-17-2010, 09:49 AM
I didnt realize this at first.
So im dropping some A-grade material, i mean im putting on a real show (all part of my commitment to make Ursan Weald THE holiday destination for those between-dungeon breaks) - and nothing. Im dropping lines about Vinny Tour, is that a claymore or are you just happy to see me, im involving the crowd .... Blank stares.

Is this because its limited to 25 ppl, or do i just suck? But i wont give up!

By the way if anybody wants to put on a fashion (armor) show, or maybe perform a song, i dont know, enact some Shakespear or something - always room for some street performers to liven up a quiet little town ...

- Dharken, ursan weald 4 lifez (since august 2010)

08-17-2010, 10:20 AM
You really need to get your town to budget more money for some better celebrities. Heck, the rich snobs over at Fort Blackstone have the Fugees handing out town fliers. Also consider rezoning more space for commercial use, as I hear Amira is looking to set up bank branches in other towns. But don't over do it like Forest Haven or you risk having your town turned into a flea market.

08-17-2010, 10:27 AM
Yes, towns are instanced and the capacity is 25 people. If you want to find the highest population Weald, go to the join game screen, and then filter for towns only (checkbox at the top).

08-17-2010, 09:54 PM
Thanks Royce I never would have thought of that.

And Fluffnstuff, lol nice post ... I'm sure the Weald council will approve a Stash to be built at some point in the future <fingers crossed> Bring in some high-class clientelle!

Every time I set foot in Forest Haven, I think of Bali. Just random people repeatedly trying to sell you things that you don't need, beggars yelling for free stuff, noisy people everywhere, and seemingly drunk foreigners stumbling over each other while trying to figure out where to buy potions. The similarities are scary.

Nice place if you're looking to buy/sell, but exhausting. And that crazy guy that runs around chopping people with his sword and yelling "WHO WANTS MY SWORD??" over and over, like some kind of special-needs child. What's his story? Then I gave a green lvl19 sword to some lvl13 warrior, I told him "Keep that for lvl19" you know just helping out a young char... 2 seconds later he's auctioning off some lvl25 pinks. Everything is backwards in that town. Most exhausting 5 minutes I've spent in PL. I warped straight home to Ursan Weald let me tell you ...And showered.