View Full Version : Top 10 Current Endgame Pvp/Ctf Players

05-18-2012, 08:19 AM
Post Top 10 (can be less, but no more than 10) current Endgame pvp/ctf players by class.

No oldies allowed, e.g. the legendary Thelonearcher. Only current Mount Fang pvp/ctf players.

No twinks.

No trolling please.

and no there is no single best player - state your own opnion on the current top 10 one, by class. No specific order needed.

Keep it civil, give recognition to players, share opinions and have fun.


05-18-2012, 08:33 AM
<----one of the best intbirds. JJust kidding (^w^ )
But I would say


Nao(I forgot the rest)

I don't remember much people but I've seen a lot that In my opinion ($_$ ) are really good :3

05-18-2012, 08:43 AM
Birds- kan, doll, rush, haha birdy, gaunab, brod, blind

Bears- cloak,zues, debowe, glad

Mage- imkelly, ghost, rose, dtf, shhnfight, drink, eden, oneshot,

And way more...ill add later probably..

05-18-2012, 09:08 AM
Lol..ever just name your friends?

Birds- kan, doll, rush, haha birdy, gaunab, brod, blind

Bears- cloak,zues, debowe, glad

Mage- imkelly, ghost, rose, dtf, shhnfight, drink, eden, oneshot,

And way more...ill add later probably..

Aw thanks! :)

Archer: Gaunab, Blindrogue,.Dolloway, Azi, kanital hahahabirdy
Bear: buddyf, cloakker, zues.
Mage: ghost, drinkhaterade.

Many ppl I'd like to add are inactive or just barely came back in, thus are rusty yet still very good.

05-18-2012, 09:18 AM
Birds: Dollo Blind Kanital Hahahahahahaxxor

Bears: Buddy Cloakypoo

Mages: Jcoultet DrinkHaterade Goodchoice Ghost Ratori Oneshotfury

05-18-2012, 10:09 AM
i dont know much endgame but i think ik some good ones
MAGES-ghost , drinkhaterade, imkelly, edensfury, and maybe more
BIRDS-xazic(heard good stuff bout him) , hahabirdy, kanital, dolloway, rushorgtfo

05-18-2012, 06:12 PM
Bears: Cloakypoo, Debowe, Gladiator, Buddyf, Redwolfak, Papapat, Anajefez, Zeus, Hotdream.
Mages: Jjjlove, Imkelly, Ghost, Hodumaru(a.k.a Wmwmwmwmwmwmw), King, Saycred, Oneshotfury, Rose, Demoniclight(a.k.a Megaspec), Awwmang, Drinkhaterade, Imperialelf, Jcoultet.
Birds: Dolloway, Azi, Kanital, Gaunab, Megaspec(a.k.a Demoniclight), Ace, Aerobirdy, Ilianarchyill, Wmwmwmwmwmwmw(a.k.a Hodumaru) , Birdycakes(hahahaha).

Dex bears: Papapat.
Warbirds: Xazic, Aerobirdy(when he is one), Brodiniozo.
Pallies: Absoluteboss, Kaarataka, Bglir, Scorpionking.
Dex mages: Tashyang.
Amyxrose, Boss, Masternaora, Shhhhhfight, Hotshotelf, Strklownin, Shiloo, Falking, Birdbrainjr, Cjackyo, Darkphoenixx, Killrushers/Tankkaar, Deviousdemon, Blessarcher, Bitslap, Mejsll, Sebastianll, Iswoosh, Chickenrunn, Imdooey, Ywforplaying, Otaawazavie, Doubledutchy, Paahudd, Freiuiybal, Edensfury, Rushorgtfo, Argothewicked, Impawlixx, Mothwing, Protectmyneck, Minchau, Huskybird, Tripphazardd.

Sorry if i forgot anyone, it was all off the top of my head.

Thx to those who mentioned me too :-) .

05-18-2012, 07:10 PM
Damn your list lol. Nice!

