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View Full Version : A proposal to bring back Rank PvP normal

06-23-2021, 03:10 AM
Hii! I just want to bring back rank PvP normal in next season ^^ coz many players have or will have gears especially in this incoming awakening event, let's make this happen again :D It will bring back the fun zone for PvP especially for those who have gears ^^

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06-23-2021, 03:18 AM
I liked that system of matchmaking, would be nice to bring it back (with some additions ofc, possbile to make 1x1, 2x2 4x4, because not many mages played normal pvp, and not many of them have gears), even better if no LB and no ranks, people would play pvp for fun, without throwing

06-23-2021, 03:20 AM
Yes, especially many players can afford good gears nowadays unlike before ^^ hope this normal Rank PvP bring back again :D. Btw in rank honor many players trolling and throwing a match thou :<

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06-23-2021, 03:23 AM
I liked that system of matchmaking, would be nice to bring it back (with some additions ofc, possbile to make 2x2, because not many mages played normal pvp, and not many of them have gears), even better if no LB and no ranks, people would play pvp for fun, without throwing

Wow this actually sounds like a great idea. Ranked normal PvP without lb and stuff.

06-23-2021, 03:33 AM
Hii! I just want to bring back rank PvP normal in next season ^^ coz many players have or will have gears especially in this incoming awakening event, let's make this happen again :D It will bring back the fun zone for PvP especially for those who have gears ^^

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Agreed! Very much appreciated if sts would make it possible to bring back the good old normal ranked pvp so people would be encouraged to play pvp again since there is lb (i hope sts add rewards or title not just badge / would love to have the 4x4 feature too). Pvp 76 is dying atm, hopefully sts do something about it before expansion comes so it will be more fun in pvp 81. :)

06-23-2021, 03:39 AM
Agreed with that :D it's so boring you'll play for farming with gears and going to TDM seeing those aps runner killing their dummy :/ with bringing back normal rank PvP, it may encourage to play those players who play PvP before and those players that wanted to experience this kind of system ^^

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06-23-2021, 03:43 AM
So that that the only players dominating that lb with only people who can afford to spend hundreds of millions in gears? Hmmm

06-23-2021, 03:44 AM
So that that the only players dominating that lb with only people who can afford to spend hundreds of millions in gears? HmmmHmmm, for those who haven't they can play honor ^^ that's why it was created :D

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06-23-2021, 03:48 AM
In addition, its not that hundreds of million you'll waste just to play rank PvP unlike before ^^

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06-23-2021, 03:50 AM
So that that the only players dominating that lb with only people who can afford to spend hundreds of millions in gears? Hmmm

Energy events LBs (for example winter event or easter) isn't hunderds of millions? lol...
Regular APS LB doesnt require to have good pvp gears to get 10k pvp kills? Ah sorry i forgot its legit to farming dummies now, its why now 50+ players in top25 :D
What you would tell about HC lb? Its almost impossible be there without spending a lot of plats (for f2p it possible only spending much more time + being carried sometimes)
What about timed runs LB? Ask them how much their gears worth (except arena and elite kraken 2)
Decent pvp gears isnt even expensive compared to most of other LBs gears
Whats your problem about hundreds of millions in gears? LB isn't for everyone, choose another type lb if you don't like pvp, anyways here people talking about making improvements and more fun for pvp, not about LB and rewards

06-23-2021, 04:54 AM
The PvP community is already small and you want to reduce it by half? Lol great idea XD.

06-23-2021, 05:45 AM
If you ask me what it needs to revive cap pvp is that the gear in pvp zones is not awaked means proc stays and all just the awakes doesn't count in pvp zones. Like back the days when it was active when we only had glacial fire and blood gems and no pet slot option.

06-23-2021, 06:51 AM
+1 bring it back

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06-23-2021, 09:06 AM

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06-23-2021, 09:14 AM
The PvP community is already small and you want to reduce it by half? Lol great idea XD.Not that small, coz I've noticed after normal rank PvP was removed, I've noticed that guild normal battle not anymore active (or no more system that shows those active normal PvP) and those who active in tdm isn't much active anymore. I just want to bring it back coz there's a "possibility" that some old pvp player who played normal PvP will buy a gears "or" do normal PvP again. Isn't be good idea to bring back normal PvP again? :D so that the small community of PvP will be large again :D bringing the normal rank PvP will bring back those players who wanted to play normal PvP with some rewards too ^^

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06-23-2021, 09:35 AM
Thanks for the suggestion, but I'm confident that the return of Normal Ranked PvP at this time would have a negative effect (largely due to splitting up the population). Not saying it will never be re-evaluated, but at this moment it's not the right move.

Best wishes!