05-18-2012, 08:02 PM



05-19-2012, 12:03 AM
Oh yeah, Zeus and blind, forgot them, and kan,shar,NAO aren't my friends o.o

05-19-2012, 01:14 AM
What was so good about thelonearcher?..

I never did endgame pvp when he was active

05-19-2012, 01:30 AM
What was so good about thelonearcher?..

I never did endgame pvp when he was active

he had most pvp kills when 45 was max lvl... and was a killer bird. (could kill fast and was an all out ffa guy since there was no go at that time)

05-19-2012, 01:51 PM
Wish I was still PVP'ing endgame.

Bird-Ace, Boss, Kanital, another guy in Unity...., Iswoosh, Blindrogue, Dolloway
Bear-Zeus, Gladiator, Papapat, Reddwolfakk
Mage-Ghost, Saycred, Imkelly, Bglir, Oneshotfury, Protectmyneck, Shhhhnfight, Edensfury

05-19-2012, 01:58 PM
Here's my list of the top players I think are the best in my opinion in alphabetical order.

Bears: Anajefez, Buddyf, Cloakypoo, Gladiator, Redwolfakk, Zeus.

Birds: Ace, Birdycakes, Blindrogue, Dolloway, Gaunab, Kanital, Rushorgtfo, Wmwmwmwmwmwmw, Ywforplaying.

Mages: Absoluteboss, Amyxrose, Edensfury, Ghost, Hodumaru, Imkelly, Jcoultet, Rose, Saycred, Shiloo, Walkhardd.

05-19-2012, 03:00 PM
Your missing a bear in that list Dtf, you too Gau! :p

05-19-2012, 03:01 PM
Some of the people i see on lists are only good cause of their vanities.

05-19-2012, 03:15 PM
Some of the people i see on lists are only good cause of their vanities.

...you do endgame PvP? :O

05-19-2012, 03:18 PM
Nice lists all, but ill bed that only a few of the listed names above are skilled without any sideffects!
Its skill that makes you great at pvp, not vanity like nick said, or ksing (killsteal) and farming!
If you know for sure that someone;
* masters a perfect timing of his/her rotation in which order skills will be used
* using the obstickles (walls/trees/rocks/ect.) as if you live there >:)
* observing your enemys skill moves and methods to use it against his/her
* and when playing ctf, know the setup as team to take the enemys down (meaning location and skillrotation so it could be a mega combo)

Im my opinion, THEN youll be worthy to have your name listed here ;)


05-19-2012, 03:24 PM
Nice lists all, but ill bed that only a few of the listed names above are skilled without any sideffects!
Its skill that makes you great at pvp, not vanity like nick said, or ksing (killsteal) and farming!
If you know for sure that someone;
* masters a perfect timing of his/her rotation in which order skills will be used
* using the obstickles (walls/trees/rocks/ect.) as if you live there >:)
* observing your enemys skill moves and methods to use it against his/her
* and when playing ctf, know the setup as team to take the enemys down (meaning location and skillrotation so it could be a mega combo)

Im my opinion, THEN youll be worthy to have your name listed here ;)


No such thing as kill stealing.

05-19-2012, 03:49 PM
Nice lists all, but ill bed that only a few of the listed names above are skilled without any sideffects!
Its skill that makes you great at pvp, not vanity like nick said, or ksing (killsteal) and farming!
If you know for sure that someone;
* masters a perfect timing of his/her rotation in which order skills will be used
* using the obstickles (walls/trees/rocks/ect.) as if you live there >:)
* observing your enemys skill moves and methods to use it against his/her
* and when playing ctf, know the setup as team to take the enemys down (meaning location and skillrotation so it could be a mega combo)

Im my opinion, THEN youll be worthy to have your name listed here ;)

KSing (kill stealing) is only in your head. When playing team games the objective is to win as a team, whether that be flags or death match. If the objective is to kill the opponent, then who does it is inconsequential. The objective has been accomplished. The strategy to combo after the leader( player in front) completes their combo is a sound strategy that leads to efficient team play.

I cant agree with this star point
* using obstacles * It is a strategy and the reason you include this is because you don't know the counter strategy.

I disagree with Nick's post about some people getting on this list because of vanities. For the most part, these lists are solid.

05-19-2012, 03:55 PM
I cant agree with this star point
* using obstacles * It is a strategy and the reason you include this is because you don't know the counter strategy.

I disagree with Nick's post about some people getting on this list because of vanities. For the most part, these lists are solid.

I have fought many pro players without their vanities, and they still come close OR beat me. Its not fair to say that they are only good because of them. People accuse a lot of people of running and hiding, yet you're the stupid one for following them because usually the person will just kite you. It's all strategy, i have no elite vanities but am pretty decent in pvp, the walls are there for a purpose, why not use them?

EDIT: Sorry for hijacking, lets get this back on topic.

05-19-2012, 04:11 PM
By saying these people are only good at pvp b/c of vanities is making it seem like the are the only ones with vanity sets. If that were the case I wouldnt rebuttal as much. These list are all solid and even if they do have vanities they beat the others with vanities that are not present on the list

05-19-2012, 06:51 PM
By saying these people are only good at pvp b/c of vanities is making it seem like the are the only ones with vanity sets. If that were the case I wouldnt rebuttal as much. These list are all solid and even if they do have vanities they beat the others with vanities that are not present on the list

Indeed. Buddy is a 66 bear without level cap vanity bonuses, except founders ofc. He is in Revelation so by saying that top player vanity comment Nick, he shouldn't be in Rev or top on my list. But he sure is. :) Buddy is a prime exampls of skills over bonus.

Ntm, I'll rock the no vanity and do fine. Does take a lil time to adjust but if you are good you will still suceed.

Nick, if you don't end game why make such a comment that serves only to bring down an otherwise awesome post.

05-19-2012, 07:11 PM
Oneshotfury is a example of a end game who doesn't use cap bonus

05-19-2012, 08:43 PM
I feel so loved, haha. Thanks for everyone who mentioned me!

Oh boy, sorry if I forget anyone: (and this is in no particular order...)

Mages: Imkelly, imperialelf, rose, walkhardd, jcoultet, deviousdemon, fruitshake, edensfury, shiloo, saycred, drinkhaterade, demoniclight, awwmang, dtf, oneshotfury, hodumaru, king, tashyang, terrordon, aniethea,

Birds: Kanital, Xazic, Dollo, iiianarchyiii, blind, azi, gaunab, megaspec, hahahahabirdy, ace, aerobirdy, brodi, apollo

Bears: Zeus, redwolfakk, cloak, gladiator, papapat, anajavez, marty, buddyf, hotdream.

Sorry if i forgot anyone >.<

05-19-2012, 09:13 PM
I think there's enough of these lists.

05-19-2012, 09:56 PM
Swim, check your pm's

05-19-2012, 11:17 PM
Swim, check your pm's
Oooooooo swims in TROOOUBLLEEEEEE

05-19-2012, 11:31 PM
Lmfao! Sorry for the hijack again :D

05-20-2012, 12:39 AM
Mage-me again
Bear-i forgot about myself ;)
Im that pro!

Sent front my HTC Evo 3D using tapatalk 2

05-20-2012, 02:19 AM
I said what i said cause of my L61 bear... some people i fight can only beat me with their vanities on.

Now im not complaining about crafted sets :-)

Chang Yeo
05-20-2012, 02:55 AM
Archer- Kanital, Dolloway, Hahahabirdy
Enchantress- Edensfury, Alwaysdtf, Imkelly
Bear- Cloak, Tank, Zeus

05-20-2012, 10:44 AM
Thanks for all the nods :)

05-20-2012, 11:17 AM
Sly and Sneaky but none the less skilled!

05-20-2012, 11:49 AM
Oooooooo swims in TROOOUBLLEEEEEE

Apple, check your pm's

05-20-2012, 12:40 PM